Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1944: dispute

Feng Jun saw Zhong Lijing's small movements, and was a little bit big for a time. What happened to the children now?

"Don't think about it, I'm talking about the real culprit. You haven't practiced it, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Zhong Lijing couldn't help but blush. After nodding, she turned and flew away.

Looking at her back, Yang Yuxin couldn't help but sigh, "Boss Feng, you are getting better and better now."

"Not really," Feng Jun tried to justify, and then told Zhong Lijing's experience again.

Yang Yuxin did not expect that this girl who looked bold and overwhelming, and still had such a sad life, sighed for a while, "She really is ... wrong with you."

Feng Jun laughed bitterly, and he did feel the same way. The reason for accommodating Xiao Zhong is not only because she looks beautiful.

In the past two decades of her life, she has protected herself well. Now that she has found a place that does not dislike her, she ca n’t help but want to dedicate herself to seek asylum. This sense of insecurity is about Has it run through her more than two decades?

Facing her full trust, Feng Jun was really hard to refuse.

Yang Yuxin had a heart of temptation. Seeing his expression, the vinegar in her heart couldn't hold back anymore. She snorted, "You must not let her go if you are a little jerk?"

Feng Jun didn't answer directly, just smiled, "I'm not interested in Liang Siyu, Director Yang, you can really arrange people!"

"That's interested in Xiaozhong," Yang Yuxin doesn't usually jealous. It always feels light and breezy, but it's a little exception today. It's about Zhong Lijing's appearance, which gives her some pressure.

However, in fact, she was very clear in her heart that she didn't care before because she was later. What she looked like was not dominant and her age was weak. Why should she be jealous?

At this moment, when I met a young and beautiful latecomer, the key opponent was still very active. If she didn't feel jealous in her heart, it would be abnormal.

So she couldn't help but sigh, "Ah, it's really old."

"Don't you be so good?" Feng Jun couldn't help it. "Nan Shoudan, you have eaten one of the whole Luohua, and I haven't eaten it ... If someone else knows, I might not guess how much I spoil you. "

Hearing this, Yang Yuxin couldn't help but laugh, or did she say that women are coaxing? She said with a smile, "Ms. Mei has been quietly looking at me for these two days, and it is estimated that she guessed what."

In fact, I guess some insiders are not only Mrs. Mei? At the moment, Hongjie was whispering to her sister, "Xiaocaixin, does Kunhao Plane have pills to restore youth? I think Director Yang's face is not good for beauty."

"I seem to listen to someone who talks enough, but I need to ask Mei Jin for specifics," Zhang Caixin replied uncertainly. "She went to that plane more times than I ... However, if you don't say that I forgot, I Hearing Feng Jun said, he can get Zhu Yandan. "

"Zhan Yandan?" Sister Hong's eyes light up. As a woman who has begun to go downhill, her longing for this immortality is beyond the understanding of young people.

She said very simply, "Let's go and find Mei Jin now, we can't delay it anymore ... we are getting older every day."

Zhang Caixin is a little bit indifferent, because she feels that she is not far from the dusting period, and she will be able to stay forever.

But since her sister was anxious, she accompanied her on a trip.

The next day it was raining again. After a short period of training, the newcomers started to work, and the three Liang Siyu began to withdraw gradually.

The fastest withdrawing is Liu Yuting. Several little girls under her hand have grown up. Among them, Li Nansheng can almost stand alone, and her successor is Yang Yuxi. This woman must have the guidance of Gu Jiahui and Yang Yuxin.

In fact, although Yang Yuxi knew more about the nursing center, he only learned after taking over that the doctor who was responsible for cancer treatment was a butterfly, and he was still using the worm treatment method.

When I first heard the news, Yang Yuxi almost scared him to paralysis-did you use this kind of care?

No wonder this care center has always been mysterious, and it is impossible to think about it. Once it spreads, the world will explode.

Then she discovered that the "cancer is not as good as a tiger" responsible for the live broadcast should be ... not human.

But at this time, she was relatively calm. Anyway, there was Feng Boss. Before, Liu Yuting was not afraid, but now I can.

At the same time, Sister Zhang made an appointment with a good scenery and came to Feng Jun's tent, and Feng Jun was not there-he went to Taibai Mountain to see the soil spirit.

The three happened to block Yang Yuxin and asked questions around, roughly wanting to know where she was doing beauty.

Yang Yuxin was a little bit embarrassed, but Feng Jun did n’t want her to speak out, she was still unwilling, so she could only speak unhappy, "What do you want to ask, just say it."

According to Red Sister's meaning, it is necessary to bite and ask where the beauty salon is, but Zhang Caixin doesn't want to procrastinate so much and simply asks, "Is it Huichundan, Zhuyandan or Yanshoudan?"

"I can't get all the things you said," Yang Yuxin shook his head and answered frankly, "So if you have questions, you can ask Mr. Feng, this question has no meaning to me."

Sister Red didn't want to anger her, she just smiled and said, "We are considering, even if he has, there won't be many, so I'm sorry to ask directly, so I came to Sister Yuxin for your inquiries."

Yang Yuxin shook his head, "Once you say these things, the sky will collapse once they are spread, or you can ask yourself."

In fact, without her saying, how could these three not think? However, it was at the thought that he could not directly ask Feng Jun.

However, when he heard Yang Yuxin's answer without hesitation, the three of them understood that Mr. Feng was still partial.

Sister Red sighed and asked, "Sister Yuxin, we are all grasshoppers on the line. We just want to know one thing. How many pills does the boss have?"

Yang Yuxin also smiled bitterly, "I said, you are all in the gas refining period, why do you bother me with a small period? I haven't fought with you, as for whether he has pills, how many ... Actually I More afraid of him than you. "

Sister Hong stopped talking, but Zhang Caixin stood up, "Forget it, don't embarrass Director Yang, and don't just wait for the boss to give you something. We can argue for ourselves."

Worthy of being the second person of Luohua, he is still quite confident in himself.

Listening to her saying this, Hongjie and Haojingjing were also embarrassed to ask again, as if who hadn't been arrogant yet.

After listening to Yang Yuxin seriously, he could not help but ask, "You fight ... where do you fight?"

Although she ate Yanshoudan, she wanted Huichundan and Zhuyandan.

Sister Hong smiled at her slightly, "It is not convenient for us to say that Director Yang can go to Gu Jiahui to ask."

Yang Yuxin looked at the figure they left and grunted, "Sister Yuxin, it's okay, Director Yang!"

To be honest, these three collectives came to her, and she still had a great influence on her. In the past, she thought that the manor was a cultivator, each doing their own thing, just do n’t interfere with each other, and she also deliberately Hidden to the place where Feng Jun practiced.

But the three of them finally found the door together, what did they say?

The more obvious view is that the pills that Feng Jun gave her are indeed a little bit against the sky. Yang Yuxin asked himself if he changed to be the other party and got similar news, I am afraid he could not sit still.

In fact, with no one in the eyes of Feng Bo, they dare not spread the news, which is enough to explain the problem.

However, Yang Yuxin did not see the problem so shallow. She carefully analyzed it and found that with the growth of Luohua disciples, the requirements for resources have also increased a lot. Some special resources cannot even meet all their needs.

In this case, you have to take the initiative to fight and grab it. When Zhang Caixin left, he said it very clearly-sorry to find Feng Boss? Then let's find a way for ourselves.

Thinking of this, Yang Yuxin couldn't help worrying about her daughter.

Her daughter is in the stage of growth and development, and these kinds of pills are not needed for the time being, but it is conceivable that Feng Jun will soon be unable to provide her with all the training resources one day, she must also take the initiative to fight for it!

This sudden discovery made Yang Yuxin react completely: the monastery is not closed after the door can be repaired all the time. There are various risks in the process of contention, and even death may occur.

In fact, she knew this before, but Luo Hua has been relatively calm, and occasionally coveted by external forces, but Feng Jun's existence has Ruoding Poseidon Needle, which can protect everyone well.

When Yang Yuxin realized that her baby girl was going to **** resources outside sooner or later, her heart was really indescribable-this moment was destined to appear, but she hoped to come later.

Well, from now on, she can no longer salt fish, not just for herself, but for her daughter, as long as she can barely keep up with her daughter's footsteps, she will be desperate if her daughter is in danger in the future!

As a mother, her attitude has finally changed.

Then she was caught in a tangle, what should she do to make herself improve faster ...

Feng Jun came here in the evening, and the Earth Spirit still did not come back. It found that there were too many mysteries in the Taibai Mountain vein, especially the vein was incomplete and could only be deduced slowly.

He only came back to ~ Sister Zhang and Haojingjing looked for it and asked him when he would go to the mobile phone plane again.

Feng Jun wondered a little bit, why are you so active today? You can also practice here.

Red Sister is more responsible. She directly said that I am not young and want to go to the island of Shijie in the endless sea as soon as possible to preside over the affairs there. It would be better if I could get a resident in Yan Dan.

Feng Jun thought about it and understood the subtext, so he smiled and asked, "What have you heard?"

"Just saw Director Yang become younger," Hong Jie really dared to say, "We went to ask her, but she didn't answer positively, we considered, this kind of thing is also a bit difficult for you, thinking Try your own luck. "

(Third change, ask for double monthly pass. Now the monthly pass rules at the starting point have been changed. At different levels, you can vote for more than two monthly passes per book per day. The total number is more than five, and the disciple can vote for ten. Restrictions, during the double period, summon monthly tickets.)

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