Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1959: Tyrant tactics

Li Shishi's opponent abstained, there was no insider, it was purely because of injury.

When the sixteen entered the eight, the two were too hard-the difference between the quarterfinals and the quarterfinals is too great.

As a result, the loser suffered from bruises and bruises, and the winner was not much better. If he could be delayed for a month, he was not afraid to touch Li Shishi, but now ... he still abstains and is more bachelor

Li Shishi was escorted into the semifinals, and her opponent was Kun Fei's disciple Ma Feiyu, who was in his early thirties and was in the eighth floor.

Strictly speaking, Ma Feiyu is not pure Dao Xiu, but a combination of Dao and Wu. The Dao Xiu is slightly lower, but also to the level of the martial artist. In the previous game, he encountered low-level opponents, often using Fist and win.

This is a seedling who is expected to make gas, and Kunlun's aura is withering, and the cultivation time cannot be guaranteed, otherwise, gas may have already been refined.

And now, he is not willing to wait even for Fulu, it can be seen that Kunlun's family is really not working.

Luohua Dao Xiu confronted Kunlun Dao Xiu. This battle didn't need propaganda at all. I don't know how many people were waiting to watch the battle.

Another battle is Kunlun Wuxi vs. Wudang Wuxiu. In the quarter-finals, Kunlun took two places, which is quite extraordinary, and Wudang Wuxiu is the Wang Dapeng of the Cultivation Academy.

Therefore, Luohua is also barely worthy. It is out of two people, and the top four are divided between Kunlun and Luohua!

But the best cow is still Luo Hua, just one quota, although he was sent to the finals, but a little girl, actually used a very monotonous style to reach the semifinals.

So the battle between Li Shishi and Ma Feiyu is really valued by people,

The two did not live up to everyone's expectations. After playing, they first added various statuses to themselves, and then opened the rack to fight.

Ma Feiyu was given the advice of Kunlun. Don't rush in this battle, and defeat the opponent in a stately manner. Don't use those out-of-the-box moves, and then the onlookers found out that Kunlun is not short of treasures!

Li Shishi has Lei Fu, Ma Feiyu also has it, she has defensive symbols, Ma Feiyu still has it, she has lightning protection, Ma Feiyu still has it!

So what everyone sees is a battle of runes and protectors.

Ma Feiyu occasionally uses some martial arts tactics, but at most it can only cause some minor troubles to Li Shishi. The more powerful martial arts than him can't please him in front of Li Shishi.

And Li Shishi's shot fully showed everyone what the "trench door" is!

Feng Jun was very envious of the combat methods of Shifangtai. Before he left, he ordered, if he encountered Kunlun Taoism, he would just smash it with Fulu.

Li Shishi's six games, and only this game, implement Feng Jun's instructions.

Blessed are those who watched the battle. They looked at Li Shishi ’s Fu Mi one by one, without spending money, and only the attacking Fu Mi was full of tricks — thundering talisman, water tornado, flame sign, ice arrow sign ...

For a time, the stadium was like a fireworks blooming, lively and extraordinary.

The two men played for more than half an hour, and even used three defensive symbols each, and finally Ma Feiyu lost-he still has one defensive symbol, but his lightning protection armature yin and yang double magnetic ring split.

This protective gear was broken when it was delivered to him, but it had been used in the wind tunnel for more than 100 years and was barely usable. Now it is cracked again. If it is not accepted on the spot, it will soon be completely damaged.

After complete damage, Ma Feiyu can no longer resist the opponent's Lei Fu, in the end still have to admit defeat.

Yes, his defensive symbol can prevent various attacks, but the lightning protection effect is very poor.

Change another hypothesis: Even if the defensive symbol is very effective in lightning protection, what can it do? He also has only one defensive symbol left!

As for how many other characters the opponent still has ... Ma Feiyu thinks that he doesn't need to guess, so he rushes into the opponent's style of play. If there is ten times more inventory, he will never doubt it.

To put it bluntly, Li Shishi is purely the play of the local tyrants. Everyone exchanges their equipment. Ma Feiyu is definitely more beautiful than her!

Anyway, the bullets are exhausted, then admit defeat, he admits to defeat decisively, keeping the double magnetic ring and the last defensive symbol.

After this game, some people were hooked, and some people regretted that Li Shishi can win, it is nothing more than a wealth of money, not really capable.

Someone immediately refuted him, "Why is it not true to be rich and wealthy? How many refining periods does Luohua have, after Gao Qiang became an innate master, they all quit the game, and they have a person who meets the conditions for the competition. . "

This semifinal is interesting, and the other semifinal is also interesting.

Wang Dapeng was originally a mid-level martial artist. His accumulation is actually very heavy. After two months of cultivation in the cultivation center, he was naturally promoted to a high-level martial artist, and his opponent was also a high-level martial artist.

The inheritance of Kunlun is really not given in vain. The Taoist warrior also has real skills, and they are high-ranking martial arts seniors. From an empirical point of view, they will be stronger than Wang Dapeng.

However, Wang Dapeng has a lot of actual combat experience. A single knife dazzled him. Although it gradually fell, he occasionally took a cold shot to make a strange move, and he could pull back a little bit of the scene.

Most people look at sword moves, but those who really know what to do look at skill output. At the high level of the martial arts master, the tricks cannot be said to be useless, but many times, the test is to understand the martial arts.

In the final analysis, cultivation, understanding of martial arts, and physical reaction are all indispensable.

The master of Kunlun used an eyebrow stick. The old saying is "year knife, moon stick, gun for a lifetime". It seems that stick stick practice is not difficult. However, people who think so are really wrong and stick stick is easy to understand. Yitong, but after mastering it, there is still great success.

The stick method wants to succeed, it is really not an easy task, so there is also a saying "fist is afraid of the young and the strong stick is afraid of the old wolf".

The two also fought for more than half an hour. Wang Dapeng was getting more and more left and right, and it seemed that he was defeated right now.

He couldn't help but sigh, but unfortunately, the small cultivator was still open too late. If it was opened a year earlier, I would fight for consumption, and I could fight my opponents. At the moment, I can't beat it really, so I have to let out the outside. Too.

He actually talks about the honor of the warrior. If it is only his personal game, it is okay to admit defeat, but the organizer of this Longmen Conference is Wudang, Wudang disciples can't even enter the finals, right?

Broke into the semi-finals, and it was supposed to be barely accountable, but Wang Dapeng knew well. If he lost this game, he would not have a high probability of winning against Feiyu. That is a Daoxiu with martial arts!

Entered the semi-finals but did not enter the top three, this semi-finals is too ugly!

But his out-of-the-board moves are not particularly mean, just a bit sinister, otherwise he is absolutely embarrassed to use, especially because there are so many audiences on the scene.

At the next moment, his knife head was caught by the eyebrow stick again, and the opponent once again exerted a sticky force, wanting to fly his single knife.

This trick has been used many times by the other party. It is a very skillful technique of using four or two pounds. Although Wang Dapeng does not eat this set, he will have to spend more effort to fight against such tricks. The rhythm is also affected.

The opponent also knows this, so use it from time to time, not to win, but to consume opponents.

This time is the usual operation, he is ready to strangle the other party with a little strength, victory is in sight, he first seeks stability before saying, or say stick fear of the old wolf? The people of Kunlun will also be gourd.

However, he planned to seek stability, but he was not stable. Wang Dapeng let go and flew out with a single knife.

This can make him uncomfortable ... intending to give a little effort, suddenly flash off, so that the dangling sprained his waist.

This was really an accident, but this one did not panic, because the other party might use a single-handed tactics, he also considered-although the weapon will be very passive, but the fists and feet are free, unexpectedly so a bit, may close To wonder.

So although he is uncomfortable, Qi Mei stick is standing upright, posing a defensive posture-you can kick back and forth, but I can pull it back slowly to see how you can defend without a single knife.

However, at the next moment, a sharp single knife was already placed on his neck.

Although the knife did not start, it was still chilling!

He was stunned for a moment, not scared by the knife, but completely inconceivable, "This, this, this ... storage bag? You cheat, say good martial arts? Can't you lose such a big Wudang? "

He is really a bit incoherent, because what happened in front of him is completely beyond his imagination.

First of all, the other party is Wu Xiu. How can Wu Xiu use the storage bag?

In fact, it is difficult to say whether there is a storage bag for the entire Wudang up and down. Is it possible to use this one in turn?

In fact, he has already reacted. The storage bag must have come from Luohua. Luohua has prevented Kunlun from rushing to the finals. It is entirely possible to temporarily lend a storage bag to Wang Dapeng. This is originally in the small repair center. Cultivation ~ ~ And does Luohua have storage bags that ordinary people can use, this is beyond his imagination-at least Kunlun does not!

Even Kunlun has no storage bag that can be used in ordinary times-well, the entire Kunlun has only four storage implements.

In any case, this knife is completely beyond his expectations, and there is no similar defense at all. The battle between the masters is often a front-line battle. He has made a lot of preparations, but he did not expect that the other party would use such Outsiders.

Look right now, the loser has already lost, but he is really not convinced-even if I can know in advance that you have a storage bag, another game, I can still win you.

The referee Guan Shanyue said, "In this semi-final, Wudang Wang Dapeng won!"

This man was crazy, "I don't accept it, he cheated, how can he use the storage bag in the battle between martial arts? With the benefit of the equipment to win, the victory is not!"

"It's useless to disobey," Yang, the other referee of Chicheng Cave, said. The relationship between Chicheng Cave and Kunlun is average. He just talked about the matter. Double repair? "

This man became more and more angry, "But he didn't use a storage bag."

Yang held his hand and looked at him, "That's because he didn't!"

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