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“I knew that you were a jerk like him!” Purple was inexplicably angry, and then turned around and left, Shen Qiang hesitated, and ordered Ye Guyun, saying, “Follow her.”

“Oh, good!” Ye Guyun immediately followed.

Then I watched as the purple back disappeared, sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, sighed helplessly, while helping Shen Qiang rub his shoulders, and softly sound transmission: “Purple’s heart is too deep, so I suddenly felt Your guess may be right.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed, and then said seriously: “Pan Zheng is a man with a lot of means, a lot of scheming, and a very clear goal. If he really wants to kill his wife, then he will have countless kinds Method, so that his daughter can’t see this picture.”

“Because for Pan Zheng, he is so careless to let the little girl see all this, so assuming that in the purple book, the man who was drawn in childish style is really Pan Zheng, then the girl draws All pictures should be sudden events.”

Ke Bizhu slightly frowned, surprisedly said: “You don’t seem to recognize his behavior, but why trust him in this respect?”

“People’s habits will not change casually.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said: “I said so absolutely, Pan Zheng still did not turn his face on the spot, but left with a smile hehe, and told me that I still have time Thinking, this kind of person belongs to that kind of person who will never show a sword until the last minute, so do you think if he wants to kill his wife, will his daughter see it?”

Ke Bizhu was silent for a moment and hesitated: “There is another possibility, that is, he wants to kill his daughter together.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once: “Don’t make me laugh, do you think Pan Zheng is the kind of completely crazy and ridiculous person? He is well-organized, he is greedy for power, but, the Medieval Medicine Refining Master of the two wonderful hands convinces him, Does it depend on how cruel he is?”

“Obviously not, it is because the thirty two masters follow him to eat meat, and others may have flaws in their products, but if they are considered from the perspective of the thirty two masters, Pan Zheng who can fight for the interests of the thirty two masters is definitely worth them. Dear good man.”

“This also means that Pan Zheng is a responsible person, so if the purple told me that this Pan Zheng killed a certain opponent at all costs for power, I believe it, but if he killed his wife and abandoned his daughter , I will never believe it.”

“The reason why the others in the Disillusionment Brigade refused to help the purple is probably because of this.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu hearing this, hesitantly said: “It’s strange, if everything is as you speculated, it was Pan Zheng’s wife who committed suicide by himself, and he didn’t want to abandon the girl, so where did his daughter go? I’m here I posted online and asked, no one knows that Pan Zheng has a daughter.”

Shen Qiang sighed helplessly and said: “It’s hard for Qing officials to interrupt housework. The key now is whether this Pan Zheng is a purple father.”

“Is this important?” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu surprisedly said.

Shen Qiang frowns saying: “If the purple does not want to kill Pan Zheng, this matter is not important at all, but if everything is as we speculated, the purple is Pan Zheng’s daughter, and she killed father herself, she might think it was very Shuang, but then, when she found out that his father not at all killed her mother, what would she do?”

“Cry? Suicide? Or continue to live?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said to Ke Bizhu: “Don’t forget, she is not a real member of Hesheng, but at least with us, we have to help her, Find out what is going on. If everything is as the purple has said, then I will give Pan Zheng a knife. If not, tell the purple to the truth and make her break.”

Hearing this, I slept Fire Lotus monster Ke Bizhu nodded, and then said: “purple’s reaction is too strange, I think we really should help her.”

Shen Qiang nodded.

tone barely fell, Zhan Deyuan, a ghostly figure, appeared next to the booth, lowering his voice and saying: “Some trouble, Pan Zheng lives in ambush. It takes more time to get his DNA.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang nodded: “Don’t let me wait too long.”

“I will try my best.” Saying that’s all, Zhan Deyuan left.

Shen Qiang immediately frowns saying: “100 secrets, when he came, just ask him to have a cup of tea.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon smiled, pats Shen Qiang’s shoulder said: “It doesn’t matter. Tonight’s Yao Wanggu arranged a dinner and a bonfire party, so it’s not difficult to get Pan Zheng’s DNA.”

Seeing Shen Qiang feeling a little sad, sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled, and lay on Shen Qiang’s shoulder and said softly: “100 Hua Gongzhu is very beautiful, but it is an important guest tonight.”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled.

In the evening, the first day of the Medicine Pill Conference, Hesheng and Shen Qiang firmly occupied the top of the list with orders close to 700 100000000 million. The Ranked 2nd place turned out to be Yao Wanggu. Their order volume was also particularly high and reached 30 billion.

In the two wonderful hands under Shen Qiang and Yao Wanggu, the results fell off a cliff.

As for the third place, it is thirty two wonderful hands, the Pan family, the order amount is 3 39 million yuan.

In such a situation, there were not many people discussing at the Medicine Pill conference site, but in Immortal World’s webcast room, it was already a quarrel.

“Wipe, what’s the matter, this is the medicine pill conference, you count it, remove 30 billion of Yamato Rokana incense, remove honesty and justice, Wanxin Hesheng, 100 billion of 30 Flower Palace, this Shen Qiang is less than 100 100000000 The turnover, as a result, he came first and crushed all the medicine Wanggu.”

“Ah…Are you stupid? The transaction amount is the transaction amount, deduct this, deduct that, why do you deduct Shen Qiang’s order. Besides, even if you remove 60 billion, Shen Qiang’s order amount is also thirty two. Twice, understand?”

“Heshenghe really is a very awesome, 700 100000000 million orders! After all is completed, then Heshenghe is much richer, when the time comes each is top grade Flying Sword, who dare to mess with it?”

“Uh… don’t think too well, Heshenghe is taking 2 cheap ones, one is Qiqisan, the other is Daiwa Rocanan, these 2 are currency, everyone wants it, the price is cheaper, Therefore, Shen Qiang’s performance on the first day is so good. Waiting for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, whoever is better is not necessarily the best.”

“Yeah, the champion medicine pill selected by medicine pill usually has a price of more than 100000000 million, or even a few 100000000 million. When the time comes, if you order 100 ten medicine pill, it is not impossible to break 1000 100000000. So Shen Qiang may not be able to continue cattle.”

“Hehe, medicine pill conference, selling medicine pill to make money, is the key point, but the real point, who is the most competitive medicine pill, making a fragrant, refining an entry powder? What is the ability he Qian Qiang to take tomorrow The champion of medicine pill is here, and that old man is his best!”

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