Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1892: New idea

Faced with Ma Sanniang ’s question, Feng Jun answered very simply. He directly told Jack about the matter he encountered, and emphasized that more than 300 of them have appeals and have a good opinion of China Eighty, but thirty.

So he believes that it is really unnecessary to help outsiders, it is better to help himself.

But the current problem is that his Luohua does not have a dojo, and the relevant building is under construction, so I will first find a place to rehearse.

This reason was heard in the ears of Ma Sanniang and Guan Shanyue, and they felt a little strange, and finally Ma Sanniang asked out loud, "Then you just wait for your building to be built, why should you come to me?" Dan Xiatian? "

Feng Jun answered directly, "I just want to say that China has a similar miracle as soon as possible, and I can't let Australia be special."

This explanation is a bit reluctant, but it still makes sense. As soon as Ma Sanniang heard this, she couldn't help whispering, "Since you know this ... Why did you go to Australia, was it hard to concentrate on preaching the Taoism in China?"

"I went to Australia at that time, in fact, I wanted to test a cultivation method," Feng Jun was not afraid to say this. In order to prevent others from going astray, he even took the initiative to say, "It is incense to become a god, it is difficult for China to practice."

"The incense burns into Shinto ... Lin Heihu can't practice it," Ma Sanniang is still aware of this, but she also doesn't have a cold for foreigners, so she still asks, "Huaxia can't practice, so experiment in Mani?"

Feng Jun couldn't help it, "China's incense into the Shinto is a self-contained system, and it is in the form of a seal. The way of cultivation I got was to actively absorb the faith. This was originally the West ... The barbarous method, I got it. Foreign. "

Guan Shanyue finally found the opportunity to interject, "That is to say, you are not sure about the effect of this method in China?"

"The effect ... it is still certain," Feng Jun feels that the two women are really too real, "Lin Heihu, you both know that he is currently collecting faith through live broadcasting."

"That product is just as good as this," Ma San Niang's evaluation of Lin Heihu is not very high.

However, the two still keep in touch, so she knows what the other is doing, and shows obvious disdain, "How many beliefs can be collected in the live broadcast, can it be compared with the land god? This guy is also stubborn."

Feng Jun rolled his eyes helplessly, "Please, our Chinese incense has shattered into a shinto shit, he can only choose another path, besides, the stone of the mountain can attack jade, and the barbarian has a stronger place than us ... what should we learn? , This is not shameful. "

Ma San Niang was also quick-spoken, and she regretted it afterwards, but she still asked with a daring scalp, "So you are planning to regain the incense into Shinto in China?"

"It's really inappropriate to ask this question," Feng Junbao said without hesitation. "The incense is not only a method, but also a system. Without the support of the system, I feel ... I have no guts to think about this problem. "

After all, he really pondered, because Sofia can quickly improve his cultivation practice, he has another speculation: Since the incense of foreign countries into Shinto does not need to be sealed, then I ca n’t be stubborn and try to go in China. Far away.

This is really his original intention. As for the reconstruction of the domestic incense-burning system, he never thought of killing it. This is too difficult. Obviously it is not a problem that can be solved during the dust period ... even if it is the trick period. It may not be possible.

His words came out, and there was silence around him. Half a day later, Ma Sanniang asked out loudly, "Why did you choose Danxiatian? I am not questioning you. In fact, I am also very honored, but ... there are so many portal veins of."

"I have a good impression on Dan Xiatian, and our cooperation is very deep ..." Feng Jun said half of what he said, and felt a little hypocritical, he simply coughed and said the truth, "I think that when I cooperate with them, when I leave, it may be Can't go. "

Ma San Niang also coughed, "In other words, cooperate with us ... Can you pull X ruthlessly?"

"Your analogy ... It's really beautiful and refined," Feng Jun shook his head crying, "Yes, just when I haven't been here, can I go now?"

Ma San Niang sighed leisurely, "Put it in and then pull it out, can you not go in? I mean ... the key has opened the door."

"I'm weird, who taught you all this knowledge!" Feng Jun's scalp exploded. "Guarantee, the three views of your ancestor, you have to break it. This is because I met me. To say that ... Dan Xiatian will at least become a female rogue. "

Guan Zhi palm squeezed the sleeves, grinning, "I Danxiatian has never been good!"

Feng Jun made a "pause" gesture-the fingertips of the opponent's heart, "Then our negotiation ends here ... is it successful?"

"The reason why I don't discuss with others is that I don't like trouble, you just treat me as if I haven't been there."

"Okay, the joke was over, it should be enough," Ma San Niang said again.

The ability of this woman and the slime is too strong, Feng Jun can't help but think about what kind of situation she encountered in the first place, then she willingly became an instrumental spirit?

But this is what he thought too much. When Ma Sanniang was alive, she was really overbearing, but it was a pity that the prisoner had been locked for more than a thousand years.

Not to mention these old things for a while, after Ma Sanniang finished speaking, she looked at Feng Jun, "This place can be lent to you, there is no problem at all, but ... Can Dan Xiatian earn a little income?"

did you see? This is the real reality, and in the final analysis, interest is the big head.

"Income and the like depends on how you operate, I don't care," Feng Jun said frankly, "I just applied for a pilot here with you. Just stay where you are welcome, and leave if you aren't welcome."

"That's definitely welcome," Guan Shanyue took the initiative to make a joke. Master Feng Shan took the initiative to find a door to discuss cooperation and leave it to other doors. She was all mad, how could she not welcome it?

Ma San Niang is no longer skinless, "I also welcome, but ... how long do you have to do?"

"Four or five months, no more than half a year," Feng Jun Shen Sheng replied, "By then, my dojo should have been built."

Is only suitable for Dan Xiatian to say that if he went to another Taoist gate, he said that he would borrow from other people's dojo to make a transition, even if the other party would not react on the surface, it would be inevitable to have a pimple.

Ma San Niang was a little hesitant, "What to do after that half a year? Finally, you will make a name and tell everyone that ... it is impossible to respond to your request anymore?"

Feng Jun glanced at her helplessly, "I said, Ma Daoyou, you are a bit confident? You can study on the side when I show the saints. They are all cultivators in the dusty period. How much can you send me? When I leave , You can continue. "

"Can you learn?" Ma San Niang was interested, "I still don't teach me when you are, but your deduction ... is it a bit troublesome to learn?"

"Infer that you don't know how to learn," Feng Jun answered rightfully, "But since it is in response to the request, just listen to their statements."

Ma San Niang heard a bit of interest, “If it is like this, then I will not have much to learn.”

"You not only have to learn from me," Feng Jun corrected her understanding, "The key is that you have to learn more from Lin Heihu."

"I learn from him?" Ma San Niang's expression was surprised, "You're not mistaken ... What is he worth learning from?"

"You're a bit out of sight," Feng Jun accused her earnestly, "The incense has long been a god, and the secrets inside it, even I have to learn. When he was a god, you weren't born yet ... nothing else , How is your level of dreaming? "

"Tuo Meng ..." Ma San Niang suddenly choked, if her level of dream is really high, how could she be bullied by a few shadows in the secret realm? "I'm not as good as him."

Was roughly negotiated, and the rest was settled. Dan Xiatian began to publicize, saying that our Magus here was holy, and the Taoist scriptures were opened every five and ten every month, and the preaching place was in Shifangtai.

Dan Xiatian now has a lot of believers who burn incense every day. When they burn incense, they will basically tell the appeal once. If there is a Taoist inquire, the general people will not hide it, and even many people will actively ask the Taoist for inquiries. ——Is the matter I asked for effective?

It is easy to figure out the appeal, but Feng Jun believes that it is still necessary to look at the devoutness of the believers to Dan Xiatian.

Ma San Niang attaches great importance to the three words of "piousness"-mainly because the betrayal she suffered hurt her too much, she strongly asked Feng Jun to design a thing to test piety.

Feng Jun thinks that this requirement is quite reasonable, and he does n’t think how difficult this kind of thing is ~ ~, but the point of the problem is, "I can make such a tester, but you Dan Xiatian Is there a spirit stone to support it? "

Ma San Niang Yi said without hesitation, "I have aura!"

This is a grudge. The spirit used the aura. Doesn't recovery depend on the secret realm? So Guan Shanyue came up with a new idea, "I do n’t really understand it, I just want to ask, can you ... can you change the power to electricity?"

Huh? Feng Jun was stunned for a moment. This looks ... it really can be pondered.

He has been promoting industrial products on the mobile phone plane. There has been imitation of the Lingshi generator. Now it is not impossible to develop it in reverse.

Of course, electricity is absolutely impossible to replace Reiki. Even Feng Jun himself can absorb electricity as the energy point of the stone ring, but he can never rely on electricity to practice-let alone him, Lei Xiu can't do this.

But the performance of Shihuan also shows that if it is simply used as a motive force, Reiki and electricity can still be conditionally connected.

As for how to test the piety degree, Feng Jun also has plans to know that the bigger force of cultivation of immortals has the experience of Deng Xianjian-even Kunlun has this thing.

Since even the qualifications of Xiuxian have been measured, will it be very difficult to measure piety?

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