Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1942: Full

Yu Qingzhu found this cousin for no other reason-Chang Yuqing is the most beautiful among the Yu family.

She and Chang Yuqing are really not very familiar, they played together as a child, anyway, after junior high school, until now, the two of them will not add more than a hundred sentences.

The two sides only knew each other that this is a relative-or a distant relative, and there is no other intersection.

Seriously Chang Yuqing's mother, Yu Qingzhu is somewhat familiar with it.

When she started looking for candidates, Chang Yuqing's mother heard about it and came to recommend her daughter because she was beautiful enough.

This time, Yu Qingzhu found out that Teacher Mei had also chosen a beautiful girl, and couldn't help it anymore. After finding Xia Xiaoyu, she accidentally discovered that Xiao Yu was no longer a girl and was getting married.

She chatted for a while and found that Xiao Yu still couldn't forget Feng Jun, and even had a bit of pantothenic acid to her-Yu Qingzhu spent several years in Luohua Manor, this is not a secret.

In any case, Yu Qingzhu will try to take Xia Xiaoyu to see Feng Jun, but she is also worried that the old meeting of Feng will not be overwhelmed. In order to remedy in time, she informed Chang Yuqing to come to Zheng Yang.

Chang Yuqing is studying for freshman year in the imperial capital. She is also a famous person on campus. I do n’t know how many people are pursuing, but she has a very high vision. Although there are many pursuers, but few can really see her.

There are two handsome seniors, she feels pretty good, but unfortunately, the senior's family conditions can not meet the requirements of the family.

But after receiving Yu Qingzhu's notice, she stood up and left without any luggage or asking for leave-in her mother's words, "It doesn't matter if you can enter Luohua" .

After she arrived, she realized that she was only a substitute piece, which made her feel more lost for a time-from small to big, she was the existence of a beautiful girl, regardless of appearance, family background or school, she was one of the best. , Is the existence surrounded by everyone.

But her mother followed, telling her with certainty that your hopes are greater than Xia Xiaoyu's—the girl should have no hope at all.

Anyway, this is a chance to become a fairy, and it is worth trying anyway.

Chang Yuqing entered Luohua and was in a good mood for a while, "Sister Qingzhu, do I need to suspend school?"

"Depending on the situation, Gu Jiahui's studies have been going on all the time," Yu Qingzhu was also very polite to her-she will be a companion to practice together in the future, and she really did not have the same door in Luohua.

Now a cousin is coming, it is serious to draw the relationship first-after all, it was just unfamiliar before, and there was no contradiction.

"Well, I think so too," Chang Yuqing nodded, hesitating, and she asked again, "My mother said ... Master Feng Shan is the richest man in the world, is it true?"

She didn't know if she could enter Luohua before, so she was embarrassed to ask this question, fearing that others would laugh at her-didn't learn to walk, just thinking about running?

Now she can ask this question.

For Chang Yuqing, Taoism is relatively distant, and it is not as dazzling and straightforward as the richest man in the world.

"My cousin can't lie to you," Yu Qingzhu replied lightly. "Anyway, after you come, you will visit Baiyutang with everyone ... By the way, don't mention these things outside."

"I know this," Chang Yuqing nodded cleverly, "They have said it several times, and they said that the boss kills people without blinking."

Yu Qingzhu was silent for a while, then nodded, "Boss is indeed like this, but ... don't just mention it casually."

With the arrival of Chang Yuqing, all eight people recruited this time are in place.

Then Feng Jun began to divide each person's responsibility.

An Hejun is in charge of external security, Yin Mingyue hangs the title of Deputy Dean of the Blessing Academy, and Luo Yuhuan is responsible for the connection between the cultural town and the outside world-Feng Jun cannot let her be responsible for Luohua's internal affairs.

The rest is Yang Yuxi assisting Liu Yuting to manage the cancer care center, Zhong Lijing assisting Liang Siyu to handle Luohua ’s external affairs, Chang Yuqing and Ge Mingxia assisting Zhao Xia to manage the internal affairs of the manor-when they are there, Li Shishi is completely out of practice .

In fact, this assisted management is just a process of transfer of power. The three assisted people have already begun to let go. Only after the successor can take over completely can you practice with peace of mind.

Jiang Liping, who is not in good health, is responsible for assisting the landscape management to repair the small courtyard-in fact, her body is already quite poor, but the tonic of the aura has a good effect on her. The aura of the small courtyard nourishes for about a year, you can Competent for other tasks.

Feng Jun's distribution did not come at will, at least to consider disrupting the faction to which each belongs.

For example, he would never arrange for Zhong Lijing to assist Teacher Mei in managing a small cultivating yard-it is not that these two would definitely do something bad together, but as a manager, they should consider severing one from the roots Some possibilities.

It may not be possible to get the job done once, but it will not breed negative things in the short term.

After announcing the division of labor, the two parties of the counterpart will have to communicate with each other and learn about the specific and responsible business.

Before lunch, everyone gathered together and went to visit Baiyutang in the back.

Among these people, the sheep fat white jade can be distinguished, not only Zhong Lijing, Yang Yuxi and Yin Mingyue are very good, Chang Yuqing also has a pendant.

Others are not quite sure about this, but Yin Mingyue said with exclamation from these four words, "It's too extravagant. The boss can only become the richest man in the world with this white jade hall."

Others silently exchanged glances ... This person doesn't know Luohua well, and everyone should pay attention when speaking in front of her.

To be honest, Yin Mingyue's selection was really a surprise—the only one of the eight people who was not a related household.

This is mainly because Lin Heihu wants to find a spokesperson, but she has participated in the rescue of so many children.

Yu Qingzhu visited Baiyutang, and as a disciple of Qi, she could go in to choose cheats after a while, so she was not interested in this kind of visit.

Seeing Feng Jun standing on the side, she walked over and asked in a low voice, "My cousin ... is it good?"

"Look at it slowly," Feng Jun answered casually. What can I see now is good? Qualification is very general, that is, it looks pretty good, but the heart is not obvious, "I will see people for a long time."

Seeing people for a long time ... Is it suggesting something? Yu Qingzhu is a young man and familiar with some stalks. After hesitating, she whispered, "Yes, why was my cousin Yu Zuosi brushed?"

Feng Jun thinks about it, since the dust is settled, he can also explain, "He has a green card for Maiguo."

what? Yu Qingzhu is so suspicious that she has heard the wrong thing. For the past year, she has been fighting for promotion, and she is not very familiar with the blessing of the small blessing courtyard. "Just because he has a green card?"

Feng Jun glanced at her sideways, then nodded, "Just because of this ... Isn't it enough?"

Yu Qingzhu was completely speechless.

In the afternoon, she went out to explain to her family that Chang Yuqing had been accepted and became a member of Luohua, responsible for the internal affairs of the manor.

Yu Zuosi's mother couldn't be selected for her son, and she always held her arms in a hurry, and couldn't help whispering, "You still have to choose a beauty."

Yu Qingzhu felt it necessary to explain, "The boss said, Zuo Sige was not selected, mainly because he had a green card for Maiguo."

"What happened to the green card?" Yu Zuosi's mother became more and more unhappy. "It's just a green card, not naturalization."

At this time, Yu Zhiyuan had to stand up and say, "Feng Jun has always been very alert to foreign forces, and Guojia is also very guarded against secret leaks, and there are indeed many foreigners who have used their brains to Luohua ... Have been kidnapped. "

This is a flat theory, but Yu Zuosi can only smile bitterly, he feels wronged, "I am investing, or Internet investment, if the project is running well, it is going to be listed in Maiguo ... There is a green card That is also convenient for work. "

In fact, he didn't say anything. Yu Jia had a green card, not just me.

"You think so, but did Mr. Feng give you the opportunity to explain?" Yu Jia, a local child of Zheng Yang, said, "Luohua has always been very hostile to foreigners. Just look at the charges for cancer care centers. . "

Yu Zhiyuan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said that this seems to be the real reason.

"Who can say this clearly?" Yu Zuosi's mother said aloud, "I see, he just wanted to accept beautiful women ... what foreign green card is said, it is simply a refusal."

Yu Qingzhu shook his head, "I don't feel like pushing away ... he really seems to think so."

In fact, what she thinks is that now that she knows the reason, it is recommended to be good next time, and it does not necessarily have to be a beauty.

But Yu Zuosi ’s mother was really strong. She tried to prove that her son was right. “It does n’t matter if he thinks that way. It really does n’t matter. The key is how he does it. Let ’s see the result ... Light bamboo, you are too Kind and too credulous. "

Uh ... Yu Qingzhu heard, but could not help but shake a little: That is to say, I recommend it next time, it is best to recommend beauty?

Needless to say the specific process of argument ~ ~ But they obviously ignored one point: Feng Jun may really like beauty, but beauty will also like Feng Jun.

After dinner that day, Zhong Lijing wanted to ask Teacher Mei to continue to ask about the situation. Who ever thought that Teacher Mei was really afraid of her, on the pretext of bringing Jiang Liping familiar with the environment, and went directly to the small repair courtyard.

And Liang Siyu, who is in charge of connecting with her, also went to the small cultivation center. Currently she has exercises, but there is no place to practice, so she can only go to the small cultivation center to practice.

The weather was fine, Zhong Lijing holding her mobile phone, walking and eating, while looking at the electronic version of the document left by Liang Siyu.

Suddenly, a figure passed in front, she looked up, but Feng Jun came out of the backyard and went south along the mountain road.

(First, He Meng's Lord Sylvain, double monthly tickets started, there are more than two books per day, and there are more than five in total. Call the monthly tickets loudly.)

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