Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1894: Steel enterprises seeking help

The status of Daojing in Daomen is really very special.

The preaching and communication between the various veins of Daomen. If someone preached the Daodejing, only two kinds of reactions would appear.

One reaction is: Are you actually talking about the Taoist Sutra? The other is ... you dare to speak the Tao Te Ching!

Feng Jun's reaction is the first, but Guan Shanyue's reaction is the second.

However, Feng Jun did not correct her, but just told her seriously, "This is Dan Xiatian wanting to be holy in the world, preaching is not the point ... do you understand?"

"Of course I understand," Guan Shanyue frowned anxiously, "But ... Dan Xiatian hasn't preached for more than a hundred years!"

She knew it all, but you let her give up, she was really reluctant, Dan Xiatian came to today, it is really not easy, now can start inviting other Taoism friends to preach, is it so?

"You still can't grasp the point," Feng Jun shook his head helplessly, "If, I mean if ... Others find that Dan Xiatian's manifestation is due to Luohua, do you think people will invite me to go to them Dojo help? "

"Can you blame ..." Guan Shanyue said half of it, and finally stopped abruptly.

"You can't go," Ma Sanniang's voice came, "I have so many Kunxiu in Danxiatian, what do they have?"

With more and more contact with the outside world, Dan Xiatian's ancestors became more and more skinned.

"I mean it seriously," Feng Jun is too lazy to take care of her, "you must clearly distinguish the first goal when doing things ..."

"I understand, I just don't want to," Guan Shanyue sighed, "And Dan Xiatian wants to preach, and you have to inform others of the Daomen ... even if you don't expect them to come, you have to make a gesture."

"That's easy," Feng Jun replied casually, "You can inform later, preach on Saturday ... Notify on Thursday afternoon!"

Guan Shanyue nodded with a frown, "It can only be like this."

After discussing this matter, Feng Jun returned to Luohua, but happened to encounter Sophia Nuo moved over. After more than a month of word-of-mouth accumulation, she not only completely red, but also more people praying, she hopes to be with Feng Jun finalized, when to operate again.

Feng Jun suddenly remembered that this method of testing piety can be used to test favorability, so in the future ... Sofia can judge for herself.

Think a little further, that is, since it is possible to use electricity instead of spirit stones, then Amsdam ’s gathering can also be changed to an electricity-driven gathering.

This is a big improvement! Feng Jun felt excited at the thought of this place.

Originally, he really didn't want to go to Australia, to treat the people there, it made him feel a bit cold, but Sofia is impacting the gas refining period, since you can still test the formation, it doesn't matter if it is operated twice.

So he told Sofia that I was testing some formations recently. After the test, I will set it up with you, but only if your power supply can keep up.

The electricity should be almost the same. Sophia said timidly that she knows less about engineering than Feng Jun, but she can be sure that there are two transformers outside Taoist temple. The power capacity designed at the time can drive five Zhenwu halls, plus an additional five thousand Human quarter.

Of course, she also said that you can come up with an indicator. I will let them implement it when I go back. If the conditions are not enough, you can expand the capacity as soon as possible, which will definitely not affect your work.

"Anyway, as soon as possible," Feng Jun said so, thinking that he was going to work overtime again, could not help but sigh, "Oh, when will this day be finished?"

After sending off Sofia, Yang Yuxin came to urge iron ore again, saying that he is now talking to overseas about iron ore price reduction, the other party has been unwilling to agree, many steel companies are in an emergency, others do this to force out the domestic high quality The bottom line of iron ore.

Iron plants are not the same as ordinary enterprises. They cannot stop work casually after they start work, otherwise a series of chain reactions will occur.

The supplier opposite heard that China has a new source of high-quality ore, and has always wanted to find out where the mine was produced, what company supplied the goods, how much reserves, and how strong the mining capacity is.

But no one can give an answer here. Someone asked Yang Yuxin for a question. Director Yang scolded me fiercely. I will give you mine and you will give me money. I will ask so much for what to do. my way?

Iron miners are very dissatisfied if they don't get the news, saying that your attitude will affect the cooperation between the two parties.

In Huaxia Steel, some people are annoyed ... especially with Yang Yuxin, so they said that we are about to talk to you, should the price be reduced recently, Huaxia ’s steel market has been sluggish in the past two years, and our profits The points are close to zero.

The market downturn is true, but in the final analysis, it still changes the way to force the other party to lower the price.

Business behavior, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong, the price of suppliers pulling iron ore to the terminal is far lower than the price of Huaxia's equivalent quality ore. The price is not really high.

But one is digging from a mine, not to mention the high cost and great danger, and the other is open pit mining with an excavator.

Therefore, the buyer believes that the profit of the seller is too high and the price should be lowered.

But the sales side thinks that this is what I have, since you do n’t have it, then do n’t say anything about profit, just be well-served.

Therefore, the suppliers must not agree to the price reduction requirements of the steel companies, but they did not grasp the trend of this new opponent and did not dare to refuse, but dragged slowly.

Now that negotiations are deadlocked, suppliers have resorted to tricks-prices are inconclusive and suspension of supply.

Steel companies must have some ore in stock, but the stock is used less and less, and they dare not stop the furnace casually.

So now, they need the help of rivers and lakes, tell Yang Yuxin, Director Yang, how many mines you have in hand, we can eat as many mines-this time, if we ca n’t stand it, the next time we suppress the price of the other party, we do n’t know what it is. It's time.

Even the other party may think that this new supplier was fabricated by Huaxia Steel. If people hold such an idea, the price of iron ore may also have a retaliatory rebound.

They asked Director Yang, they must not fall off the chain-at least you must prove that you have a considerable supply capacity.

Yang Yuxin himself is a state-owned enterprise. He is very familiar with these routines. Although he knows that this battle is the key, as long as he can show his muscles in moderation, it will bring great help to his negotiation.

However, do n’t look at her being always very weak in front of Feng Jun, but that depends on what happened, her daughter was served with paraquat, and she was shot .... Any woman encountered a similar thing and became strong. ?

In fact, Director Yang is still very strong in her work, and she also has a family feeling. She feels that showing her muscles in moderation is not enough, and she is well aware of Feng Jun ’s supply ability, so she asked, "How long do I need to fight for time?"

"At least three months," the other party's answer is this, "If you can fight for half a year, basically no problem."

The iron ore imported by China in one year is about one billion tons, and the import demand of all steel companies is covered, and it is about 500 million tons in half a year.

As mentioned earlier, Feng Jun considered that he would put about 200 million tons of iron ore into the domestic market every year. It is certainly possible to put a little more. However, he mines iron ore there and spends the spirit stone-good Well, spirit stones can be replaced with deductions.

Anyway, he didn't mean to take over all China iron ore, but just wanted to change the current passive situation.

But the iron ore he has mined there has already exceeded 600 million tons, and it is still being mined. However, when it reaches 1 billion tons, whether or not to continue mining will require additional consideration.

Yang Yuxin came to Feng Jun to discuss whether to directly transport all 600 million tons to this plane.

Let me help you for six months? Cut, I will help you last for seven months!

"Then move all over," Feng Jun nodded, "I let the mining continue over there, and the two billion tons will be mined first."

For him, these materials are really just data, and digging more than one billion tons of mine is nothing more than a hundred thousand spirit stones.

According to his ratio of a spirit stone to 100 million Chinese coins, this is more than ten trillion Chinese coins. It must be a loss to sell them, but ... is he a difference of more than ten thousand spiritual stones? As long as the Lingshi and Huaxia coins cannot be freely exchanged, he does not matter.

Spend hundreds of thousands of soul stones to buy a comfortable heart, which is enough.

Yang Yuxin will also settle accounts. She does not know how many spirit stones Feng Jun has, but she would not think that the purchasing power of a spirit stone can be stronger than 100 million Huaxia coins-she and Zhang Caixin went to the mobile phone plane, Feng The pocket money given by Jun is 100 spirit stones per person.

This is still Feng Jun worried that they will spend money indiscriminately and bring in the scourge of killing him. He even said that if it is not for this reason, UU reads the book www.uukanshu. One thousand spirit stones per person for com is also available.

So she nodded, "Then I told them, 600 million tons ... This has to be considered in the freight yard, or not."

The 600 million tons must really consider the problem of the freight yard. The iron ore is calculated as one cubic meter of six tons. The 600 million tons is also 100 million cubic meters. That is to say, one square kilometer of freight yard must be piled up 100 meters. high.

In other words, a ten-square-kilometer freight yard must be ten meters high to accommodate so much iron ore.

"Wait a minute," Feng Jun shouted at her, "I personally think that it is not enough to show the stocks of 600 million tons, one or two hundred million tons is enough ... The rest, find a safe place to put , Hold them slowly, okay? "

Yang Yuxin froze for a moment, blinked his eyes again, and smiled, "You are too bad!"

She understands that this feeling of blunt knife-cutting meat is a huge torture for the negotiator-whenever you think you are going to succeed, the other party provides a batch of goods. Come out, what kind of sour it will be!

Generally speaking, in this situation, it is easy to collapse the negotiators' emotions ... they don't know where the other party's bottom line is!

Feng Jun smiled with pride, "Basic operation ... Business is business."

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