Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1932: Proposals for new recruits

Sofia was so scared that her scalp was numb when she received the notification from Lin.

Her relationship with her family members is not bad. Although she can see some "bad" things from a young age, the family feels a little strange to her, but the siblings have not discriminated against her.

This time she was promoted to rank as a rare event in life. In fact, she also had plans to guide her family into the Daomen, and only invited them to come to Luohua to observe the ceremony. She also specially persuaded Feng to agree.

In fact, she knows the hearts of these brothers more and again, and tells me again, do n’t care what the people in this place used to do to us. You can just come and watch the ceremony. Do n’t do anything extra.

She just said, "You dare to mess up, I will die you all!"

However, these people were in chaos, and Sofia was very sure that if Feng Jun knew this, they would have to shed their skin even if they could not die.

Just ask about the time of Lin Lin. It is about half an hour after the rain. Sophia breathed a sigh of relief. If her brothers decided to do so after the act, she really had a plan to kill her.

Lin Meili left a robot and said that she wanted to study it. The rest paid her back. For this reason, Sophia had to thank her again and again, saying that her previous grievances were cancelled and she still owed a favor.

So Sofia saw the brothers and had nothing to say, just let them go directly. What was more annoying was Michael's attitude, which seemed to feel quite unjust.

In fact, she knew what it was-it was greed, a family style cultivated by generations of the Janssen family.

Sure enough, even the relatively stable Dulong said, "Since it is not the worst, we are willing to apologize to you, and we are willing to make compensation to Mr. Feng, just hoping ... give us a chance to learn.

Sofia shook her head and turned to walk out the door. "If you don't leave on time, you will be at your own risk ... you can ask the FBI how many lives I have. If I do, at least he won't be angry with the Jensen family . "

Walking out of the hotel, she looked up at the hazy sky and shook her head in tears. "It's really my familiar brother ... I hope you will be brave tomorrow."

She was right about everything. The people of the Janssen family were not only greedy, but also very "fearful". Early the next morning, everyone checked out and left-if there was no such decision, the Janssens would have been It was completely swallowed.

Feng Jun actually sensed this, but since the robot did not enter the manor, Sofia handled it this way, and it was a relatively peaceful solution. Otherwise, he really went to kill the family members of his disciples, which is not a pleasant choice. .

Facts have proved that he still underestimated the consequences of the play. The Jensen family brought only a little accident. Seriously, the interest of several other families was so high that they must visit Luohua Manor.

Of course Feng Jun will not agree to this request, and he is not a person who is easily influenced.

Then they stepped down to ask for the next, and said otherwise, Liang Siyu, Liu Yuting and Zhao Xia had already worked in Luohua for a short time. They all said that they were volunteer labor, and even Liang Siyu even paid money.

Now Luohua's business has also increased a lot, and it should be considered to recruit more people to become their assistants.

This suggestion made everyone excited, and everyone can fight for the welfare of their relatives and friends. As for Wang Haifeng, Xu Leigang, and Zhang Caixin, they can no longer recommend people, but those three distances can be cultivated ... not far away.

Feng Jun originally wanted to promote this matter. When everyone saw a surge of enthusiasm, he announced that it was going well. Well, everyone can only recommend one, and you must guarantee your loyalty to Luohua. responsibility!

What kind of joint and several liability? It is the referee responsibility system, whoever deducts training resources and participates in dangerous work, and whoever takes the responsibility will be abolished and repaired, and expelled from Luohua.

This time, the requirements are much stricter than the last time. It does n’t mean that if you just recommend it, it will be fine.

In fact, the last time was an exception, mainly because it was elected by everyone. Two of them were family members, and the other was a friend of Zhang Caixin who was willing to spend a lot of money to work. Feng Jun did not say much.

This time the number of people to recommend has increased significantly. Feng Jun made it clear that Gao Qiang, Gazi, Haojing, Hongjie, Gu Jiahui and Yu Qingzhu can all recommend it. Only Li Shishi and Yang Yuxin are not eligible to recommend.

Then Master Tian didn't do it, jumped out and said-I am also a Luohua now!

Feng Jun nodded, "Yes, you can recommend it, but it is better not to be from Maoshan."

He doesn't have much insight into the portal, but since he wants to train people, why not start from scratch?

Tang Wenji promised not to select a person from Maoshan, and then Lin Heihu jumped out, saying that I can also recommend one?

The identity of the land **** is special. According to the truth, he is not a Luohua person, but now he has regarded himself as a part of Luohua, helping Feng Jun to Australia and Danxia Tiantuo, also on call. By the way, the attitude is very correct.

Ga Zi had a good relationship with him, and he asked directly, "That's right, you have been dead for so many years, who else can you recommend?"

Lin Heihu was very dissatisfied with his words, "Have you ever seen a dead man speak? I recommend Yin Mingyue."

Yin Mingyue? Ga Zi responded, "The woman who likes to help people find children ... Does she have children?"

This woman is the one who has a lot of energy in Zhongyi City. Her husband does business overseas and is very passionate, but her children seem to be studying in the provincial capital of Jin province and the state.

"You can give her a less important job," Lin Heihu thought about it. "And her children are taken by her father-in-law and mother-in-law. She doesn't have much to do."

In fact, Lin Heihu has always believed that a woman can take a child, but it is better for a woman to have less control over the child's growth. Since she is a boy, let her carry it forever.

Feng Jun was also impressed with this Yin Mingyue-a lot of his energy was spent in the blessing courtyard, and he frowned when he heard that, "You are the referee, the consequences of the problem, have you thought about it yourself?"

"Relax, there will be no problems," Lin Heihu replied confidently, "I often entrust her dreams to her. If she thinks carefully, she will never hide from me. The key is that she respects the blessing courtyard ... Such pious and honest people, of course, must give a hope! "

As soon as these words came out, Feng Jun and Ga Zi were speechless. There were many people who believed in Luohua around them, but most of them were okay to burn incense, give a little money, and really help the believers. This woman can count. .

Even if Lin Heihu's application was approved, then everyone would care about something else, "How many people will we hire this time?"

The last three people were elected – and Feng Jun has not voted yet.

"There are a few tricks," Feng Jun replied very simply. "Now Lova's business is indeed a little more, and you haven't found it? The manpower is a little stretched."

Everyone nodded their heads together. Luohua now has a lot of business, especially after the cultural town is built, there are more people in charge. If you do n’t hire people, everyone ’s practice will be affected.

At least Gao Qiang said, "There should be a security team, not inside the manor, but in a small town outside the manor. Now, Team Leader Lin helps us to see that Director Yang ’s security does not seem to be a company, and belongs to several groups. Home, it ’s not easy to coordinate. "

Zhang Caixin said very simply, "This team can only check the outside, but the inside of the manor is not their turn to check."

As a core member of Luohua, she hopes that the cultural town can have unified management, but if it is inside the manor ... she feels that it is enough, no one should intervene-this is just two things, okay?

Others agreed with her suggestion that it was enough to have everyone in the manor.

In fact, this is also a subtle psychology-the inside of Lova is ours, and the people behind are not worthy of meddling.

Feng Jun nodded, "The presence of the periphery is to better protect Luohua. The interior of Luohua is so large that there is no need to increase security ... Everyone also works well."

Everyone nodded, and suddenly, Yuxin Yang said, "If there is no need to vote, will there be eight more people this time?"

Feng Jun replied, "There are not many eight people. Luohua may still be enough for three people, but the town has been built and the foreign business has also increased. This time, there are not even people who are responsible for the reception. Really It ’s because people hate less when they use it! "

That's right, Luohua Manor received almost 300 people inside and more than 500 people outside. Fortunately, there was a vote of friends in Xiuzhen small courtyard to help arrange those 500 people, or else It's really stretched.

Will eight people be accepted? Everyone heard that their eyes lit up. They thought they only had the right to nominate. Who would have thought ... Once this is nominated, they will be directly selected into the reserve force of Lowa?

Ga Zi hesitated for a moment ~ ~ still spoke out, "Brother, I want to recommend Luo Yuhuan ... Can I?"

He is now fiercely fighting with Luo Yuhuan, but Luo Yuhuan is the official man who engraved his head. He originally thought that it was a big deal, but now he knows that the pass rate is 100%. .

Feng Jun glanced at him and replied indifferently, "You look at it yourself, anyway, the people who come in are not suitable, I want to blame the defender, Gazi, you are my hair, you should be clear that I am in the rules In front of them, the six relatives do not recognize. "

To be honest, he did n’t want to recruit Luo Yuhuan to come in, but Luohua Manor wanted to develop. This kind of thing would happen sooner or later, after all, it was inevitable, and Ga Zi rarely had a favorite person, and he also set a template for his childhood memories. He Can you refuse?

Therefore, it would be better to say the ugly words in front, and he also thought that the people Gu Jiahui and Yu Qingzhu would recommend would probably make him more headache.

But what about that? No one can stop the development of Lowe.

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