Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 3: Moreover, the monthly ticket for the double period is required

Is three more, doubled at the end of the month.

Some friends voted monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. Feng Xiao is very grateful because the top of the monthly ticket list is a good recommendation. Feng Xiao asked to guarantee the end of the monthly ticket very often at the beginning of the month.

Now the end of the month, friends who see the new monthly ticket can vote.

In the past, a friend had voted for five monthly tickets and could not vote anymore. Now the rules for starting monthly tickets have changed.

For example: Mengzhu can vote for unlimited monthly tickets

Another example: at the disciple level, a book can vote for ten monthly tickets, and it can be voted in one day, deacon can vote for twelve, the same can be voted in one day ...

So those friends who regret to vote only five votes, please vote as much as you like.

The content of this chapter is being updated ...

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