Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1898: Blessing Legend

Hearing the word "piousness", many people in the Daomen have fallen into meditation: Is this thing useful?

Piety is actually valued by all religious disciplines, but the key to the problem is that the Taoism has been withering for too long. In recent decades, it has mainly been about survival-is it important that piety is not religious? Good believers are those who can give more.

But among the Daomen present, no one dared to say that piety is useless. This is that the rule of justice is not correct, especially in the prosperity of the Daomen, which is about to revive the gate.

After a while, one of Wudang's masters asked, "Dan Xiatian, is this planning ... to take disciples or to protect the law?"

Disciple and Dharma protector, you must talk about piety. When he asked this question, he also wanted to know the next step of Dan Xiatian's development-after all, when talking about Dao disciples, Wudang recognized the second, really no one dared to say that he was the first. One.

"There must be disciples and guardians," Guan Shanyue replied with a smile. "But when I build such a large outer courtyard, it is not how many disciples I want to recruit at once. The practice is still good step by step, just Just make a little preparation in advance. "

Wudang Taoist nodded his head when he heard the words. Fortunately, Dan Xiatian was not too inflated. "It's true that Guan Guan is in charge of this and the practice is really urgent. Wudang also has some lessons in this regard."

At this moment, Qing Xiaozi violently said, "Then investigate this piety ...... Is it really for sacredness?"

Because this guess really surprised him a little, his voice involuntarily increased a little.

"Is it for sacredness?" Other Daoist friends were all surprised, and then nodded again-if this is the reason, it is really necessary to test piety.

Guan Shanyue laughed when she heard this, but she could n’t just say anything about it, but she would n’t deny it when others guessed it, “It ’s just a few attempts, Ma Gu ’s blessing, it ’s not always possible. Before you see the effect, do n’t It's so nonsense. "

"What can't be said," the chief of Qiu Dao of Zhongnan said disapprovingly, "You have all asked Master Feng Shan to help him, with his mana, as long as he is willing to take action, it is not easy to show the saints?"

"Autumn Daoyou, don't dare to say this nonsense," Guan Shanyue waved his hands in a hurry, "Blessing, I have Danxiatian's own predecessor."

This is not the merit of her to kill Feng Jun, but the request made by Feng Jun on his own initiative-to dilute his existence, otherwise other Daomen will come to the door one after another, should he control it or not?

Qing Xiaozi was amazed at first, and then laughed, he lived so big, what kind of human relations do not understand? "Yes, I am not sure about this. Strictly speaking, Master Feng Shan made the equipment for you ... Ma Gu Xian Sheng, of course, the senior Dan Xiatian shot."

Wangwu was in charge of the speech, and just asked aloud, "Recently I heard people say that Dan Xiatian has a senior comeback, I wonder if we can see these juniors?"

"Sorry," Guan Shanyue shook her head very simply. "The elder Taishang sees no foreigners. If the Kunlun master came, she might be an exception ... others are impossible."

Ma Xianniang's existence, most of Dan Xiatian's disciples knew that few of them had seen her, but even so, all other Daomen's veins knew that Dan Xiatian came back as a senior.

Hearing Guan Shanyue's words, the head of the breeze wind was amazed, "Guidongtian's predecessors are also ...

Guan Shanyue heard the words and smiled proudly, "If the Kunlun Master dare to come, then you will know."

Feng was too lazy to ask such a thing, but pointed to the instrument and asked, "What is this ... is it a magic weapon?"

"The magic weapon is just the magic weapon driven by electricity," Guan Shanyue replied lightly. Although Feng Jun would not let her publicize more, she always felt that Feng Jun had helped so much and still had to mention it in moderation. I designed it myself. "

She has followed Luohua's people and changed her name, calling Feng Jun the boss, not the mountain owner.

Zhang Dongyuan couldn't help but nod, "Boss Feng really isn't as powerful as usual."

After everyone knew about the instrument, they had a heart to pay attention to "Ma Gu blessing", but Guan Shanyue smiled and shook his head, but politely but firmly refused-this is a matter within Dan Xiatian, it is inconvenient for you to watch .

The next step is to inform the believers. Feng Jun means that from these 800 people, choose 80 people with relatively high piety, and help them realize their wishes as much as possible, but Guan Shanyue believes that they cannot be chosen relatively. , You must choose absolutely.

She believes that the piety is less than 90%, it is not worthy of Dan Xiatian's blessing, yes, it is 90%, which is higher than Feng Jun's standard in the town of Amsdam.

In fact, she originally planned to set the standard of piety to 95%, but it is very regrettable that only nine people can meet the conditions.

It is said that nine people are not many, but they are barely enough. However, five of these people are cancer patients or family members of the patients. Two of them have started to line up at Lova, and the remaining three are not enough money. The center can be discounted.

Of the remaining four people, two of them are regular customers of Sanshengjiu, that is to say, 95% of the piety for no reason, only two people, only two of the eight hundred people, the probability is only one thousandth 2.5.

It can also be seen that there is really no love for no reason in the world.

Therefore, Guan Shanyue had to reduce the standard to 90%, more than 90%, and there were nearly 50 people.

This is not to say that Magu Mountain is really unpopular. According to Feng Jun ’s operation in Australia, if it is qualified at 80, there are more than 300 people above 80 in the people who arrived today.

Speaking of the 800 people in the scene, less than half of them are above 80, which seems a bit sad, but in fact, many believers do not come alone, some bring their partners, some bring their girlfriends, and The family of three came.

It's far from being said, Dan Xiatian's disciples urgently checked and found that among the 48 believers above 90, there were 29 people with a strong "maybe able to operate" desire.

Feng Jun glanced at the statistical data and found that there was basically no problem. After thinking about it, he added a little more, "Add that Zhang Xiaoli too ... the one who really wants to be suicidal."

Soon, Dan Xiatian's disciples notified relevant believers via WeChat or SMS, hoping that they would not leave in a hurry after lunch, staying at Shifangtai in the evening, and repeatedly stressed that they should not leak it.

It ’s really good to have a high level of piety. After receiving these notifications, these people do n’t touch their minds at all. The smart people think of "Ma Gu blessing". Those who have a slower brain will also call the relevant people quietly. Asked the Taoist priest.

There is only one woman, about thirty years old. After receiving the message, WeChat could n’t help but yell, “Did you make a mistake, Dan Xiatian? What is this ... If I do n’t stay at night, my mother will not interrupt my leg?"

In fact, she is not devoted to Dan Xiatian, but she just ca n’t control her mouth. She said that she could help Dan Xiatian to clean the house, but she dared to blame her for seeing that Xiao Dao was doing something wrong. .

Guan Shanyue's evaluation of her is all temperament, but unfortunately this temperament is really not good at controlling himself.

She thought she was talking to her girlfriends, but the other people at the table also heard it, so she looked at the probe, "How can Dan Xiatian ... Hey, is it true?"

This accident caused a little confusion, because someone has already thought of the word "Ma Gu blessing", then the question is coming-why only sent her a message, not sent me?

Was finally okay. The young lady who sent the message was more responsible. She bite the bullet and said that it was sent to a friend, and she accidentally made a mistake.

This kind of change has made those who received the message more aware-really can't let others know!

In fact, Xiao Daogu's explanation is not convincing, but what about it? Ken Lai made a special trip to listen to all the relatively iron believers of Magu Mountain, and could only accept this explanation.

But as everyone gradually left, they couldn't help whispering: Why not me?

Someone also had a good relationship with Dan Xiatian's disciples and quietly asked why.

For those believers who have a good relationship, Dan Xiatian ’s disciple also responded, but the unified answer: Ma Gu blessed the opportunity and the piety-the aura you exude can make some mysterious existence Perceive.

Most people will not doubt their piety ~ ~ Then, it can only be attributed to chance.

The woman who caused the trouble finally realized what she had done wrong, so she found the aunt who was responsible for connecting with herself, and begged hard to say, I knew it was wrong, I had already asked my mother for leave, and you let me stay Right.

The aunt had a good relationship with her, knowing that she was a careless person, and also made a lot of publicity for Dan Xiatian on weekdays.

But at this time she can only shake her head: No, so many people stare at it, wait to look back.

There are indeed many people who are staring, who were originally planning to leave after lunch. As a result, they still wandered in Taoist temples in the afternoon. Some people sat and sipped tea at Shifangtai. How much to donate.

The woman who was in trouble is still a little unwilling, so ask me if you can get me next time?

The little sister-in-law told her: You do n’t have to think about it in a short time. I wrote it clearly, and I wo n’t let you speak out. Are you illiterate or what? Do you have to say it out loud, do you know how much trouble it brings to Taoism? Those are also believers!

This is getting more and more anxious, so that next time I come with my mother, I do n’t have to ask for leave, my mother is still rich!

Daogu made it clear that your mother would be fine with you, but it is definitely not appropriate next time. The blessing is not related to how much money you have!

By the way, she also sent out a pair of Shun Shui favors-you know, you can be selected, I am also hard! As a result, I inform you that you are in trouble. .

She was aggrieved, so she had to find some favors to make up, but there was one thing she was right about, and the person selected could be accompanied by someone.

Zhang Xiaoli is like this, she is with her mother.

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