Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1897: See Xian Siqi

Several Daomen elders who gathered around the equipment also brought disciples. Those disciples could not be so unscrupulous, so they listened honestly, and later they still had some puzzles to ask the teacher. These few learned that Guan Shanyue was a real talent. Practical.

Of course, Dan Xiatian's Tao is not equal to the Tao of other Daomen, however, "Stones from other mountains can attack jade", isn't it?

Therefore, after the first sermon, the days when Guan Shanyue preached again, many disciples came here.

In short, at eleven o'clock, Guan Zhizhang's first sermon is over.

A Taoist stepped forward and announced that Dan Xiatian had prepared a vegetarian meal for all believers. Please also queue up to fill out a form and make some comments on the sermon so that Dan Xiatian would know what you most want to hear. , It's better to improve in the future.

The appearance of this kind of "user experience answer sheet" feels that Dan Xiatian not only wants to expand his influence, but also goes faster and faster on the road of secularization.

But this is not the case. Guan Zhizhang just made an excuse to let everyone pass the instrument while receiving the watch.

There are more than 800 believers who have heard this time, some are curious, some are asking for Dan Xiatian-for example, cancer indicators, and some are directed at "Ma Gu Xian Sheng".

Everyone is not uncommon for a vegetarian meal, but it is already 11 o'clock now, and it's a little late to go down the mountain. Especially Magushan is so welcoming, it is still somewhat ceremonial.

However, some people said, "You don't have to wait in line to get your watch, right? I'll help with it."

At this moment, a beautiful girl with white skin Shengxue appeared. She raised a stack of paper in her hand and said with a smile, "Hello fellow believers, please line up to come here to get my watch."

The girl is a foreigner, Mandarin is not very standard, but some people recognized her at a glance, "Make no mistake, this is not that ... Is the most beautiful Taoist subjective?"

"This girl seems to be Australian, how could it appear in Danxiatian?"

"What is Australia, her family is a Mai Guo, a billionaire, I heard that she was almost killed in order to fight for her family's property, and she came to the door."

A few respectable elders exchanged glances, and they were also stunned, "Are you mistaken, Sofia is also coming, Guan Daoyou what to do? This girl does not have many freckles on her face, you can't pretend to be an aunt. ? "

However, some people raised their brows and thought to themselves: Is this really going to show the way of holiness?

Everyone who knows Sophia knows that she is the person in charge of the Overseas Chinese Academy of Lawrence, and many of the doors have also gone to the show. The spirit that appeared on the side of Armsdam has also been noticed, knowing that it must be Luohua's handwriting.

Now this woman appears in Dan Xiatian, to say there is no reason-how is that possible?

Wang Wu held his mouth in his mouth and said to himself ... It seems that he had to find some beautiful female believers.

But he hadn't pushed his thoughts, and the female disciple at the first floor of the world turned to Guan Shanyue. "Guan Guanzhang, if I switch to Danxia Mountain, will I get the experience you described?"

"Transfer?" Guan Shanyue was stunned for a while, and then she laughed. She glanced at the Wangwu in charge and spoke with a smile. "Then you have to get permission from Qingfeng Taoist. If he doesn't agree, I can't help it." "

When she said these words, she had some unspoken pleasure in her heart.

More than three hundred years ago, Dan Xiatian, an extremely talented disciple, was taken away by the disciple of Wangwu and became a buddy, but he was finally abandoned by chaos and returned to Dan Xiatian with no face, stuck in nourishment. Eight layers of depression and end-the eight layers of qi are actually decayed eight layers.

Dan Xiatian has always been worried about this, and they believe that if the predecessor did not leave, it is likely to become a gas refining overhaul.

But in fact, they have no way to prevent this from happening. The Daomen and the portals of the earth are very strict, but there is also a lot of mutual communication within the Daomen. There are not many cases of switching to other gates, but they are not too few.

As long as the disciples do n’t pass on the mystery of the door, then it ’s not a sin that is unforgivable. In the final analysis, it ’s because you ca n’t pass on your inheritance, and you ca n’t keep your disciples before others will switch to other families.

It is precisely because of this that Ma Gushan has always been cherished. The predecessor's switch to the king's house not only made Dan Xiatian lose a possible gas refining monk, but also conveyed the fact to other Daomen: Ma Gushan's heritage is not as good as Wangwushan.

According to his conscience, Dan Xiatian didn't think her inheritance could be stronger than a small and clear sky, but ... this is too shameful, right?

Therefore, the grievances of Magu Mountain and Wangwu Mountain are really more than one factor, and the friendship between Wangwu and Kunlun is only one of them.

Now that the disciples of Wangwu Mountain want to switch to Dan Xiatian, Guan Shanyue is really happy to think about it-he can finally hit his face.

Wang Wu ’s Qingfeng held his head in amazement, and then nodded with a smile, “This is no problem, but Wang Kerr is in Wangwu Mountain, and there are some industries. If you leave like this ... I ’m afraid it will be difficult to operate.”

He absolutely didn't want Wang Keer to leave, but under the general situation, he was so mighty that he couldn't stop it. At first, Dan Xiatian was so bad that he couldn't bear to see it. With?

It ’s really necessary to stop, but it ’s not impossible, but this kind of behavior is often seen in the way of the earth-blocking the way!

So he can only hint: I said, you still have property in Wangwushan!

However, Wang Keer ’s “family situation” is not casual, and the family can not be said to be a wealthy man, but the two ropeways are not to be taken into consideration-at least she will not consider this issue, it is her parents to consider Yes, "daughter wants to be rich".

So she only hesitated a little, "That ... I just sell it."

"I'm afraid ... it's not easy to operate," Qingfeng also hesitated to speak when he was in charge. He certainly wanted her to stay in the Wangwu, but he couldn't express too much. "It's really difficult to communicate with the scenic spot management committee. "

"Is that true?" Wang Kerr frowned. Although she was "rich", she didn't want her parents to lose too much money. "Then let me ask my dad, he seems to have this Acquaintances. "

At this moment, Ma Sanniang ’s thoughts spread into Guan Shanyue ’s sea of ​​knowledge, "This disciple is about to accept it, and now he has fallen into a layer of mortal life. The key is the natural Taoist species ... The gas refining period will be stable in the future."

Ma Sanniang doesn't have Feng Jun's deduction ability, but she can find that this Kunxiu has entered the period of nourishing gas. What's more difficult is that this man has his own ideas in practice, which can really be the focus of Dan Xiatian. Training objects.

As for saying that accepting this disciple would lead to other things, she wouldn't consider it, and just give Guan Shanyue to do it in reverse-if you can't handle this matter well, you will fail to take control.

Of course, she is not too strong, but ... since Feng Jun is here, what are you afraid of?

But when Guan Shanyue heard that this woman might become a major overhaul in the refining period, her attitude immediately changed-Dan Xiatian had n’t seen the refining period in a long time. She said simply, Management Committee? Let us handle it. "

Qingfeng ’s face felt a little unsustainable. “Guan Zhizhang, do n’t be like this. You ’re not familiar with the king ’s house ... It ’s really hard for locals to deal with.”

Guan Shanyue glanced at him, "Fortunately, then your king's house took her property, can it be over?"

Qingfeng was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to explain with tears and laughs, "In fact, we have several problems with the industry of disciples. First of all ... Is it a strong purchase and a strong sale? This situation is not uncommon ..."

He is not saying that the King House has a tradition of strong buying and strong selling, but that this possibility exists objectively.

Of course, he wanted to explain not only this phenomenon, but also many possible accidents.

But Guan Shanyue interrupted him without hesitation, "Breeze Daoist, my words are here, do you try to buy or sell?"

This is not that she has a prejudice against the breeze, but that Dan Xiatian has already suffered too many losses, and now Feng Jun is supporting her, and her ancestors also support it. How can she give up the power of soaring?

Wang Wu is really afraid to gamble, mainly because he does not have any chips now. At this moment, he really feels the shame that Dan Xiatian once suffered-it is not that he does not want to protect his excellent disciples ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ But ... strength it doesn't allow.

And, what if you have chips? Is it really better than Feng Jun?

Therefore, he can only report with a bitter smile, "I am talking about the management committee, I definitely want to support Wang Keer, and will not be a stubborn.

You can't be wrong about this. The clear sky is always struggling with the management committee. One is the first hole of the Daomen, and the other is the secular management power. The two are naturally opposites.

But Guan Shanyue's confidence has burst, and she smiled slightly, "I Dan Xiatian has never refused the destiny. Someone wholeheartedly said, we will be her solid backing!"

After she finished speaking, she stopped mentioning it and turned to the instrument.

Suoweiya, as a celebrity in internet celebrity, speaks Chinese very well. When seeing everyone who leads a watch, she should encourage two sentences. Some people take the opportunity to apply for a photo with her. Eight hundred people line up and line up. For an hour.

Some people still see that the lead watch is too slow, and they specialize in assisting photography, otherwise it will only be slower.

There are quite a few women in Dan Xiatian's followers, some of whom did not have much interest in taking photos, but after seeing everyone taking a photo, they took the initiative to follow suit.

In this way, several aunts next to the machine have enough time to record the value on the instrument.

At this time, the people of the various gates finally couldn't bear it. They asked Guan Shanyue, what value was this, but Guan Zhizhang was resolutely refused to answer, only to say you asked Lord Feng Shan, without him, I would not Dare to explain to you.

But where did most people dare to ask Feng Jun, and finally Tang Tianshi found his daughter.

Master Tian responded quite simply, "The boss calls this the degree of piety, two values, one is the degree of piety to Daomen, the other is the degree of piety to Dan Xiatian."

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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