Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1933: Yanshoudan

Feng Jun's answer really surprised everyone, because everyone present knew what Luo Yuhuan was like.

This girl has no background, the key is her identity ... really too sensitive.

There are even many people who are not optimistic about Gazi's relationship.

Even people with very salty fish, such as the good scenery, have said in a tactful way: Gazi, there is a Guzheng girl in our unit in good condition.

After being surprised, he was ecstatic, and Yu Qingzhu couldn't help but ask, "So, don't you need to see your background?"

Feng Jun glanced at her and was too lazy to answer. Zhang Caixin, the second person of Luohua, finally had the opportunity to express his position. "These must still be watched. You introduce a foreigner, let alone the attitude of the boss ... we can't agree. ,dont you agree?"

Yu Qingzhu's lips flicked, and he said that among our group, you have the most foreigner characteristics, right?

However, Zhang Caixin didn't feel that she was wrong, and she continued to express her views. "And I solemnly suggest that, as a sponsor, I must ... fully and comprehensively consider recommending candidates."

Although this repetition was repeated, she said it again, which further proved the seriousness.

Yu Qingzhu is inevitably brought to the rhythm, and I have to think about it again: the people I introduced will have no problem, right?

It ’s not just her that is uncertain. Several people are playing drums in their hearts. When Gao Qiang sees this, he ca n’t help it. “I want to introduce a comrade-in-arms. I can guarantee that he is trustworthy ... take my own head!”

He is an obvious temperament, and he can also speak out.

But Gu Jiahui thought about something else, "Boss, I can recommend a lot of people ... Can that qualification appraisal method be used? Zuo Luohua can't be all related households, or should we talk about potential? "

"That's right," not only Feng Jun, but also Gazi, Haojingjing and Hongjie all gave thumbs up.

They can all be said to be related households, this is not false, but the related households also hope to have a strong group of teammates.

"I will leave you one set for the formation," Feng Jun replied without hesitation. "Then I will not preside over this job. You discuss it. I have other things to do."

He does have other things-Tu Ling has been a little annoyed recently, especially the act of the day before yesterday, which made it more contemptuous. What kind of **** is this, and dare to sell this kind of thing?

After all, it still remembers that Feng Jun is a reincarnation, and it is normal to be reincarnated to this final dharma plane, and this final dharma plane seems to be in the process of renaissance-the revival of the final dharma plane is really too difficult.

Feng Jun recently planned to take Tu Ling to take a look at many places in China-of course, La Shanmeng cannot go there.

The first stop was Taibai Mountain. Feng Jun had always been a bit puzzled about Wen Daofeng ’s geography. When he wanted to come, it should be a master above Jin Dan, and the geography created by him. It ’s just that Tu Ling is also an expert in this field. Maybe you can solve it.

When I asked Dao Feng, I must say hello to Feng Zhi in advance, or I had to explain to the defender.

Feng Zhichang is not in Taibai Mountain. He followed others to go abroad. He heard that Feng Jun was going to ask Daofeng, which was quite unexpected, but when he asked him clearly if he wanted to study the geography, he said that you should go directly to the peak. I will Say hello directly to the Shoufeng people.

As for the peak tea, he didn't mention tea, let alone be careful to break the tea tree-in fact, in his heart, maybe it would be better if Feng Jun damaged the tea tree.

At night, Feng Jun took the earth spirit to the top of the peak. Although the guardian of the peak didn't touch the external things very much, he also knew Luohua's prestige, and heard about Feng Jun's cultivation behavior. Respectfully clenched his fists, "I have seen Lord Feng Shan."

Feng Jun is still very respectful to the guards of the peak. These people are willing to guard the peak alone for the sake of the door. Even if they are rotated, it is quite difficult. Now they can pull the optical cable up the mountain. In the past, they were only accompanied by loneliness.

The old man looks like he is in his 60s too, so he officially gave a salute, "I ’m disturbing my seniors. I ’m practicing geography recently. I think it ’s a little weird here. With the permission of Feng, I ’ll study a few here. day."

"You're welcome," Lao Dao smiled and waved his hand. "This asked Dao Feng is said to have been raised by the ancient immortals. As to whether it is true or not, we can't judge it. Master Feng Shan's talents may be for us. Puzzled. "

Feng Jun said, "Study for a few days", but he felt that one day, Tu Ling should analyze it quite clearly-after all, it is professional.

However, to his surprise, Tu Ling conveyed to her a thought when the sky was about to light up, "I have to stay here for a few more days. The terrain here is very delicate. Although it is now declining, the designer's thinking , It still amazes me! "

Feng Jun never dreamed that he could get such an answer. He was stunned for a while before he responded, "Are you planning to steal the teacher?"

"I haven't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense," Tu Ling came directly to deny Sanlian, and he replied straightforwardly, "The ground is here, and others lay it, can't I see it?"

Sure enough, it is to steal the teacher! Feng Jun understood in his heart that he had a great admiration for the power he had shot at the time-what kind of existence was that, even the expert who could make Tu Ling so admired.

After a pause, he asked again, "Aren't you trying to restore it?"

"No," Tu Ling categorically denied. "Although by recovering it, I can study the subtlety more quickly, but it is not impossible to think slowly, let alone ... I restore this vein, you come out of the corresponding spirit stone? "

"Don't even think about it," Feng Jun categorically refused. "I'm not sending that spirit stone. The key is that you steal someone else, in case you are discovered by the righteous master ... You said that the restoration of the veins may not disturb the original shot. Bit? "

"I think so too," Tu Ling said a little bit depressed, "It seems that you are right, there are really many powerful people in this plane. Although I am not sure whether this person is still alive, but I Don't want to bet. "

Hearing that it began to value the potential power of this plane, Feng Jun felt a little more firm in his heart, and then he couldn't help but tentatively spoke, "I'm a bit strange, even if you want to repair the geography here, is your strength allowed? ? "

Tu Ling responded silently for a long time before answering, "The big deal is slower. If my cultivation is not damaged, it will be quick."

"Forget it," Feng Jun shook his head. "You can figure it out for yourself. I can't stay with you all the time. By the way, you remember not to let others discover you."

After leaving Tu Ling, he went to Chaoyang again. One was to see how his parents practiced. The other was to ask them if they would send someone over to help them take care of their daily lives. Anyway. Luo Hua is about to recruit new ones.

The old couple simply rejected his filial piety. They both agreed that it was better to be low-key in their hometown, and that they were not without employees, but they were both in front of the mountain. .

Feng Jun had no place for filial piety. He took out two Yanshou Dan and explained to his parents that one pill can prolong life for 30 years, but if you take the second one, the effect will be greatly reduced.

This kind of pill can be taken by mortals, but even in the Immortal Realm, it is rarely seen. Feng Jun also obtained six pills in the process of killing and winning treasures.

When Feng Wenhui and Zhang Junyi heard it, they must have taken it decisively, especially Zhang Junyi. After hearing that it could make him younger, he complained that his son did not know to take it out earlier.

Feng Jun can only explain that I only got it.

The next morning I got up early in the morning, the old couple really became younger, but they were not 30 years younger, their appearance was originally small, the people in their early fifties looked like forty-five or six, now they look , In his early thirties.

Zhang Junyi took a full two hours in the mirror, and then ordered Feng Jun to order him to eat one too. "Look at how old you are ... you're almost catching up with your dad. Eat this early."

"That's your psychological role," Feng Jun replied helplessly, "I'm in the dusty period, my appearance has been fixed, and no change can occur before the age of two hundred, and my face can be reshaped after I am golden. "

"Reshape the face?" Zhang Junyi thought about it and asked thoughtfully, "What do you plan to do, is there a template?"

Feng Wenhui couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Okay, I can't bear my son to be a little fresh meat!"

Zhang Junyi put his hands on his hips and spoke angrily, "What's so bad about Xiao Xian Meat, how cute!"

"Okay, okay, don't be noisy," Feng Jun said with a laugh, he knew that his mother also likes small fresh meat recently, but it is not the kind of star chasing. It is purely the kind of meeting with kittens and puppies. lovely.

However, regarding the changes in the appearance of the Jindan period, he had already imagined, "I only intend to fine-tune it, otherwise the ID card will not work ... My genes are from your second elder, and this is where I am most proud, Why change it? "

At this point, the old couple loved to listen, so there was no more tossing.

After Feng Jun left, Feng Wenhui couldn't help saying, "I feel full of vitality and I want to play basketball."

"This is not going to work ~ ~ Zhang Junyi shook his head and spoke eloquently," I still want to show off my skin, but when someone asks you, how do you answer ... Is the skin gone? "

"This kid, give us this problem," Feng Wenhui shook his head with a smile of joy, and the next moment, his brow frowned slightly, "Then what should we do ... don't go out to meet people?"

"Wait for the last month," Zhang Junyi was very opinionated. "At least the comparison will not be so obvious."

Feng Wenhui moved his neck and arms, and said with regret, "But if you don't exercise, you always feel uncomfortable ... Would you like to go to Xiaojun? He has a basketball court there."

"Is it crazy if I don't play basketball?" Zhang Junyi groaned angrily. "There is a basketball court in the storeroom where my son is .... We'll also build a basketball court here. It's okay. I can't see you surprised. Jiner! "

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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