Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1945: unfair

Feng Jun understood at first hearing that things would never be as easy as they said.

Yang Yuxin does not answer positively-why do people answer you positively?

So he took out his cell phone and looked back, and found that the conversation between the two parties was still restrained, so he felt relieved.

"You three bullying periods, to bully one to do anything? She must not be able to tell you ... that is not the problem of Yan Yandan, but Yan Shoudan, I dare not go out!"

"Yan Shou Dan," the three women heard, but also took a breath.

They mainly speculated that Huichundan, followed by Zhuyandan, Yanshoudan was the most impossible-not only because of its scarcity, but also because Yanshoudan mainly prolongs life, did not hear about the effect of Huichundan.

If the news of Yan Shoudan spreads, the whole world will be crazy.

However, Zhang Caixin didn't care much about Yan Shoudan because she felt that she wouldn't have much problems with dusting and holding Dan, and she couldn't consider this kind of thing for the time being.

As long as she doesn't die by accident, she will be able to advance to success. If Baodan fails, Yanshoudan will die.

So she actually thought to ask, "How many years can it prolong life?"

Feng Jun glanced at her angrily. "The last thing you should consider is Yanshou Dan, is it you? What you should consider is to avoid dying!"

Zhang Caixin smiled at the words, "Curious."

She was not angry because of the word "Heng Si", because this was actually Feng Jun's recognition of her and praised her good qualifications.

"Actually, appearance is a trivial matter," Feng Jun said rightly. "You are all cultivators, cultivation is the most important, and others are the ends of the branches."

"Children make choices," Red Sister replied with a smile, "All adults must ... When are you going there?"

"After a while," Feng Jun replied after thinking about it, "I plan to hold the Dan together with Nie Chifeng, and I feel that I am still short of faults."

Hearing this, even Zhang Caixin had pantothenic acid. "I used to say that it was just the secret method of chaos, and now I will hold the pill together?"

"The main reason is that the time is not far away," Feng Jun replied with a smile. "Don't eat it, pick it up, and catch up, don't wait for my Yuan baby, before you hold the pill."

"That's impossible," Zhang Caixin shook his head, and answered very straightforwardly, "Your practice, Jin Danqi will not work."

Feng Jun smiled indifferently, "I went to the Lyra plane and got a set of Jindan period Hunyuan to devote to Heaven, and it would definitely be the most suitable for the performance."

They all know that he went to the Lyra plane, but the specific process is unclear, so the scenery can't help but ask, "Where can I get Yanshou Dan?"

Feng Jun got a little bit softer, "You are practicing first, and for another 20 years, if you are not in the dusty period, I will give you a life extension pill ... Of course, the premise is that you have to work hard to practice."

Zhang Caixin's eyes rolled, "Boss, do you have Yan Dan in your hand?"

Zhan Yandan is also very rare in Kunhao. It is generally not seen in the market. Tiantong is occasionally in stock and will soon be robbed. However, two of the dusty families that Feng Jun robbed have gotten ten. Eight in Yandan.

Feng Jun thought about it, "but I can give you one. You are the right age. Sister Red and Teacher Mei ... Do you want both?"

"Yes," the two said in unison, and the red sister said not without smell, "I am now the woman's best age."

Good scenery means, "If you don't eat, say another, but you must first accept it."

Feng Jun glanced at her, "Actually, you are of a good age ... By the way, I called Tang Wenji to come and pick one too."

Since it was his woman, it was still fair, so he let Tang Wenji out of his consciousness.

Zhang Caixin blinked his eyes, trying to fight for his girlfriend, "Don't give Liang Siyu one?"

"She is not my woman," Feng Jun answered directly.

Master Tian was not far away, and he arrived in the blink of an eye. "What good thing do I have to give me?"

Feng Jun found a bottle and threw it to her, "Stay in Yan Dan, remember not to tell others."

"In Yan Dan?" Little Master Tian repeated it in surprise, "for ... for me?"

"Oh," Sister Hong laughed. "Everyone has a share ... good sister."

Even Feng Jun didn't notice that there was a slight fluctuation in the air in the backyard of the villa. Yu Qingzhu's eyes opened slowly, and his lips opened slightly, and the mouth was three words, "All share?"

She is practicing a technique called "earth listening technique", which is actually a kind of exploration technique. It works in both the gas refining period and the dust discharge period. When it reaches the Jindan period, it is not as good as the consciousness exploration But in terms of concealment, it is more concealed than the consciousness.

Feng Jun was more than 100 meters away from the backyard where everyone spoke, and everyone's voice was not high, but Tang Wenji moved, and Yu Qingzhu was a little curious, and the art of listening followed her direction.

As a result, she heard that Feng Jun was stationed in Yan Dan, and everyone had a share, but Liang Siyu was not his woman, so no.

This can also be called ... Everyone has a share? Yu Qingzhu rolled his eyes, it was a color blank!

But scolding and scolding, she couldn't calm down anymore, stationed in Yan Dan, then stationed in Yan Dan!

Then she heard Xiao Tianshi ask, "Then let me notify Gu Jiahui and Yu Qingzhu?"

Good sister, a quilt! You are much stronger than that boss!

"No, just the four of you," replied the abominable voice, "I'm only responsible for your four beautiful flowers."

Master Tian is still kind. "Neither of them, Gazi?"

"I don't have any!" Feng Jun thinks her question is a bit strange, "What's the man's family, Yan Yan!"

Good Scenery couldn't help but ask, "How many more?"

"This is not much, but more than that medicine," Feng Jun coughed lightly. "Actually, this thing can be bought on the Lyra plane."

Most of the Zanyan Dans available on the Lyra face are in the dusting period. The efficacy of the medicine is weak. The time is 500 years. It is not easy to buy the Jindan period. Relatively high.

Sure enough, there are other planes ... Yu Qingzhu feels more and more that he chooses this listening technique more appropriately.

I don't know if I can buy Yanshou Dan on the Lyra plane?

Feng Jun didn't know these things. When he returned to the tent at night, he gave Yang Yuxin another station in Yan Dan. "There are four of them and you have one each. Gu Jiahui is not in a hurry."

At noon the next day, Zhong Lijing called on the intercom and said that it was Ma Gushan Guan Shanyue who had something to do with Feng Bo.

Feng Jun dialed the phone and was a little unhappy when asked-a woman was kidnapped and went to Myanmar.

In fact, Dan Xiatian has been picking up a large number of women who have been trafficked since she started fighting, and she has always had various accidents.

Unlike the disappearance of children, there are too many possibilities for women to disappear.

Some are from the family, some are earning “easy money”, some are tricked into places of missteps, and some are even being trafficked, but after giving birth, they are reluctant to leave.

A while ago, Dan Xiatian encountered such a thing. The woman was indeed abducted. Dan Xiatian also found out the direction and gave the information. As a result, the woman was pregnant with a big belly and was about to give birth. I heard The family came to find it, and they felt as if they saw someone jumping off the cliff.

Ma San Niang was really angry, and rushed to the scene that night, and directly took away the three souls and seven souls of the buyer's house!

After going back, she reacted: Oops, the police are not good at solving the case.

As a spirit body, it is easier for her to draw souls, but even then she has recuperated for three days, and announced to the outside world that: because of the tragedy, Dan Xiatian will not take this job in the future.

However, what is interesting is that, except for the woman ’s family who suffers from the loss of the daughter, everyone feels very happy about it. It ’s Ma Gu Xianling – otherwise the family who bought the woman will not have too heavy retribution.

So things came out, but more people came to Danxiatian to beg.

But the troubles are still constant. Some girls go to places where they do n’t go. The family finds people, and they refuse to go back and forth. Together with the protection of the bird ’s head, the family has no choice but to seek Dan Xiatian again.

Ma Sanniang didn't know how many times he had been talking about Feng Jun-this kid changed his life and death, and he didn't feel well.

However, her response was still "true incense", Dan Xiatian's incense, it was really exuberant!

This time it was a strange thing again. A woman borrowed an online loan ~ ~ Then she thought that the company of online loan was relatively bad. After finding a way to repay, she borrowed a large amount, and then The house was sold that day and disappeared.

The online loan company found her parents, but her parents lived in Zhengfu Community-if you dare to come, we will call the police.

After all, adult children are in debt and there is no reason for parents to repay the money. If the ordinary community, the Internet loan company is in the eye, the harassment will be harassed, but the Zhengfu community is really not troubled.

But the parents did have contact with their daughters. They received a call a while ago, saying that they would use one million to redeem their daughters, or else let her die as a chicken.

Then the daughter really couldn't get in touch. The parents thought it was the ghost of the online loan company, and they called the police again, but this kind of thing ... how could it be investigated clearly?

So the parents found Dan Xiatian and wanted to know where the daughter was. Ma Sanniang deduced and rushed to the scene with supernatural powers. Then she found out that the woman was really kidnapped and kidnapped to Myanmar.

Who is the black hand behind the scenes? Ma Sanniang is not good at deducing this. She just knows that there is a lot of grief here. Many people have firearms and many people with women. She can't play a role in a spirit.

So she relayed the information to the woman's parents-the person is there, you go and save it.

But the women ’s parents are also dumbfounded. In China, they can coordinate the police. How does the Myanmar police coordinate?

This couple is actually quite stable. They first inquired about the situation in Myanmar through various relationships. They learned that their daughter was indeed living there, and the life was indeed very unbearable, and the shady inside was too heavy for ordinary people. of.

So they found Dan Xiatian again, willing to consecrate one million, and asked Magu to act as a justice.

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