Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1895: Cost-effective mistake

Feng Jun feels that his abacus is playing well, and Yang Yuxin also thinks his calculation is good.

For them, I think it is difficult to find a cargo yard that can put 600 million tons of iron ore, but in fact, this is not a matter-the word "China is big and rich" in Huaxia, it is not in vain.

Not to mention, just the ports of several major ports, the area of ​​the cargo yard can not be underestimated, and the large inland operation station, the ability to store goods, is not even imaginable by ordinary people.

Feng Jun carried 600 million tons of iron ore overnight, of which more than 200 million tons were placed in the cargo yards of two small railway stations-even green leather cars may not stop Small station.

That's because this small station is not far from the main line. When you get to the main line, you can change the head of the car and you can run around. The speed may not be fast, but one pull is forty or fifty wagons, and one car is 300 tons. Fifty wagons are 15,000 tons.

Twenty times a day to run such a car, it is 300,000 tons, a day is 30 million tons, which is still the same direction.

If two directions, how many tons a year?

Of course, these are numbers, which does not mean anything, mainly because there are many such stations.

Feng Jun, as a liberal arts monk, is also the first time he has actually felt the power of powerful industry. He said that our country's capacity is really strong.

Of course, no matter how strong the capacity is, he can't keep up with his storage bag, and he didn't think much about it.

But what he planned was a strange change.

On the fourth day, Feng Jun was pondering the "Power Version Gathering Array". Yang Yuxin looked over and said with a wry smile, "The price reduction of iron ore ... basically has to be negotiated, and will be announced next month. . "

Feng Jun was not surprised at the next month ’s official announcement-or that he would have been surprised before, but now it is really not going to happen. Many things, especially involving the game between countries, are really not the moment. Settled.

Even a lot of things that are stable, once an accident occurs, there is no way to execute it again-many accidents between countries will be attributed to "force majeure".

Considering the concerns of the people, it is quite normal to postpone a little official announcement.

But he was still a little surprised, "It's just a matter of negotiation, don't we have to hold them slowly?"

"I think too," Yang Yuxin answered with a wry smile, "But ... there are thieves!"

Commercial thieves are really distressing. This is not just a question of patriotism.

Some steel companies will buy shares from some iron miners in order not to be controlled by others-the shares will not be many, and the absolute supply will not be guaranteed, but there are shares and no shares, after all, it is different, at least the ability to get news Is much better.

These steel companies that have shares in iron ore factories, when the price of ore increases, although the cost of the steel company will increase, but the profit of the mine will also increase, which can offset the impact of some price increases.

But since they have profit in the mine, they, as shareholders, are also obliged to pass on some "critical" news to the iron ore supplier.

They have previously reported that the new supplier of China is Yang Yuxin, but Director Yang's status is high enough, and the origin is also large, and it is not easy to reach at ordinary times. Those iron ore suppliers are not easy to contact her.

This time, Director Yang had stockpiled in freight yards all over the country. A lot of iron ore, the news spread to major steel companies overnight.

Yang Yuxin has hidden a lot of iron ore, all of which are placed in the unremarkable fringe goods yard.

But she is too small to see the ability of major steel companies to search for news, because iron ore has been out of stock for some time. There are high-quality iron ore.

Some pits that have been discontinued have begun to be re-started-the more expensive you are, the better than the shutdown.

In this case, hundreds of millions of tons of iron ore paving can not be ignored.

At the beginning, everyone was grabbing the quota of 50 million tons, but they robbed and found that they were different-are we talking about the same goods in the same yard?

Then everyone realized that Director Yang could deliver more than 50 million tons of iron ore this time.

Another day, someone found a freight yard with nearly 100 million tons of iron ore stored in it, and it was also placed in a sinister place at an abandoned freight yard of a county-level railway station. Everyone's concept changed again: iron ore reserved by Director Yang , Far more than 50 million tons!

By this time, even if the major steel companies have repeatedly claimed that they should pay attention to confidentiality, how can they be kept secret?

The iron ore supplier was informed that the news was like a thunderbolt: if the supplier's supply is so abundant, they must change their strategy.

No price reduction in the past, just to obtain higher profits, now no price reduction, the company may be cold!

It ’s very important to say that business is about people and me, and if people are me and nothing, what are you waiting for?

But the news was so shocking that they could not make a decision between them in a hurry and could only report to the headquarters as soon as possible. At the same time, they also began to verify the authenticity of the news.

Anyway, when they got the news, Yang Yuxin's layout even failed-could such a large amount of goods be able to withstand other people's deliberate investigation?

And only from the accumulated amount, the supplier can be sure that this will not be a flicker of the Chinese people, accumulating little by little, it is impossible to save such a large amount of stock.

Even more terrible is that they can be 100% sure that China has another strong and stable supply!

So, let's not talk about the problem of not lowering prices now. Consider how much you can reduce so as not to lose too many markets.

While they were investigating, they contacted Yang Yuxin in a crazy way and wanted to invite her to join the iron ore price alliance. It does n’t matter if they did n’t join the alliance.

Unfortunately, Yang Yuxin now also spends most of his time on cultivation. Like Feng Jun, most of her phones are turned off and put into the object symbol, so that when the ancients find her, they must contact Liang Siyu first. .

What did Gu Da find her for? Of course, I also told her that in terms of iron ore, you do n’t need to act for a while, and give those foreign iron ore suppliers a way of life.

Desperately increase when the price is increased, and seek release when the price cannot be increased ... These people's faces are really huh.

But Yang Yuxin was not surprised, because she understood the logic. Once the other party was close to bankruptcy, they could dump the pot on Huaxia, and the economic downturn could be blamed on Huaxia-who told you not to buy me Something?

There are many things to consider in the politics of great powers. In the past, there was no iron ore in the family. Tolerant of the other party ’s discriminatory price increases. Now that iron ore can be found, it must be considered.

In fact, Yang Yuxin has other speculations in his mind. Almost all people with knowledge can be sure that iron ore comes from Feng Jun, and Feng Jun ’s important influence has already involved multiple industries. Iron ore cannot let He stands out again.

Otherwise, once he has an accident, the entire China will suffer greatly.

So the purchase of iron ore is better to walk on two legs. The main importer is Luo Huafu, which not only makes good friends with foreigners, but also protects China ’s own resources. Why not do it?

Yang Yuxin highly appreciates this because she knows very well what horror is on Kun Hao's plane. Although Feng Jun has broken out of a world in Kun Hao, there are still quite a few people who can threaten him.

The person from the Tianqin plane actually took Feng Jun away. Feng Jun did not want to go at the beginning.

And she knew a little more vaguely, if Feng Jun Jin Yuan Yuan Ying, can return to the earth world, it is unknown!

At the beginning, everyone in Luohua was worried that Feng Jun might not be able to return after holding the Dan, because there can be no Golden Dan in the earth world. This is the consensus of Buddhism and Taoism.

But later, Feng Jun said that the Jindan period can come back, because the hamster around him is the Jindan period, but Feng Yuan ca n’t return to the earth. Feng Jun himself has no confidence.

Therefore, Yang Yuxin believes that it is a good thing not to put the burden on Feng Jun.

Interestingly, the scheme she designed this time failed. However, this failure caused the suppliers to feel more chilled. If you are not careful enough, you really do n’t know how to die.

Anyway, with such an operation, Huaxia wants to release water and make a high profile. It must be able to win some chips at the national Jia level. Overall, it is not a loss.

Feng Jun only nodded lightly after understanding the matter, "Well, I will mine two billion tons over there, and if it is shipped back, there is really no place to put it ~ ~ piled up in the desert Well, this reserve is really nothing. "

After a pause, he sighed again, "Unfortunately, crude oil is inconvenient to reserve, otherwise I can evacuate those two oil fields, and I don't have to think about these things in the short term."

Next, he continued to experiment with the electric-driven Juling array, and finally finalized the plan on Friday, and the deduction was all going well.

As for further improvement, that is the matter of looking back, he is now going to Danxiatian.

This time he went to Danxiatian, he had only planned to bring Ga Zi, and he will come back to pick up Lin Heihu tomorrow afternoon.

However, Zhang Caixin volunteered to go with her. Obviously, she thinks that Feng Jun is now alienated from herself. The reason is that her thoughts are a bit selfish.

Yu Qingzhu and Gu Jiahui also offered to take a look.

Feng Jun actually did n’t mean to blame them, but he could also feel that everyone was really a little panicked, so they simply agreed to them, "You both can only advance by one step, so go out and take a look It ’s good too. "

After hearing about it, Master Tian also ran over to see the excitement and made a suggestion, "Shall I call Sofia too?"

(Updated to summon the monthly ticket.)

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