Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1941: New life fierce

"Boss Feng's woman?" Zhong Lijing looked at Teacher Mei with suspicious eyes. "What kind of person are you, Mei?"

Good Scenery didn't even want to hide her. For a while, she never concealed her life, so she didn't tell the truth, "There are two kinds of people who can enter the backyard, but there is only one person who can live in the backyard ... his woman . "

"Oh," Zhong Lijing nodded. She really had a big heart. She looked at Teacher Mei for a while. She asked aloud, "Boss, can this building be put down behind?"

"What are you ... what do you think?" Teacher Mei is 100% sure that Feng Jun can hear the exchange between the two, so she can't gossip too much, "Don't you always hate men for being unfaithful?"

"A man with skill is the exception," Zhong Lijing's three views are really unusual. She even said frankly, "Anyway, isn't it normal that the boss is so handsome, and women like him?"

"Who did you teach these three views?" Good scenery was completely unexpected. "My impression is that your grandfather is quite old-school."

"Anyway, I think so," Zhong Lijing replied casually, "Like my target, if a boss is so handsome, he occasionally makes small mistakes, as long as he is serious about repentance, I will not care ... The key is that others are ugly and not honest , This is too bullying. "

"You ..." The scenery was stunned for a moment before he nodded again. "Also, ugly people really have no human rights."

That's what she said, but what she thought was: The **** in my family was actually a handsome guy, but I couldn't bear his derailment. After all, if the man was handsome and he didn't have the ability, that would be the case.

Seriously, the boss is handsome and capable, and it is already satisfying to be a member of his woman.

Just when she was cranky, Zhong Lijing spoke in a very low voice, "If I become his woman, can I live in the back yard?"

"You ..." The good scenery was speechless again. She looked up and down at each other. "Aren't you always protecting yourself?"

"I didn't encounter anything worthwhile, and I didn't want to hurt anyone," Zhong Lijing replied casually. "Anyway, you said, the boss will not be affected by my mildew. Is it still worthwhile to give this person the first time?

She seemed to speak casually, and she beat the snare drum in her heart.

Good scenery shook his head and said helplessly, "I really don't understand you 90s, but I tell you, first, the boss may not be able to look at you, you know, he didn't even touch the light bamboo ... … "

"Huh?" Zhong Lijing was a little surprised. She said that Yu Qingzhu, the biggest opponent in appearance in her half of her life, was definitely ranked first, and there was no one. Such a beautiful girl, Feng Dadai couldn't see it. on?

She nodded thoughtfully, "I knew she lived in the front building and thought she would take care of her grandfather."

"Second," good scenery put **** up, "that is, you are really fancy by the boss, then you follow the boss with determination, and you don't need to think about any other handsome guys."

"Please, Sister Mei, I'm not a nympho," Zhong Lijing felt a little wronged. "The place where the boss attracts me is the first is Taoism, the second is the richest man in the world, and the third is handsome!"

Teacher Mei glanced at her sideways and asked thoughtfully, "That is to say, although your ex-boyfriend is not good-looking, if you are the richest man in the world, can you tolerate his derailment?"

"Without the richest man in the world, the richest man in the country is enough ... His dad is the richest man in the country," Zhong Lijing shook his head helplessly, "You said: It wouldn't look good at first, and the family has two dollars, but there is not much Why do you have the courage to cheat? "

"If he cheated on a woman like Yu Qingzhu, I also recognize it. You look at the women he cheated on. What are they like? Isn't this an insult?"

"The two of you are endless?" Feng Jun's thoughts came suddenly. "Ms. Mei went to say to Li Shishi, and when the person introduced by Yu Qingzhu came, the newcomers could visit Bai Yujing collectively ... only outside. . "

Zhong Lijing was stunned for a while, and then subconsciously spit out a small piece of bright red tongue, "Yeah, it was found, it was really amazing ... But what is this communication method?"

"Don't make a fuss," good scenery interrupted her angrily. "You have to be angry, are you happy?"

Zhong Lijing was terrified, and finally dared not to say anything. It was also in her nature to co-operate with her. It was not that she did not understand awe.

It was a good scenery secretly sighed, the boss is really concerned about Zhong Lijing!

If not, a new casually said something, could he arrange for everyone to visit Bai Yujing?

Sure enough, she went into the backstairs after dark and wanted to rest. Feng Jun looked for it, "What's the matter with Zhong Lijing, missing string?"

The good scenery will be said again, and finally helplessly spread his hands, "It is also a poor person."

Feng Jun nodded. "The main thing is that this guy is a little too active. You remind her a little more. Those of our monks, still have to be clean."

Good Scenery heard it and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Since the boss was able to say so, it showed that he had understood her heart. This is a good thing. At least if Xiao Zhong tossed something out, he could understand it.

Then she sighed leisurely again, "I don't know when Yu Qingzhu can select people."

Some things can't stand the nagging. Early the next morning, Yu Qingzhu took the people to the gate of the mountain. It was none other than Xia Xiaoyu.

Feng Jun was also surprised when she saw Xia Xiaoyu. She was much fatter than a few years ago. The green girl like a stalk before was really a little fat now. "How can you become fat like this?"

Xia Xiaoyu's look in his eyes was quite complicated, but Yu Qingzhu spoke out, "She is about to get married."

understood! Feng Jun knew in his heart that he used to be a girl, but now she is a rich woman.

Think about how she hinted at herself at that time, he was a little sighed in his heart. Time is changing, everyone will change, I am advancing bravely here, others have their own lives and lives.

However, after all, it was a woman who once liked herself. Even though Feng Jun was open-minded, he heard that she was getting married, and she could not give birth to her thoughts. Have her come to work at Lover? "

"I can't get married," Xia Xiaoyu stared at him, a glance of decisive glance in his eyes, "as long as you say a word!"

"What a joke," Feng Jun replied with a smile. "At the right time, doing the right thing, this is life ... Light bamboo, when Xiaoyu gets married, remember to give me a gift."

"Feng Jun ... you bastard!" Xia Xiaoyu roared and turned to leave quickly!

This sound is really not small, there are people in the remote rehabilitation center looking at them with probes.

Everyone's glance, a figure has appeared in front of Xia Xiaoyu, "Stop!"

Someone knew someone, and could not help but exclaimed, "President Lu praying for the small courtyard?"

Ga Zi stared at Xia Xiaoyu fiercely with a bad look. Do you dare to insult the boss in public and want to go away?

But then, a stunned expression appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Feng Jun's voice arrived, "Let her go."

Ga Zi's body flashed again, directly giving way to the road. How did he appear just now, everyone didn't see clearly, but this time it was clear that he could flash seven or eight meters in an instant.

Someone couldn't help whispering, "At this speed, you can go to the Olympics to participate in the 100-meter race?"

In fact, Gazi still considered the reaction of bystanders, otherwise it would not be the evaluation of "participating in the 100-meter race".

Then he walked away quickly, but there was a thought in his mind, "She was crying away".

Feng Jun shook his head slightly and said to her whether she cried or not, what did it have to do with me?

He had no intention of asking for trouble, but frowned and looked at Yu Qingzhu, "She is getting married, you still have to find her?"

Yu Qingzhu sighed softly and replied in a low voice, "I have been busy practicing for the past two years, and I haven't had much contact with them."

Feng Jun thinks he doesn't owe Xia Xiaoyu, but after all, he still feels a little disturbed. "Who are you recommending ... It's too inappropriate, right? Or ..."

"There are also candidates," Yu Qingzhusheng feared that he would waive his recommendation, but after she knew Xia Xiaoyu's situation, she also made two preparations, "Yu Qing, come out."

The door of the next car was pushed open, and came down an 18-year-old girl. The girl was tall and beautiful. There were some in ninety. She nodded slightly at Feng Jun. Her voice was crisp, and she brought a little bit of glutinousness. Nasal voice, "Have seen Mr. Feng."

Feng Jun pulled out his phone and dragged it, looking helplessly at Yu Qingzhu, "It's your family again."

"Her surname is Chang, Chang Yuqing," Yu Qingzhu answered seriously. "Her mother's surname is Yu, she doesn't."

Another beautiful woman, Feng Jun is also a bit speechless, but if you change again, it is too frustrating.

And conscientiously, if you really want to recruit some disciples who are not close relatives, there are beautiful women who can recruit ~ ~ He will not force some male disciples-at least it will be pleasing to the eye?

So he nodded, waved his hand to the doorman, and let the two drive into the manor.

When the car entered the manor, Yu Qingzhu couldn't help but exhale gently, "Oh, it's finally over."

Chang Yuqing beside her was a little restrained, looking at the scenery outside the window, she murmured quietly, "So ... this is Luohua."

Her mother is far away from Yu Lao, and she rarely moves around during the holidays. Only on the big day of marriage and funeral will everyone meet, she has long heard that her grandfather is in Zhengyang. A place to nurture days, but never come.

Even after her cousin succeeded in practicing, she was not qualified to attend the celebration, but her mother heard from other relatives that the current Yu Qingzhu is particularly remarkable.

(A friend with a monthly ticket waits a little bit to see if it doubles at the end of the month.)

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