Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1893: I will do it myself

Feng Jun made a plan, but his refiner level was average, so he stepped directly into the mobile phone plane to find the answer.

Not only did he have to find a way to test piety, but he also had to contact Lei Xiu and let them help provide the idea of ​​power-driven arrays, which might cost some spirit stones, but he had no choice-as a liberal arts monk It is impossible for him to engage in industrial design.

Professional things, of course, ask professional people to do it.

He believes that this kind of investment is worthwhile. If electricity can partially replace the spirit stone, Daomen will usher in a greater revival.

However, it is very tragic that the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and the first person to reply gave him a heavy blow.

He was the first to ask, of course, the ghost man, he wanted to know how piety is generally tested,

The big brother didn't figure out the situation at first, and after asking him carefully, he directly said "you want more".

"It is said that the heart is separated from the belly, and the piety is unpredictable. It is easily affected by emotions and changes ... The reason why Dengxianjian is effective is because your cultivation qualifications are fixed and will not change at will."

Feng Jun was a little dissatisfied, "but we all know that the incense can be felt piously when it becomes a Shinto."

The big brother answered impatiently, "That is also the willingness to perceive through incense, do you think there is such a magic weapon?"

"I think ... can there be?" Feng Jun is still not reconciled, "The incense into the gods is mainly able to perceive the piety of the other party, so there is no special development of the test array, because there is no need ... This possibility is Does it exist? "

"I think the possibility of objective existence is very small," the big brother thinks that he is delusional, "Do you know? Every sect will have a headache for the loyalty of the disciples, if you can really create such a magical instrument ... I guarantee you can make a fortune! "

Loyalty and piety are two different things? Feng Jun secretly vomited, but shook his head indifferently, "Senior you laughed, I have always been not good at refining, and you don't know it."

"Are you kidding me?" The boss was dissatisfied. "I've never seen anyone use such a humble material to build a psychic array, and your cultivation at that time was still very low ... you are waiting for me. Praise you? "

"Huh?" Feng Jun heard his eyes light up, "That's right, how can I forget my old business? I can infer."

"Then you deduced," the big brother sent off directly, "When you make that thing, remember to leave me a few."

In the next time, Feng Jun was really ruthless, and did not return to the earth, he continued to perform on the mobile phone.

In the beginning, he disassembled Dengxianjian, then disintegrated the Jingxueming card, and then disintegrated the spirit beast contract.

No one else has seen Feng Jun so desperately. Nie Chifeng was more in contact with him and was scared. Ask him what are you doing?

Feng Jun did not conceal, and said what she wanted to do, Nie Rongxun resolutely expressed support, but she believes that you can't be too anxious, and the temptation is not up to speed.

Feng Jun also realized that he was a bit of a loser, so he smiled and said, "You can rest assured that I will try a few more contract spirit beasts, and you can put it on for a while."

Nie Chifeng said immediately, I will find a way to deal with the contract beast.

The result was less than half a day. She found nearly a hundred contract beasts and more than 30 people. The people all said that Feng Shan was only concerned about testing and was not afraid of any mistakes. Do n’t be stressed.

In fact, most of the time, the cultivator still cares about the contract beast. The first big money Feng Jun made in this plane is to cure the contract beast raised by a little girl.

But all the cultivators present thought very clearly that if Feng Jun could be owed his personal affection, a contract beast was really nothing.

Feng Jun deduced another two days and returned to the earth with a lot of data.

About the position of testing piety-if it can be called the position, he already has a certain idea, but generally speaking, it still has to rely on the mobile phone to constantly match and rely on the computing power to crush the past.

The good thing is that matching in the mobile phone, if you do n’t get through with the real space, basically do n’t move words, so how hard Feng Jun matches is only his own heart.

Surprised him that through constant matching, the scheme that electricity replaced spiritstone as power has basically become mature.

At noon on the fourth day, Feng Jun built a very strange formation-if it can be called a formation.

This method covers an area of ​​20 square meters. There are many kinds of objects and there are nearly two hundred kinds of materials. Some materials will make people suspicious at first glance: this is not the material that should be on earth?

Indeed, there are some Kunhao plane materials that really cannot be found in the earth.

Because the formation method is really unsightly, and there are still spirit stones, Feng Jun directly covered it with gray canvas, and then asked Guan Shanyue to arrange the believers to come to test-this is just the initial test, and it is still very early from the finished product. .

But the index of piety must be set. Finally, it is Dan Xiatian, and there is no shortage of believers to experiment.

Feng Jun did a day's experiment, basically clarified the division criteria, and he was quite satisfied with it.

But when he nodded, Guan Shanyue couldn't help it, "Master Feng Shan, this test formation ... is it too ugly?"

"It will improve," Feng Jun replied casually. To be honest, he really wanted to take this "piety test formation" to Kun Hao. That is not enough for people to laugh at. Foreign appearance.

And there is a key point, "I want to give it a try, can it be changed to electric drive."

Guan Shanyue heard his eyes light up and spoke with information, "That's great."

For Feng Jun, today's entire day of testing and adjustments have verified many of his ideas. In the next two days, he basically completed the "Stone Stone Test Array" and even made some optimizations. The area has been reduced to about four square meters.

Smaller, he can do it, but he thinks it is unnecessary. With this idea, he can already get the Kunhao plane to sell money-after all, he is just a liberal arts monk, not an engineering dog.

Next, we have to do the test version of the power version. The difference between the two is actually very big. After all, power has to be considered for transmission and insulation, while Reiki is everywhere.

However, benefiting from the powerful matching function, Feng Jun actually came up with a solution that he did not understand. He could only analyze that in this solution, the principle of electromagnetic fields should be used.

Generally speaking, the test array method of the power version is more troublesome, because it is necessary to lay wires, and even consider the resistance of the contact surface-because the current will be large.

That's right, this formation method is very power-consuming. There was a comparison between the spirit stone and the electricity in the previous article, so I won't go into details.

After Feng Jun ’s test was completed, it took another three days, so that Zhang Caixin chased from Luohua, “Why do n’t you go back for so long, a little dispute, do you feel so angry?”

"Did you make a mistake?" Feng Jun shook his head in tears. "Am I the kind of man who cares? I stay in Danxiatian because there are believers here to test."

Zhang Caixin heard this with doubts and doubts and stayed specifically to see how he tested the believers.

However, Feng Jun did not lie to her. The reason why he did not go back was that Luohua had no testable crowd.

After the electric version test array method, Feng Jun continued to optimize. First, he wanted to make the instrument more compact, and second, to add a seal to prevent cracking. Although many of the materials inside are not available in the earth world, cracking is useless, but the problem is that he Don't want people to discover materials!

Therefore, the self-destructive device must be implemented. In addition, an alarm device must be installed. Both sound and light alarm and sub-level alarm must be implemented.

After doing this, he still had to find a processing factory to process it. All the welding should be used, and a stainless steel shell was added to the outside, which seemed to be a bit of a black technology.

After such a tossing down, he stayed in Danxiatian for half a month. If you add the time spent on the mobile phone, it is almost a month. It can be seen that it is really not easy to invent, even if there is a cheater. .

Half a month, it is enough for Dan Xiatian to spread the news and tell others to preach every five and ten.

Next Saturday, it is Dan Xiatian ’s first sermon. Originally Guan Shanyue wanted to invite Master Guoxue to teach the Daode Jing, but Feng Jun believes that this is your Dan Xiatian event. If you are worried about speaking badly, you can Please come to the head of Qiu Dao or Qing Xiaozi.

How can that be? Guan Shanyue refused without hesitation. This was Dan Xiatian's first public sermon in nearly a century.

She invited the master of Chinese studies to be an external expert, but Qing Xiaozi was in charge of Luofu Mountain. Qiu Dao did not have a big foot, but it was also a loose repair of Zhongnan Mountain.

She watched Feng Jun's whimsy ~ ~ If you preach, I can accept it. "

"What a joke," Feng Jun shook his head like a rattle. "I still don't think I have enough things? For the test piety you requested, I have been busy with you for more than half a month!"

"Otherwise ... Let Tang Wenji talk about it?" Guan Shanyue still admires Xiao Tianshi, the key is that she bears the name of China's first innate master, and she is also very famous in the society, and there is a little Very important, "She is Kunxiu!"

Feng Jun's brow furrowed, "I said Guan Zhizhang, you have to be too confident about yourself?"

"I'm sure I have confidence, and I'm not guilty of the moral classics," Guan Shanyue couldn't help it, "But by the time there are so many friends to observe the ceremony, if someone argues because of one or two sentences, wouldn't it look bad?"

"Viewing the ceremony?" Feng Jun raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "You preach to the believers, but also invite people to observe the ceremony?"

This kind of cheap thing, you just have to steal the music yourself, but also noisy all over the world?

"This is preaching," Guan Shanyue's eyes widened, "How can preaching not invite all Daoist friends to come?"

Feng Jun rolled his eyelids, "Please, you are only talking about Daode Jing!"

(Updated to summon the monthly ticket.)

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