Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1896: There are dry goods

Feng Jun arrived at Dan Xiatian at half past eight in the night. If it were early, it would be bad to be seen and moved.

Guan Shanyue specially left a small building with a courtyard in Shifangtai to entertain Feng Jun and his party.

Those who came with Feng Jun included Sofia in addition to Ga Zi, Zhang Caixin, Xiao Tianshi, Yu Qingzhu and Gu Jiahui.

Sofia is very interested in the manifestation of the world. She also knows that she is very hot in China. However, the last time Lin Meili left her with a deep impression, so in general, she does not want to walk around in China.

But it does not matter to follow Feng Jun. She believes that as long as Feng Jun is willing to come forward, no one will go to check her passport.

Anyway, Dan Xiatian is also engaged in the manifestation of the human world, and it is also necessary for her to come and rub the heat.

In fact, she believes that she may not be considered a fan, and should be regarded as a mutual support to attract attention.

Under the guidance of Xiao Daogu, a group of people entered the small courtyard. Although it is a place for entertaining guests, Daomen originally did not advocate luxury, and the related layout is also very simple.

Xiao Daogu asked Feng Jun if he wanted to tell Guan Zhizhang, because he is currently entertaining other Taoist friends.

Feng Jun said that he did not need to tell her, but he was a little curious, "Is there anyone else who deserves to be personally received by Guan Guanzhang?"

"Here comes a lot of control," Xiao Dao knew about this, "Qingcheng, Wudang, Taibai Mountain, Luofu Mountain ... Tang Tianshi of Maoshan is here, even the king's house is coming."

Feng Jun was surprised for a while, "Isn't it said that I only notified you yesterday afternoon, did Guan Guanzhang inform you in advance?"

"It was informed yesterday afternoon," Xiao Dao gave him a faint glance, "but they all asked, is Lord Feng Shan coming?"

Co-authored Feng Jun, who stayed in Danxiatian for fifteen days, has been discovered by others. Although he does not appear in front of the public, there are so many pilgrims, there are always two deep channel doors, and Feng Jun is in the position of Daomen. High, few people in the circle do not know him.

After they recognized Feng Jun, they originally wanted to step up and talked up. As a result, they were stopped by Dan Xiatian's Taoist. Some people told other Daomen that Feng Shanzhu was really not close.

So, after passing through dozens and hundreds, someone knew that Feng Jun was in Danxiatian.

However, Dan Xiatian looked so tight that no outsiders could be approached casually, and it was not easy for everyone to inquire. Instead, he entrusted some believers to inquire about what Feng Jun was doing.

Then everyone knew that Feng Jun was tinkering with some weird instruments, which made it even more inconvenient to ask. There are still many taboos in the Taoism, which are still very important-think about the end of peeping people to practice martial arts in the legend. .

So yesterday, Dan Xiatian informed that he wanted to preach on Saturday. Everyone must first ask, of course, whether Feng Jun will go or not.

Guan Shanyue certainly cannot say that Feng Jun will not come, some things can be deliberately not mentioned, but they must not lie.

So she said that Feng Jun has a high probability of coming, anyway, she will not be too sure, and no one can accuse her.

Someone said that your notice was too hasty and disrupted our plan.

Guan Zhizhang apologized very sincerely, and said that if he could not come this time, he would still preach five days later.

This is pure nonsense, and everyone can be sure that even if Feng Jun has a good relationship with Dan Xiatian, it will come when he first preaches—even if it is Dan Xiatian ’s secret trial, Feng Jun is only here for the first time.

As far as Daomen's veins are concerned, if Feng Jun is not present, the appeal of Dan Xiatian's preaching will at least drop by half.

In addition, Magu Mountain now also has the bottom card, which is the "Danxia Secret Realm" that everyone in the Daomen envy. Finally, people have to preach. How big is it to go and hold a show?

So do n’t look at it as a temporary notice. There are people in the Daomen who have enough weight. There are seven or eight people. Among those who know Feng Jun, only Dong Zenghong of Guigu is in Gaul, and he really ca n’t get back.

In fact, some people took the opportunity to ask, Feng Jun has been staying with you for so long, what is he doing, but Guan Zhizhang answered very wisely, "You have to ask Master Feng Shan about this matter, I dare not talk casually."

After Feng Jun heard this reply, he shook his head in tears, "It's ... too enthusiastic."

He asked Xiao Daogu the question, and after Yu Qingzhu listened to a few words, he asked quietly beside Gu Jiahui, "Are you ... often moved by him like this?"

She knew that there was a shift in the manor, and she could even move directly to Australia. Unfortunately, she had n’t tried it. It was n’t that she did n’t want to try it. It was mainly because Mr. Feng did not arrange it.

Or is she still a bit arrogant? This thing has been cultivated since childhood, and it is now very difficult to change.

This time, Feng Jun did not use the shifting array, but moved directly with people. Yu Qingzhu felt the space shifting for the first time. This way, naturally he could not help but ask.

Gu Jiahui froze for a moment before replying, "It's not a lot of times at this time, but ... this is quite respectful."

Yu Qingzhu didn't know what he had thought of. When he heard this, his face suddenly turned red. "When do you disrespect people?"

When you don't respect people ... Of course it's a spirit beast bag! Gu Jiahui knew what to say, so she just smiled, "You will know when you look back."

At this time, Xiao Daogu had left, and Feng Jun just heard the last sentence-in fact, the conversation between the two couldn't hide his mind, so he smiled and said, "The main thing is to move the array here, the spirit above. Stone is easily coveted. "

He really doesn't lack a shifting position now, but in the world of the earth, there are still only two pairs of Chaoyang and Australia in use.

After finishing the talk, everyone started to tidy up the room and decided to settle in. As a result, someone knocked on the door, but Qing Xiaozi and Taibai Feng came to the company and wanted to chat with Feng Jun.

If it is Feng who is in charge, Feng Jun estimates that he will directly block the car, but Qing Xiaozi is getting older, but he can't disrespect him.

These two come here, of course, want to know the purpose of Feng Jun Feng Jun to Dan Xiatian.

Feng Jun only smiled and did not speak, but instead recruited Yu Qingzhu to say that this is a rising star of my manor, not far from the gas refining period. She will be a teacher in the future, and please take care of everyone.

The two of them were also very helpless when they saw it. They couldn't pinch his neck and force him to say it?

In the early morning of the next day, Guan Shanyue opened the Daodejing. In addition to the Taoist people, there were nearly 1,000 followers ... These people all came to the mountain in the morning, although they did n’t know what it was. "Ma Gu is holy," but piety is never a bad thing.

The Daomen ’s interest in the Daojing is really not too big. It is not that it does not respect the Daojing. It is that Guan Shanyue ca n’t say much new ideas. Compared with the inheritance of the Daomen, Dan Xiatian can only say Too weak.

However, they neglected a little bit, but Dan Xiatian has an instrument spirit that has lived for more than a thousand years, not only the instrument spirit, but also the ancestor!

Ma Sanniang ’s extraordinary accomplishments in the Taoist Scriptures, although she is not proficient in Dadao, but combined with the inheritance of Magu Mountain, she naturally has her unique insights, and Guan Shanyue does not fall off the chain for this preaching, temporarily holding Buddha ’s feet and entanglement. It took ten days for Ma San Niang.

Therefore, what she is talking about is not only a basic exposition of the Dao De Jing, it can have some influence on the believers, but also some dry goods in it, which can give life a little innocent enlightenment in life.

Of course, this is all she can do, no amount of guidance is possible, because the rules do not allow.

And some people really heard the famous hall below. For example, the eyes of a female disciple in a royal house lit up. "This is the same as my saying that there is a clear sky ... There is a little bit of opposition, but it is not without reason."

The female disciple was less than 30 years old, and she looked like a normal family. She became a monk after being hurt by her love. Her parents worried that she wouldn't think about it. She simply built a ropeway for Wang Wushan to let her do something.

Unexpectedly, she still really devotes herself to cultivating the Tao. She has learned most of Wang Wang ’s books in three years, and has successfully entered the realm of decay. In addition, the ropeway has a good income ~ ~ It is also a rising star in the Wangwu.

Those who sat with her and listened to it, in addition to Brother Benmai, as well as the king's house.

In fact, Wang Wu also wants to think about what the machine is, but their relationship with Dan Xiatian is really bad. At present, they can only work hard to get a good impression, and they are not qualified to ask questions.

When she saw the female disciple nodded slightly, she glanced at her in anxiety, and said that she should not let Guan Shanyue distort her disciple.

As a steward, he can hear the looming dry goods in the mouth of the stewards, but the dry goods belong to the inheritance of Dan Xiatian, and they are not particularly suitable for the king's house. The two paths are different.

However, at the end of the sermon, when Guan Shanyue allowed people to ask questions freely, an accident happened.

The female disciples in Wangwu raised their hands directly to ask questions. Guan Zhizhang heard the questions and answered them in amazement. "These are the mysteries of Dan Xiatian, but it is not easy to elaborate with you, but since you asked, That ’s also fate, so I remind you ... "

"What you are confused about is actually the difference between repairing and repairing Kunxiu. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, it's just that Dan Xiatian focuses on Kunxiu."

They answered questions here, and it was quite lively, and the people who stared at the machine pondered it and then reacted, "What are we ... missed?"

In fact, those who can walk back and forth while preaching, that is, a few prestigious predecessors, although Guan Shanyue is a little unhappy in his heart, he can't blame anything.

It's like someone organizing a seminar. The professor lectures above. Several professors with similar identities whispered below. The one on the stage can't blame these fans as long as they are not too self-inflated.

Guan Zhi thought helplessly: Forget it, as long as they don't question my preaching, so be it.

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