Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1936: Physical problems

Gao Qiang was surprised by the reaction of his comrades, "You actually know Luohua?"

"Of course I know," An Hejun replied excitedly, "I'm still practicing martial arts these years ... I'm practicing martial arts, not killing skills. I've heard more than one person say that Luohua's martial arts are powerful, and I heard that they can treat cancer. ! "

Gao Qiang saw him understand so clearly, and said it a little more directly. "I've won this opportunity for you, but there are definitely some taboo things. You must also be mentally prepared."

"This is no problem," An Hejun answered very simply. "But Brother Qiang, you know my temper. I will never do anything that hurts the world or sells the motherland."

Worthy of being a soldier, he said everything clearly, and the three views are particularly correct.

"What kind of stuff," Gao Qiang scolded him angrily, "Cooperate in your eyes, will Brother Qiang make that kind of mistake?"

Gao Qiang and Ga Zi found a suitable candidate, and others were not slow. Xiao Tianshi brought a young sister. The girl was very weak and sick. She had been recuperating in Maoshan before. Too.

When Maoshan Lingquan reopened, this girl named Jiang Liping came back, but Lingquan could not completely cure her body. Now she is suspended because of physical reasons.

She once asked Xiao Tianshi, how can her body be good, Tang Wenji clearly told her that you have a congenital deficiency, there is a very expensive wine called Sansheng wine, you can try it when you get sick.

Jiang Liping expressed frustration that he was allergic to alcohol.

There are quite a few people who can be recommended by Tang Wenji. Jiang Liping is not at the forefront, but Feng Jun ruled out Maoshan disciples, and the number of people Xiao Tianshi can recommend is limited. Among them, Jiang Liping is particularly pitiful.

But in the final analysis, Tang Wenji knew Jiang Liping very well. The two played from six to sixteen years old, and it was considered too small.

The key is that the little girl listens to her very much. Xiaotianshi recommends people, and in the case of knowing the roots and knowledge, preferring to obey.

The conditions of Jiang Liping's family are acceptable, so Tang Wenji didn't say anything about salary. He said that there is Luohua, and living there can already be of great benefit to you, let alone having a chance, but ... ... there is a strong emphasis on loyalty.

Jiang Liping has actually heard a lot of these situations, including Tang Wenji has become an innate master, and she has heard about it. As for Luohua, a disciple of Maoshan disciples who mentions Luohua, they are all admired.

So she said very simply, thank you Sister Wenji for helping me get this quota, I must have a post!

In addition, Lin Heihu recommended Yin Mingyue, Yu Qingzhu recommended Yu Zuosi, that is her cousin of the same grandfather, and Red Sister recommended a 15-year-old girl Ge Mingxia.

Zhang Caixin knew who Ge Mingxia was and a girl adopted by Red Sister. The girl's father was a **** who helped Red Sister solve two troubles. Later, she ran away in an accident and died in a gang war abroad.

Anyway, this gangster is not too bad, but also very loyal, that is, fighting hard and hard, otherwise he will not die.

Before he died, he asked someone to tell Red Sister, hoping that she could help take care of her daughter, because the mother of the girl was also born in the wind and dust, and she certainly could not take the child.

Sure enough, when he died, his woman had no income and went out to fool around. Once the child had a high fever at home for three days, he almost lost his life, and Red Sister had to take the child to his side and watch.

The girl's mother happened to take the opportunity to let herself go. Originally, she wanted to find Red Sister for tens of thousands of transfer fees. Later, after hearing about the power of Red Sister, she came to the house to express her gratitude, and then fled away without knowing where she was.

Until now, Sister Red has raised Ge Mingxia for nine years. In the first four years, Ge Mingxia lived with Sister Red. Later, Sister Red encountered something and worried that she would n’t greet her. Yes, so let the nanny bring it back to his family for support.

The nanny's family has her own children, but she knows that the red sister is not easy to provoke, and she did not dare to make trouble with Ge Mingxia, but after all, it is not a biological one, so there must be a difference. Fortunately, Ge Mingxia went to junior high school one year later. I started to live on campus.

In short, this is a girl who is about to graduate from junior high school. Because the family is broken, it is not easy to live. The loss is that Red Sister has not lost her money, otherwise I do n’t know why it will grow up.

But even so, Ge Mingxia did n’t want to go to high school anymore. She hoped to be independent as soon as possible. In fact, she was already very good at taking care of herself. This time she finally contacted Hongjie and expressed her desire.

Zhang Caixin was actually quite surprised by his sister's choice, and asked in the past, is there no more suitable person?

"Of course," Red Sister replied without hesitation, "but I don't want to introduce a man to come in ... I don't want him to have any misunderstandings. For a woman, Mingxia is more appropriate. The last time it was because she was still young. No recommendation. "

Zhang Caixin frowned, "But she is not big now."

"She doesn't want to go to school anymore, and I will have less time to supervise her in the future," Red Sister spread her hands and replied naturally, "Have you not thought about it? She will be very obedient."

Zhang Caixin was still persuaded by his sister. At present, there are more and more people in the manor. Feng Jun stipulates that the same door should be friendly, but who does not want to listen to his own words?

From this point of view, the ideas of Xiao Tianshi, Hong Jie and Zhang Caixin are the same.

However, these people choose people, after all, there is no such thing as Gu Jiahui selection. She has recruited more than 30 people and tested them with the qualification test method to choose the most suitable one.

In fact, there are more than 30 candidates. This is the second round. There were more than 200 people in the first round. After screening in all aspects, more than 30 people were left for the final test.

Speaking of this, is it because there are two families involved, the Gu family and the Yang family. The people of the Gu family want to get a place, but the Yang family also want it?

Strictly speaking, Gu Jiahui's surname is Gu—the Gu family already has a monk who must be content.

For this reason, the ancient family vomited a little blood: Please, can girls be regarded as the ancient family?

Okay, we do n’t value boys over girls, but Gu Jiahui has always been regarded as big by Yang Yuxin, will he also be biased towards the Yang family?

In fact, these are some superficial excuses, who do not know the real reason? After all, the two knew too much about Luohua's details, and everyone wanted to benefit their families.

Fortunately, the two were in-laws after all, and it was impossible to tear their faces. They finally agreed to have a sea election. As for the final result ... then God will arrange it.

What makes people cry and laugh is that God actually made a joke at this time, each of the two has a candidate with attributes.

Gu Jia Gu Chang Sheng is the man who greeted Gu Jia Hui in advance, and he has a dual physical attribute of gold and wood.

Yang Family Yang Yuxi, the same old grandfather as Yang Yuxin, has the dual attributes of soil and water, mainly water.

People with attributes have less than one percent of the weight of ordinary people, and they are generally dominated by three attributes. It is extremely rare for more than 30 people to have two dual attributes—even if they are both Similar properties.

But now the pit is that only one of these two people can be selected, which makes both of them quite depressed.

Gu Changsheng asked Gu Jiahui out loud, "Which of us is more suitable?"

"You should ask, who's worse," Gu Jiahui frowned and sighed. "It's the main attribute that is grammed, one is gold gram wood, and the other is turquoise water. Can't there be a mutualism attribute?"

"I think I'm more suitable?" Yang Yuxi's age is not old, only two years after graduating from university, and looks similar to Yang Yuxin, but Yang Yuxin is charming in luxury, and she is sweet in passion.

She studied finance and went to work in a bank in Modu after graduation, but she is also very interested in Taoist culture. "The main attribute is also about the receptor. My main attribute is biased. It is Kun Xiu. More appropriate."

The main attribute of her opponent is wood, and its solid wood attribute is not suitable for men and more suitable for Kunxiu.

This is like the Chifeng school of the Kunhao plane. The fire attribute is actually not suitable for Kunxiu, but Chifeng takes another path and walks out of his own way. But even so, the harmony of Yin and Yang of the disciples of Chifeng is also a big hidden danger.

Gu Changsheng couldn't help it, "Is this a bit wishful thinking?"

"Brother Changsheng, that's really the case," Gu Jiahui replied apologetically, "And your secondary attributes are in line with the receptor. Aunt Yuxi's secondary attributes are not suitable for Kunxiu. If it develops naturally, her soil attributes will become weaker and weaker. Your metallicity will be stronger and stronger. "

Gu Yang and his family generally don't pay much attention to these five elements, that is, this time they have the opportunity to learn, but everyone hastily learned, but even so, they basically understand it, and Gu Jiahui's analysis really makes sense.

Gu Changsheng could not deny this, he could only say with a bitter smile, "Jia Hui, can't you recommend two at once?"

"It's impossible, UU reading" Gu Jiahui shook his head and replied very positively, "The boss is very disciplined ... but I don't analyze it, and I still want the boss to get the idea."

Yang Yuxi also knew that she had not completely passed the test. She glanced at the young man of Yu Family not far away and sighed secretly. She said that Yu Family is still good, but the family negotiated internally.

Everyone circled people in seven, seven or eight, so someone informed Feng Jun that Boss Feng asked them to gather in the small repair courtyard.

Shortly after the people arrived, Feng Jun also came. Let ’s help Gu and Yang's referee first. Gu Jiahui said it's really no problem. Yang Yuxi's qualification is to develop better than Gu Changsheng. Of course, as for the two options Who should choose is not his concern.

Then he looked at Yu Zuosi and said with a blank expression, "This person is not suitable, let's change his family."

Yu Qingzhu was silent, and after a while, he nodded slightly, but did not ask why he wanted to replace him.

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