Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1960: Once

Wang Dapeng's out-of-this-board tricks fooled all the visitors, but to say "cheating", that's really impossible.

Even "despicable and shameless" is a bit reluctant, at most it can be said that he is more insidious.

In fact, of all the contestants who participated in the Longmen Conference, only Li Shishi had a "storage bag", but that was her access to this kind of treasure, not to say that everyone was not allowed to use it-the first Longmen Conference, Chen Shengwang also had a storage bag .

As for saying that she can use the "storage bag" in the ordinary time, it has subverted everyone's perception, that is because she is backed by the powerful Lova.

Luohua ’s mortal disciples have such treasures, everyone has known for a long time, and it is not news.

In comparison, Kunlun ’s high-end ranks had no storage items, and he did not complain. When he was fighting Li Shishi, Fu Lu was taken out of his arms, which was a lot uglier than Li Shishi ’s empty-handed fetching, but he What can you say?

Is serious, he has both morality and martial arts, he uses fists and feet when he is weak, and he uses fulu when he is strong. Did anyone say anything?

So Wang Dapeng's victory, most people's understanding is-people can get this thing, it is also true ability.

As for saying that he had been suppressed in the past, he recklessly defeated by this move, which is even more normal. This is called a reasonable tactical arrangement. If anyone has this resource, will he consider reasonable use?

Kunlun's people were just a momentary gaffe, and they quickly reacted. After apologizing, he turned and left—why would he want to have an attack? On the rostrum, but sitting on Luohua's five gas refinements one innate!

Wang Dapeng's victory made Wenxu in charge very happy. After the game, he specially called him to go. In any case, Wudang also took a second look this time, at least not losing the face of the organizer.

Even if it loses to Lorraine, it is really not shameful-without looking at the current Lorraine, what does it look like?

Wang Dapeng was worried that he was in charge of criticizing himself for using outside tricks. When he opened his mouth, he said: "I really intend to work hard, but unfortunately, the time spent practicing in the cultivation center is too short. If you give me another year, I can at least follow him." Fight for both defeats and injuries.

Wen Xu's palm is very curious to ask: Luohua's small cultivation courtyard, really so powerful?

Talked to him about the number of people who complimented the cultivation center, but Wang Dapeng is a top martial artist, and he still wants to hear his opinion.

Wang Dapeng did not hesitate to say that if I could stay in that place for two rounds, it would be very big to prove congenital.

Xiuzhen small courtyard is loaned to Daomen's veins for a period of three years.

In this round, Daomen's every pulse wants to change disciples, but it is necessary to consult with Luohua to obtain Luohua's permission, and the upper limit is three, which means that only two disciples can be changed at most.

The reason why Good Scenery made this rule is actually because she has a good relationship with Xiaotian Master, and fully considered the problems encountered by Maoshan Juling Array-that Juling Array was not very prosperous, but it was also someone at both ends of the day. borrow.

She believes that the small cultivation center is a place to train talents, and cannot be reduced to the general existence of an inn. Therefore, this rule is set, and Feng Jun is very supportive. She believes that the place of the monk should be like a monk.

As for the round, the number of branches of the Daomen will have some changes, and then the second round will begin.

Generally speaking, this change will not be too big unless something bad happens.

Therefore, Feng Baishang, who is in charge of Taibai, dared to ask the tea to go to the cultivation center.

Wang Dapeng means that it is really good to cultivate a small courtyard. If you let me practice for six years, I can try to attack the innate.

Wenxu is in control From this sentence, I realized the power of the Cultivation Academy, but he really wanted to talk about it, not this, "Do you have the confidence to win Li Shishi?"

"This ..." Wang Dapeng thought about it for a while. He also spent some time in the small cultivation courtyard. Although Wudang and Luohua were not very close, there were disciples of Maoshan and Danxiatian in the small courtyard. He also knew Luohua ’s Some gossip.

So he replied honestly, "Li Shishi ... It's not difficult to win, but Boss Feng is clearly supporting, which is hard to say."

Wenxu took a look at Li Shishi's battle against Kunlun, and basically reacted. This is basically the krypton gold ability of the game, so Luohua's purpose is very clear, that is, to let her win the championship.

And the reason why she was sent to the finals, it is not difficult to guess-low strength and insufficient experience, it is necessary to reduce the number of battles.

So his answer to Wang Dapeng did not feel an accident, and did not even ask about the winning percentage, but asked curiously, "Who lent that storage bag to you?"

"That is called Wuwufu," Wang Dapeng replied honestly. "It was loaned to me by Gao Qiang. Both of us were martial artists. We also handed over twice. He felt that I might also prove innate, so I borrowed such a prop. I hope I can go further. "

Wenxu stubbornly smiled unintentionally, "Actually, he is for you to help Li Shishi smooth the obstacles."

"He does have this meaning, but we are not losing money," Wang Dapeng really didn't want the director to think that he was a man with insufficient brains. "At least today's semi-finals, thanks to the ability to win."

He didn't say a word-if Luo Hua can be a little shameless, Gao Qiang directly off the court, who dares to remember the champion?

Anyway, people signed up when they were high-ranking martial artists. After they signed up, they broke through. They did n’t plan to bully themselves. They just quit. They have a little bit of other plans. Why are they wrong?

In comparison, Wang Dapeng suddenly used a "storage bag" during the battle. This kind of behavior can't make people completely convinced. If Gao Qiang personally ends, the nature may be a bit more defamatory-but it can't be considered despicable. behavior.

Wenxu Zhang does not want to argue with him so much, because it makes no sense, he is actually more interested in that "nature symbol", "Can you use the symbol in the final?"

Wang Dapeng smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Even if I can use it, can I win Li Shishi by this? I think it is unlikely."

He had a plan to fight Li Shishi, but he definitely did not get the opportunity by using the object symbol.

'S frown with a stubborn stubborn frown, "Are you going to return them after you win?"

It's a pity that he really wants to see what the object symbol is-a storage bag that can be used by ordinary people.

He is even a little impulsive. What will happen if we insist on not returning the sign?

There is no doubt that the consequences will definitely be serious, but behind Wudang, there is no one who does not support it-well, this is just erection, but such a magical thing, do not allow people to YY?

However, Wang Dapeng smiled and shook his head, "No need to pay back, Gao Qiang lent me a one-time payment."

"One-time ... acceptance symbols?" Xun Xu's brow furrowed, "That is to say, if you use it once, it will break?"

This is really beyond his imagination again-can contain objects, can only be used once?

He thinks this possibility is very unreasonable. Although there are few storage bags left in Huaxia, there are many books related to Wudang. He knows that this involves some space factors, and the corresponding space materials are very scarce.

Because it is rare, it is precious; because it is precious, it cannot be wasted.

Now I heard that some people use disposable space items, and he is already a bit intolerable.

"Yes, it's broken," Wang Dapeng nodded and said solemnly, "I also want to explore the mystery, but Gao Fuqiang gave it to me last night. Today I will play ... After the game, I found out This thing has turned to ashes. "

In fact, he was also a little bit depressed-there was a smuggling weapon in his hand, who could not want to be together without a surge of heart?

At the same time, members of Luohua in Wudang are also holding small meetings, and the content of the discussion is how to win the championship tomorrow.

Little Master is free from the Luohua system.

She was originally from Maoshan, and it was not a true biography of Luohua. However, she was very powerful, and she entered the Dao by martial arts, so although she was alone, she really had nothing to say and was much stronger than Yang Yuxin. —She dares to stern Zhang Caixin.

So she said directly, "Gao Qiang, today you have to take back the object symbol, I know you have the corresponding plan, but I am surprised, who gave you the courage to lend the object symbol?"

"What else do people do, kill a bloodstream? Of course, if the boss means ... you just don't ask me."

Her true fighting power is actually not as good as that of Gao Qiang, but she is based on martial arts, and Gao Qiang is innate. She wants to win out and involves the public to the public. She is not afraid to ask questions directly.

Gao Qiang didn't care about her attitude either. He was a soldier and was used to going straight.

Hearing this problem, he smiled with pride, "I gave it to him, I used the talisman nine times, how troublesome it was to withdraw ... I told him directly ~ ~ One-off payment symbol. "

"Hey," Sister Red said, she didn't want to be fooled-the Zhang family sisters, in fact, did not have as much desire for power as Yang Yuxin thought, at least not at present.

Hearing this, she couldn't help laughing, "I have used it nine times ... you are so powerful."

Feng Jun controls the mortal version of the object very tightly, just want to strictly control the spread. Seriously, the storage bag does not care much-Zhang Caixin and good scenery, at least each person has two storage bags, and there is a spirit. Animal bag.

So the high-strength operation is also very coquettish-I do not consider recycling at all, and I will give you the last time.

Xiao Tianshi also recalled it. After all, she used the ten-restricted object symbol, but she was still a little unwilling, so Shen Sheng said, "Now we are talking about how to let Li Shishi win the championship, other Things can be pushed back. "

In Qiang Qiang's eyes, there was a trace of doubt, "Let Li Shishi win the championship, is this still a problem?"

The opponent is just a martial artist who has just advanced to the rank of martial artist. Is it difficult to deal with?

Knowing that Li Shishi had encountered such a strong enemy when he entered thirty-two to sixteen, wasn't it just to be crushed easily?

(Updated to continue to three more tomorrow, during the double period, who still has not voted?)

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