Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1940: Halo and Insider

Director Mei originally wanted to leave Zhong Lijing in the Xiuzhen small courtyard for one night. After fully hinting, she would take her to see Feng Jun.

But she had to give up the plan-Xiao Zhong was really too excited, and she asked questions.

If you stay with her overnight, I guess I do n’t need to sleep!

So Director Mei decisively called Boss Feng and said that the person I chose was here. Boss, do you want to see if you want it?

A short time later, a car came to the gate of the manor and picked up Director Mei and Zhong Lijing.

Feng Jun glanced helplessly at the rearview mirror-is it a woman again?

He felt that he might have hit "Director Chen's Aura". Why are most of them recruiting women this time?

A total of two men, one of them is not qualified.

The point is that these women are still pretty. Yin Mingyue recommended by Lin Heihu is almost a bit, but his appearance is not bad, but he is a little too fat. He is 1.17 meters tall and weighs about 170.

What is certain is that Yin Mingyue ten years ago was definitely a big beauty-she said that she weighed a hundred pounds at that time.

Now the Zhong Lijing in the back seat of the car is also a proper big beauty, and it is the kind of beauty in the Jiangnan water town. The height is about one meter six or five, which is not particularly high, but it is already very high in Jiangnan.

Double-fold eyelid, big eyes, cherry small mouth tipped nose, the most rare thing is the slender figure, fair skin.

If "Jiangnan Beauty" has a standard template, it should be her.

He was watching Zhong Lijing, and Zhong Lijing was also watching him, and then quietly pressed Sister Mei with her elbow, and spoke in a very low voice, "The boss's driver is very handsome."

I know you are lively, but can you not die like this? Director Mei glanced at her speechlessly, simply picking it out-this kind of communication can't hide the boss Feng, "This is the boss, can you not talk casually in the manor?"

"Oh, it's Boss Feng?" Zhong Lijing covered her mouth and spoke in shock. "I thought it was the driver who picked us up. Don't be angry, boss. I didn't expect you to be so handsome!"

Feng Jun glanced at the rearview mirror very helplessly, "You praise me, of course I am not angry ... However, when you first arrived, don't be too lively. The key is to remember the rules of the manor. Director Mei is your guarantor."

At this time, Good Scenery explained in a timely manner, "Xiao Zhong, this is Luohua's rule. Only the boss will pick up the people, and the door will let people out ... I can't take you in."

Zhong Lijing froze for a moment and then asked, "After that ... Every time I come back, I have to be picked up by the boss?"

Director Mei replied crying and laughing, "Of course, after you are confirmed as a member of Lowe, it won't be, but outsiders ... it's still this rule!"

Zhong Lijing nodded happily, "Understood, very reasonable, I am now the boss of Feng Feng!"

There was a sudden silence in the carriage, and it seemed that even the air had stopped flowing.

Zhong Lijing was also stunned for a while before embarrassingly saying, "Okay, it's a mistake, I am really from the Chinese Department!"

The two did not speak again, and in silence, the car arrived at the villa.

At this time, it was close to dinner, and all the people who arrived should be here. At least six new people were there. An Hejun, Luo Yuhuan, Yin Mingyue, Jiang Liping, Ge Mingxia, Yang Yuxi ... They had not yet assigned their duties. But you can live in the bungalow of No. 1 pump.

In terms of subdivision, there is still a difference. Jiang Liping, Ge Mingxia and Yang Yuxi can live in the villa, but those three can only live at the No. 1 pump for the time being.

Some people may complain that this is unfair, because it seems that there is discrimination, but the core members of Lovat will not think so, discrimination ... Who will discriminate against Gazi ’s target?

After all, people who live at No. 1 Pump still need some tests, especially Yin Mingyue, who has never been in contact with Luohua before, that is, he helped find the lost children and was directly hired. —How honored are you?

You know, Jin Luohua's index has been fired to 5 billion yuan-just so much.

Whoever thinks it's worthless, come to make oxen, you can get it, I dare to spend so much money to buy, how much is required!

The work of An Hejun has been basically scheduled, that is, the person in charge of security in the entire cultural town. His scope of work is outside Luohua Manor. He can only return to the manor in his spare time. Where does he live at the door?

The lunch and dinner can be eaten in the villa, which can prove that he is the main member of Luohua, and it is enough!

The other three can live in the villa, of course, each has its own reasons.

Feng Jun did not give an explanation, but he believed that they would find an explanation by themselves.

To everyone, he introduced Zhong Lijing, saying that she would be a member of Luohua in the future, and introduced the people present again.

Everyone remembered Zhong Lijing, but Zhong Lijing saw so many people in a hurry, and really did not remember them one by one.

Sitting at the dinner table, she quietly asked Sister Mei, who was called-anyway, she knew Mei Jin now.

Mei Jin is no stranger to this kind of feeling. She feels that she has become a music teacher in a trance. She has to answer questions that the disciples don't understand.

In fact, there are more than one of Zhong Lijing's feelings, and they don't have too many nights.

Dinner time is not long, just one hour, because it is almost midsummer, the sky is very long, and it is still bright after the meal.

Some people hang out in the manor, some people drive outward, seemingly casual, but in fact have their own rules.

The new arrivals could not see the subtleties. Director Mei knew that he could help Zhong Lijing apply for a room in the villa.

In fact, for the current Luohua, the villa is already a bit small, and there are two more buildings next to the No. 1 pump and 500 meters away from the villa.

Among them, the building next to the villa should be a three-story building complex that can accommodate more than 300 people. Each floor has seven or eighty rooms, anxious to accommodate 600 to 1,000 people.

The pavilion next to the No. 1 pump is on four floors and can also accommodate three or four hundred people. The key is to have a large conference center and a place for leisure and entertainment.

In Luohua Manor, the buildings are not very high, no more than four floors, but that is because they are on the hillside, the starting point is very high, and if the floor is too high, there is no secret in the villa and the valley.

In fact, Feng Jun does n’t think that these buildings will be useful if they are built. The left and right is just a sense of preparedness. If a person who can enter Luohua, if he exceeds 1,000, then will he want this place? It's meaningless.

In the future, Luohua may receive a lot of Dao friends, or release celebrations, but ... that is all about the cultural town.

Anyway, his margin is enough, and there is no need to consider capacity expansion within ten years. As for ten years later? Ha ha.

In any case, Luohua ’s system has gradually been established, and Feng Jun feels that he has done a good job, and there are no obvious mistakes-in the future, more than 1,000 places will be reserved for Luohua. Who dares to say that I do n’t care Sincerity?

But the scene has been put out. In the face of so many newly-chosen people, he can't go back to where he often goes, just to walk to the backyard casually-there is also his territory.

Li Shishi's functions have shrunk a lot, but this shrinking is her willingness. Now everyone has advanced to refining gas, and even Yu Qingzhu, who finally cultivated, has already refined gas. She can't continue salted fish.

So she is only responsible for the villa, food, hygiene and logistics.

The villa was assigned a room, and of course she was also responsible for it, so Zhong Lijing was assigned a room at the corner of the front floor of the villa.

Zhong Lijing has no requirements for accommodation. The room is not as luxurious as Lin Lin ’s house, but it has everything. Apart from the kitchen being shared, there is nothing inconvenient. There is even a bar on the corner of the stairs on the second floor, which contains drinks and some small food.

However, among the newcomers this time, only she lived on the first floor. She was also told that the room on the other side of the first floor could not be accessed because there were big people living in it.

Zhong Lijing still doesn't care about this, she is not interested in competing with others, but she is very curious, what kind of big person, can she put on a shelf in Luohua?

Li Shishi didn't hide it, saying that it was Yu Guangzhu's grandfather, and the biggest leader in Funiu province since the founding of the country.

Zhong Lijing still didn't care much about it. Then she asked where Mei lived, thinking about whether she could live with Mei. As a result, Li Shishi told her that Mei lived in the back building, and sometimes lived in a small cultivation center.

She put down her luggage and came out to find Mei Jin, and then noticed the small building not far away, so she asked Teacher Mei, "Is the building a bit small, what material?"

"Small building made of sheep fat and white jade," Good Scenery replied casually, "No matter how big the cover is, it doesn't fit ... Do you think I'm lying to you?"

"Is there anything to deceive?" Zhong Lijing replied casually. There is no shortage of jade in her house, because she may be in bad luck. When she was young, she started to contact things like jade pendant-the legendary jade can ward off evil.

She reached out and pulled a jade carved gourd out of her neck. "This is the white jade of sheep fat. I'll know when I go up and see ~ ~ She's going to walk in her legs, and the scenery quickly grabs her, "Don't, ordinary people in the backyard can't enter. "

"Ordinary person?" Zhong Lijing frowned and asked in a low voice, "What is an ordinary person?"

Good Scenery pondered and asked, "You live on the first floor, I heard Yu is old?"

"I heard that his room is not close, he is a big official," Zhong Lijing nodded. "Can he enter the backyard?"

"Wrong," Good Scenery shook his head. "I mean ... he is not qualified to enter the backyard!"

"Isn't he qualified?" Zhong Lijing was really surprised this time. "Sister Mei, you can live in the backyard. What kind of talents are qualified to enter?"

"Two kinds of people," Good Scenery was also anxiously asked, and honestly said, "One is his woman, and the other is someone he specifically allows."

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