Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1958: Looming

Good scenery can be regarded as someone who has seen some scenes, but was still shocked by Yang Yuxin's answer.

"You mean ... push Zhong Lijing to the top of the wind and waves, do you want to alliance with me?"

"This term may not be accurate, it is good to release my goodwill," Yang Yuxin replied casually.

She really would n’t care about some irrelevant wording. She cares about her grievances. What she emphasized is, “I ’ve always been low-key at Luohua and never brushed my presence, right?”

"This is indeed," Good Scenery is also a person who seeks truth from facts. "Luohua mainly focuses on monasticism and does not care about secular official positions."

"That's not the reason why you can bully me," Yang Yuxin said. I'm really not afraid of Feng Jun hearing, "If you have something to discuss, three people block me. What's going on?"

"That's what we are wrong," Good Scenery directly acknowledged the mistake, but she also said, "We are in a hurry, maybe the method is wrong, this ... I apologize for both of them."

"You don't have to talk to this mud, I'm wrong, it's not you," Yang Yuxin usually doesn't have a sense of presence, but she is really not an ordinary character, "I also helped Luohua deal with many peripheral things, I don't say, you I do n’t know ... but the boss knows clearly. "

After a pause, she continued to speak, obviously a little excited, "How long can I practice, I don't know this, but I still have a daughter, she should be able to go further ... Director Mei, you should understand, I don't want to let She was also bullied! "

"So I need, or my daughter needs, an almost ally."

Laughed when the scenery was good. Anyway, there was no one around. Sister Zhang was far away in Wudang. She was not afraid to tell the truth. "After all, do you think Zhang Caixin is too strong?"

But Yang Yuxin directly said, "She is strong or not, it has nothing to do with me. The second person from Luohua, strength is not a mistake, it should be ... as long as it does not infringe my interests, but she and her sister are Luohua's second largest force. "

After a pause, she said, "Actually, they are oldest. I don't care, but I think my daughter needs an ally, and Lowa should have a different voice."

"Different voices?" Feng Jun couldn't help but let out his ideas directly, and it was a domineering manifesto, "Luohua can't have other voices, only my voice, and those who are not used to it can leave!"

"Boss, you can concentrate on yoga," Yang Yuxin didn't give Feng Jun a face, he said casually, and looked at the scenery, sincerely speaking, "I gave Zhong Lijing the practice, just to differentiate you, you add Sister Zhang, that is really invincible ... "

Good scenery felt that she was a little ignorant, she said with a bitter smile, "Director Yang, Zhong Lijing and I ...... In fact, I just want to practice quietly, unintentionally these intrigues, you understand."

"I have already said that I know more about you than you might have imagined," Yang Yuxin replied with a smile, handing a cup of hot milk tea, "I believe you are not willing to be troublesome, but the elderly have said ... "

"There is no thought of an imperial monarch outside the party, there are no factions within the party, and it is inevitable that people have close relatives and sparseness, and even the differences in monastic ideas will also be divided into camps, just like the battle between‘ Air Sect ’and Sword Sect’.

She paused, and then said with certainty, "Luohua is becoming stronger and stronger, it is inevitable. The tree has big branches. I think it is necessary to plan ahead and make preparations in advance to prevent bad differences from happening. This arrangement is from the whole Speaking of it has a positive meaning. "

"Understood," Good Scene nodded. Although she was relatively good-tempered, she didn't like being led by others all the time, so she also showed a little sharp edge, "So you are willing to show goodwill, but if I don't respond, goodwill may be Metamorphosis, right? "

Director Yang smiled indifferently, "Maybe it's not as bad as you think. After all, you are the referrer of Xiao Zhong, how could I take your place? Of course I don't deny that there might be a little trouble, how to say I helped her too. "

These words were so good that the scenery was speechless. She took a sip of milk tea before shaking her head with a wry smile.

"Thank you Director Yang for bluntly telling me, I'm really a bit strange, how do you guys' brains grow, and you can get out of this kind of situation casually, is this called family learning origin?"

Yang Yuxin replied lightly, "It has nothing to do with family learning, and I don't like counting people. In fact, I don't care about being bullied, but because I feel a possible and bad situation, I definitely have to do something for Xiao Hui."

Think about the scenery and make it very clear, "The alliance will be exempted. I will work hard to be fair and fair. In fact, some things are open to talk, not bad. Director Yang, what do you think?"

"I support your statement," Yang Yuxin replied with a smile, "Anyway, he can hear both of us, if he disagrees, he would have jumped."

On this rainy night, the two reached a certain consensus, and most of the members of Luohua also helped Li Shishi in Wudang to make an idea, how to play these six games-the sixty-four elimination round, to win the championship. It's just six games.

Kunlun has only three contestants, one of the martial arts middle rank, one of the martial arts advanced ranks, and one of the martial arts advanced ranks, but they all rushed to the top 64 without any objection.

The first opponent Li Shishi encountered was the martial arts junior. She added defense to her as soon as she played. After a few thunderbolts, a water dragon charm rolled the opponent out of the field, which was very easy and simple.

The second opponent is more troublesome. He is a senior martial artist in his early forties. He was very strong when he was playing. He just carried the paralysis caused by the thunderbolt and had to chase Li Shishi.

As far as Li Shishi ’s body is concerned, he did n’t need to use much strength, and he would probably hit her with a shoulder casually to knock her out of the game.

In fact, he planned this way too. It didn't matter if he was next to two symbols. If he could touch her, he would win.

Originally he was still a little bit worried about whether his fist was too heavy, and he broke Li Shishi, and he greeted Gao Qiang specially.

However, Gao Qiang said that this is the Longmen Conference. Out of respect for the organizers and many Daoists, Luohua will not do anything special. Even if you start, as long as it is a proper means, even if Li Shishi is injured, Luohua will not find you. After the account.

This man's body is extremely flexible. Ordinary rungs almost can't hit him, and Li Shishi's martial arts training is poor, and he is really backed by a dozen steps in his boxing. His body is a bit unbalanced.

She had a defensive symbol on her body, of course it was okay. The opponent also felt the strange defensive power. A stone fell to the ground in her heart. While she was unstable, she rushed forward and hit her with her shoulder.

His reaction is extremely fast, and his strength is also extremely great. In the state of the opponent, it is basically impossible to issue any other symbols. He believes that this is enough to knock the opponent out of the game.

Then he got the cup, he felt like he hit a thick tire wall, the kind of defense that was not particularly hard, resisted his impact strongly, and the ensuing was strangely big The power of rebound!

Because he has determined that the opponent has defensive means, so this collision does not have any remaining hands, in order to hit the enemy, so the rebound force he receives is almost equal to being hit by his own strength.

He is not lacking in the skill of unloading force, but this blow is so unprepared that he didn't expect it at all, but by subconsciously unloading his muscles, how much can he release?

His underside was extremely stable, and he stumbled back out a few steps before making a counterattack.

However, it was too late. Li Shishi couldn't catch his body shape before he could make Fu Fu. After seeing his body finally slow down, he did not hesitate to excite the thunder run continuously, and then a water dragon rune waved him. take away.

Her methods are lackluster, and others are a bit boring, but in the eyes of those who understand, you can't help but squint, "Hey, this is ... a long-lost rock rune?"

Li Shishi really used the Rock Rune. According to the plan made before the war, she used the Rock Rune immediately after taking a note. At this time, her body was unstable and she could not use the Rune to beat people, but she still had no problem blessing herself. of.

The one who lost also came to ask for advice. He wanted to know what he lost.

Luohua people originally didn't want people to know the cards, but the hello before the game, and also keep their hands in the game, so they told the other party on the principle of "have come and go".

——In fact, such things as the Rock Rune were originally relatively tasteless runes, mostly used to assist cultivation, and they are not often used in combat. It ’s okay to admit it.

Li Shishi's third game was 16 into eight, and his opponent was a Wudang disciple who was a martial arts master.

Wudang's children also knew that she was pure Dao Xiu, and he proposed to use weapons to compete. If he was empty-handed, he really couldn't help him, unless he suddenly shot while Li Shishi didn't activate the defensive symbol, but in that case, Wudang's face still want?

So he hopes to use weapons ~ ~ so that there is a chance of winning.

Li Shishi said that you can use weapons, but I don't need it-this is not to underestimate you, mainly because I won't use it.

This Wudang disciple was irritated and said that I was good at using a knife. Since you do n’t need a sword, I will use a single shot. If you can take my three shots, I will admit defeat.

In fact, he also played well with his big gun, but the other party had a rock rune, and the big guns did not smoke traps. It would be better to use a single mace to break the trick directly and break the defense. He won even if he won. Defend and concede defeat.

As for the result, it goes without saying that Li Shishi successfully broke into the quarterfinals.

In fact, she won three games in a row, already in line with the expectation of the insincere, especially the tough battle of the second game, people can not help but sigh, Luohua deserves Luohua, just send a little girl so strong.

But her style of play ... It can't be said that it is ugly. Regardless of the effect of Fu Lu or Li Shishi's appearance, it can be regarded as pleasing to the eye, but the problem is-it is really too monotonous.

Just as everyone guessed whether she could break into the semifinals, the news came that her opponent abstained.

(Solemnly recommend a good book, "I have a big world", is also a two-faced double wear, the old author of the strength, is a friend of Feng Xiao for more than ten years, and finally, summon the monthly ticket.)

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