Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1934: Zhong Ling Xian

Zhang Junyi was talking about her husband, but after seeing him sitting restlessly, he finally felt weak.

So, early the next morning when Feng Jun returned to Luohua, the old couple moved to Luohua.

The shifting position was not far from where Feng Jun was practicing. When the two arrived, Yang Yuxin was sitting under a parasol not far away, looking lightly at the far place in front of her-at this time in the past, she would practice Tai Chi, But today ... it's raining!

As soon as the old couple arrived, she sensed it, looked sideways, and stood up quickly. "Brother Feng and sister-in-law are here?"

This title is a bit confusing, but there is no way. Director Yang went to Chaoyang, which was so determined. Her external image is the superior Director Yang, and it is not appropriate to call the other party "Uncle Aunt".

"It's Yuxin," Zhang Junyi greeted with a smile, then whispered again, "Huh, is it raining?"

"It'll rain if it rains," Feng Wenhui was a little disappointed, but it was already here, and it was not appropriate to go back. "The rain is not too big. When I was young, it rained and played basketball."

Yang Yuxin was surprised for a while, then replied with a smile, "In the cultural town, just built an indoor sports field. If Brother Feng wants to go, drive my car and go."

"This is not anxious," Feng Wenhui smiled. He knew that his son's relationship with Director Yang might be a little ... well, but his son didn't know that he would never break through, "Stand here to see the rain Not bad, so relaxed and happy. "

"Come here on the parasol," Yang Yuxin greeted, "I have the tea I just brewed, and it's a little hot ... Hey, sister-in-law, are you doing wrinkle removal? The effect is very good."

"No wrinkle removal," Zhang Junyi shook his head with a smile, "Isn't this always training? You can do it if you practice well."

"Isn't it possible?" Yang Yuxin glanced at Feng Wenhui again. "Brother Feng is also ... a lot younger!"

"You can do it too," Zhang Junyi replied quietly, "Come on, practice well."

She always has a tight tone, although she also knows that Yang Yuxin is not an outsider, but that is "Yan Shou Dan". It is really going to spread out, and her son may not be able to carry it. This is absolutely crazy.

The three chatted for a while, the old couple left with an umbrella, Yang Yuxin's brow furrowed, and there was some doubt in his heart.

Feng Jun went to the seabed of Australia to collect the spirit stone. This time he finally released the middle grade spirit stone. However, the reaction of digging out the middle spirit was quite large. The surrounding sea area was a bit unsafe. Release the momentum to deter the Quartet.

It is not difficult to ban Aura. When Feng Jun knew that he might dig out the Zhongling, he made careful planning and specially made a special storage bag with a strong aura.

However, it is more difficult to deter the Quartet. His deterrence is still quite effective for the sea beasts, but the spirit released by the Zhongling is very tempting to some low-level sea beasts, even enough to make them forget the danger.

Think of the dead bodies of mosquitoes in the bamboo forest of the valley. They are like moths fighting fire, even if they know that there is a great risk in front, they will still pass.

Feng Jun ’s deterrence is similar to this. The sea monsters with higher intelligence know the concession, and the ones with lower intelligence really do n’t understand, and Feng Jun ca n’t casually kill each other—the **** smell will attract more sea beasts, floating bodies It may also cause unnecessary attention.

Let me put it this way, any discharge of domestic garbage by the submarine may lead to its own exposure, and this sea area has been receiving much attention for a long time, and it has only been relaxed a little recently. Feng Jun certainly does not want to cause more trouble.

He only started to collect the spirit stone at night, but the pressure was released until dawn, and the surrounding spirits were almost dispersed, and the sea beasts gradually dispersed.

"When I collect the spirit stone in the future, I can't be so careless," Feng Jun secretly admonished himself, and insisted that it was almost noon, and he was sure that there would be no problems before he quietly left.

When he returned to Luohua, he knew that his parents came and came to the door, but he did not feel surprised. Soon after he came back, his parents left, but he said hello next to the shifting team.

But as soon as he turned around, Yang Yuxin appeared, and hesitantly asked, "Boss, it feels like your parents are young."

Feng Jun glanced at her sideways and smiled, "Is there?"

"Of course," Yang Yuxin nodded and looked at him without blinking. "I used to be younger than them. Now ... I'm not sure."

Feng Jun thought about it and said with a smile, "You can't talk nonsense about this, do you understand?"

"I understand," Yang Yuxin nodded very succinctly, purportedly she was a very reserved person, but what does she really have in relation to Feng Jun now, "It will cause others to covet ... right?"

"Actually, I wanted to give it to you," Feng Jun replied with a smile. "It's just that I'm afraid you will be more attentive."

Yang Yuxin raised her beautiful eyebrows, "Multi-hearted ... Why am I multi-hearted?"

Feng Jun smiled more and more happy, "Because you might think ... I think you are old, I really don't think you are old."

Yang Yuxin turned his head to think about it, and then nodded simply, "Of course I am old. Compared with you, I am more than ten years old. I have been very embarrassed in my heart. I think you will soon betray me ... So, your What's the secret? "

In the last sentence, her voice was trembling slightly.

"That's the one you want," Feng Jun answered with a smile, "Yan Shou Dan ... continued for 30 years."

"Hi," Yang Yuxin heard, and immediately took a breath. She had already vaguely guessed that it should be something similar, and she believed that there would be no side effects-this was used by Feng Jun on his parents.

Even so, when she learned that her guess was correct, she was shocked beyond control.

Adjusting her mood, she said in a straight voice, "Amazing things ... who knows?"

Feng Jun turned his head to think about it, "Sister Hong and Zhang Caixin, maybe Yu Qingzhu guessed a little."

"It doesn't matter if the two of her sisters," Yang Yuxin has determined that Sister Zhang and Mei Jin will go farther than themselves, and if they are cultivated, the number of lives will naturally increase. Shangdang Shou Dando? "

Feng Jun rolled his eyes helplessly, "My Director Yang, even if your IQ suddenly drops, but it should always be a little common sense ... Is this kind of stuff possible?"

Yang Yuxin stunned and then nodded, "It is so ... there is one of me anyway, right?"

Feng Jun nodded with a smile, "Of course, I have kept it for you, just don't know how to speak."

Yang Yuxin gave him a glance, "Coach Feng ... I want it now!"

The word "coach" is not a common name. Feng Jun froze and asked, "What do you want?"

"Of course it's a pill," Yang Yuxin stretched out his white jade hand, and his eyes moved, "Since I can recover a little younger, then of course I have to adjust to the best state, and then practice yoga with you."

"Okay," Feng Jun gave her a small jade bottle. "But I suggest that you better burn the bath water. The pill itself is also detoxifying. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the smell."

"You can rest assured," Yang Yuxin replied proudly, "I definitely love cleaner than you."

Then she closed the gate and went out three days later.

During her retreat, Feng Jun came forward and assigned the exercises of Zhao Xia, Liu Yuting and Liang Siyu.

In the past, he once announced that the referees should be responsible for the relevant exercises. The corresponding training resources are also self-raised by the recommenders, but now the situation is changing very fast. Not only the corresponding time is shortened, but also the exercises are provided by Feng Jun.

With only cultivation resources, Feng Jun provided only half of it, and the recommender found a solution.

In fact, his changes did not arouse everyone's controversy, what Liang Siyu said was very representative, "The company has developed too fast, originally thought it was necessary to tighten the belt for a few years, and the result is that you can enjoy the dividends unconsciously. Now! "

If you think of Luohua as a company, it is indeed the feeling that Feng Jun ’s previous request is correct, but the company ’s growth is too good, then the company boss allows the bottom employees to enjoy benefits in advance, which is in line with the business rules. .

However, the training resources are only distributed in half, and the employees at the bottom level can naturally understand it. It is good to have it. As for when can it be distributed in full? Then look at the company's development and the mood of the boss.

Feng Jun is not bad about this resource, but he does not want them to suddenly enjoy all the benefits, and get things that are too easy. People often do not cherish too much, and it is easier to develop the habit of waiting for them.

However, the other half of these three cultivation resources, Feng Jun is actually not worried. The training attitudes of Xu Leigang and Wang Haifeng used to be relatively salty. Coach Wang is better. Xu Fatzi is simply ... unable to say.

Therefore, the two of them must have accumulated resources, just to help people, and it is precisely because of the cultivation attitude of the two of them and Li Shishi that Master Feng Shan decided not to give too much supplies.

As for Liang Siyu, her recommender's cultivation attitude is very correct, but both of them are half of the welfare, and she is also half of the welfare is good. There are also gains, and even the ability to supply all cultivation resources.

The matter of cultivating resources is not important, the most important thing is practice.

Xu Leigang ’s wife, Zhao Xia, is an ordinary person, and he is relatively old. Feng Jun consulted with him, or else you should stop practicing martial arts and switch to monasticism. Just take your wife to monasticism?

Xu Leigang said, let her practice first, I think I'm almost a high-level martial artist, anyway, it is not too late to enter the congenital before the age of 60, I have to fight to see if I can enter the Tao with martial arts.

In the past year or so, his enthusiasm for practice has really risen, and the disappointment of Gazi is a more normal reaction-he himself has a strong second-generation breath, and he cannot lose.

Therefore, Feng Jun gave Zhao Xia "Five Elements of the Moral Power"-her qualifications can only practice this.

Liu Yuting's choice is a bit strange, she chose to do martial arts first!

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