Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1935: Open salary

Liu Yuting's choice was actually influenced by Wang Haifeng.

Wang Haifeng has been a high-level martial artist for a while, and feels that he must prove congenital within three years, so he suggested his wife to practice-you practice first, whether it is a first-level or a second-level. Anyway, after I entered the path with martial arts, I pulled you casually. One hand, your promotion will be fast.

Although Mrs. Wang is a young official, she chases Wang Haifeng too hard, and she has a particularly strong sense of crisis-when you care about me, you will say "pull me", but what if you don't like me?

So she found Zhang Caixin and asked Luo Hua the second person, what should I choose?

Zhang Caixin said that if you are not sure about his feelings for you, then you might as well practice martial arts first. It is really relatively easy to enter the Tao with martial arts. Even if he does not fulfill his promise, you still have to rely on yourself to break through. The possibility of gas refining.

Is it easier for Liu Yuting to enter the Tao with martial arts? Zhang Caixin really thinks so, the reason is very simple, she thinks that her sister and teacher Mei-well, teacher Mei has space attributes, but if they do not practice yoga with Feng Jun, how many teenagers can reach the gas refining period?

It was not once or twice that she had mixed on the Kunhao plane. Her heart was very clear. Even with the aura of that plane, who had no qualifications to cultivate immortals, it was very difficult to reach the refining period.

So ... the secular world is dominated by martial arts, dreaming of martial arts;

So ... the bottom of Xiuxian Realm is a mortal period, because if the qualifications are mediocre, it is difficult to achieve the gas refining period.

Even if you have the qualification to cultivate cents, if you are over 25 years old and have not entered the gas refining period, you will have to be abandoned.

Liu Yuting is now more than 30 years old, and has no qualifications. Why do you want to rely on the "Five Elements of Mortal Power" to improve your energy?

Seriously, it ’s the cultivation of martial arts, and all kinds of resources can keep up. When you are in your fifties, you will have the chance to become a congenital person. In fact, if Wang Haifeng can advance to refining gas early, he can also wait for her innate and then Repair, directly turn her into a gas refiner.

Of course, if Wang Haifeng can advance to Qi within five years and then practice yoga with Liu Yuting, her hard work will be in vain, but her physical fitness will also go up.

Anyway, Zhang Caixin suggested to her to build martial arts, and Liu Yuting was really moved-this is what she dreamed of.

She had dreamed more than once, if she could beat Wang Haifeng, she would definitely be a violent domestic violence, and beat him with a swollen nose and a swollen face, embarrassed to go out-I let you be a voluptuous and go out to commit horse fleas!

Of course, if you really can play, if you do n’t want to start playing, that ’s another problem. Anyway, she had this idea ...

Feng Jun was a bit speechless about Liu Yuting and Zhao Xia's choices. It was supposed that he was the one who should give advice. However, these three people were out of practice and he shouldn't actively intervene-anyway, it is your own choice. Right.

In the end, he helped Liu Yuting choose a set of martial arts exercises-the eighteen pictures.

What Liang Siyu chose was also the practice of Taoism-"Five Elements of Morphism".

Feng Jun thinks this choice is normal, but Liang Siyu doesn't understand it at all, "Xiaocaixin, didn't you tell Liu Yuting, ordinary people without qualifications, is it inappropriate to practice?"

"She is older than you and is not suitable for monasticism," Zhang Caixin's eyes flickered a little. "You are most suitable for monasticism. If you can't keep up, you can also improve it by some means."

The conscience of heaven and earth, her suggestion is really good for sisters, but there are some candidate methods ... She thinks it is best not to use it.

"Then I will believe you," Liang Siyu replied with a silly smile, "I am also willing to practice monks, at least the number of times the object is used is many ... do you say that?"

I'm worried about how many times you receive things. Zhang Caixin feels that she can't be the Lich King, so she's not embarrassed to say so, she can only say, "You can do it yourself, don't divulge the relevant exercises ... try hard to practice, it's really not good for me Help you find a way. "

"I will definitely work hard," Liang Siyu is really excited, even a little incoherent, "I just don't know when this object symbol ... When will it be sent?"

"Nuwufu? Do you think too much," Zhang Caixin said without hesitation, she still has a good grasp of Feng Jun's mind, "It is good to be able to practice the exercises for you, but also want to receive the Wufu, do you want it? Send you another buddy again and again? "

Liang Siyu directly threw her on the bed of the concubine. "Deadhearted, my buddy and repair partner can only be you."

In fact, the problems of these three old people are not big problems. The big problems are with the eight people recommended later. This is the person who is about to be included in the Lowe system. Those who do n’t understand do n’t think it ’s a big deal. Only then know how precious a place is.

Needless to say, Teacher Mei received the offer, "If you can recommend me to Luohua, 50 million cash,"

Good Scenery once thought that people were crazy, but the next quotation blew her directly, "One billion, I will change Director Mei's recommendation, and there is an inspector ... Can you meet me?"

It ’s really crazy, completely crazy, no need to say to those who are not qualified to know, but everyone who is qualified to know is aware that this is a burst of money, it is about to blow up, it is on the stock market, and it is not pulled twenty All the daily limits are embarrassed to meet people.

Teacher Mei is really a little hesitant, because she does not have a particularly suitable candidate. If the relationship between husband and wife is not so rigid, she may still be able to consider from the husband's side, but now it is impossible.

She has two very good girlfriends, but unless it is the girlfriends themselves, other indirect relationships are not enough to risk her to take the corresponding responsibility. If my mother is too old, my dad is even more impossible, let alone my dad. Recognized the son.

In fact, she has some plans for the second elder's arrangement.

When she is really strong in the future, she can go to Kunhao plane for some physical and fitness items.

Her thought even affected other people-such as Ga Zi, or Wang Haifeng.

Anyway, in this situation, there is really no one to recommend. As for selling indicators, it is even more impossible.

But in the end, she still chose a person, her teacher Guzheng, this teacher has given her a lot of help, and the teacher's son graduated from college last year, currently substitute for a private education company.

For this younger brother, Mei Jin also knows well, knowing that he behaves well and has a good balance, but also has a strong sense of justice. In addition, Dad is a very influential music master and has never eaten too much since childhood. Loss, there is also a red heart.

But what should I say to the teacher, Mei Jin is a bit worried. Her teacher is mainly fond of folk music, but she is not exclusive of Daomen, but to say something about cultivation, I am afraid that the old man still cannot accept it-after all, he is a good old man.

So she simply called the teacher and said that she found a group that had a deep research on Taoist culture, which was highly valued by Guojia, and the treatment was very high. She now has a recommended quota. See if the younger teacher is willing to come here to work .

The high salary is really nonsense. Feng Jun did not ask the referee to discount the money this time, but it is impossible to pay the salary. Luohua only eats and lives, and those who do not want to come can not come.

Mei Jin intends to pay for the salary of the younger brother by her own pocket-she doesn't make much money now, but if she wants to find money, she really doesn't need to be too easy. Five hundred million is like playing.

Her hard work and hard work are worthy of the teacher's cultivation, but the teacher roughly asked, knowing that the place is in Zhengyang, and it is a little underestimated-the music circle also has a contempt chain.

He said that the younger brothers are currently working for people, but they just want to increase their knowledge. In the future, they will mainly pursue a compilation, and his substitute is in Modu. The music atmosphere here is strong and there are many opportunities.

The most important thing is that the younger brother's girlfriend is also in Modu.

The teacher is very grateful to Mei Jin for remembering the younger brother, and also asked her to come to the teacher's house as a guest, but this opportunity ... I guess it is going to be missed.

Mei Jin could only sigh with a sigh: Teacher, you really don't know what kind of benefits that help the younger brother refused.

In addition to Mei Jin, other people are really not short of candidates. In the past, Gazi, who was more entangled, had recommended candidates, and Gao Qiang ’s comrades arrived at Luohua for the first time, temporarily staying in the cerebral infarction rehabilitation center. .

The young man named An Hejun, who joined the army one year later than Gao Qiang, but was four years younger.

An Hejun's combat effectiveness is as different as that of Gao Qiang, and he did not have a stable job after he retired. However, he has Chashan in his home, his income is not low, and there is no economic pressure.

Gao Qiang didn't tell him the truth, just say you want to become stronger, come here, one month's salary is not too high, 10,000 yuan, but the rules here are big, once you come in, it is difficult to exit.

In the same way as Teacher Mei, this salary was also planned by Gao Qiang. When he was a teacher, he gave Luohua more than one million net worth, leaving only ten thousand dollars for his pocket.

He doesn't smoke, he must drink some wine, but Luohua's drinks are free, so tens of thousands of dollars are basically only used to buy clothes, shoes and socks. It took almost two years and more than 6,000 left.

Regarding his economic situation, Feng Jun didn't say anything at first. Isn't the law light? You don't have sincerity. Why should I pass the law to you?

But when he accepted Gao Qiang as a registered disciple, UU reading had a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan.

For Feng Jun, these are small money, the key is not to give Gao Qiang a little bit, in case this guy has some bad things because of the tightness at hand, it is really a big loss.

He is not unconvinced of Gao Qiang, but if you look at the news, you can buy the secret masters for three thousand dollars, so you can save a lot of money by spending the little money.

A year later, Feng Jun raised Gao Qiang's annual salary to one million. If he was short of money, he could borrow money from him temporarily, which was a complete solution to the hidden dangers.

So Gao Qiang can have money to pay his comrades.

However, to his surprise, as soon as he said the place of work, An Hejun asked in surprise, "You said ... won't it be Lova?"

(Updated, accidentally changed to "Xun Qing Xian Envoy", I'm really sorry, I'm contacting the editor for deletion, asking for monthly tickets.)

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