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In an instant, the sexy purple sitting in Shen Qiang’s arms and Pan Zheng sitting opposite Shen Qiang were both stunned. Then, the purple was amazing, but it was pleasantly surprised. Like blooming roses, incense! Gorgeous! But it did not reach the extreme.

After a brief silence, Pan Zheng’s eyes were equally sharp, his eyes were bright, and he was faintly excited but said with a smile: “youngster is a good thing to have self-confidence, but too self-confidence is arrogance, and arrogance is often Link to arrogance, this will lead to destruction.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I don’t have to waste this time if I want to tell me the truth. I want to prove that I am arrogant. It’s easy to fight against me. The loser will do the hard work for the other party for ten years, which is fair. .”

“I am the leader of thirty two wonderful hands, and the Peak 1 people in the current Medicine Refining Master circle. Do you think I will fight against you like this?” Pan Zheng laughed.

Shen Qiang said: “The reason why you won’t fight against me is because you know you will lose, otherwise why would I need to do thirty two tricks, fight against me directly, won’t it be better to win me ten years as a slave?”

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of purple light up instantly.

But Pan Zheng’s eyes were cold.

“Shen Qiang, you can still be crazy. Looking at everyone in the Medicine Refining Master circle, whoever dares to talk to me like Pan Zheng, you are the first one.”

Shen Qiang chuckled: “First of all, what the two wonderful hands can do, I can do it myself. If you say what to call the wind and summon the rain at the medicine pill conference, then it is very simple, I have done it, so thirty The name of two wonderful hands makes no sense to me.”

Pan Zheng was silent for a moment, smiled and said: “I can give you something you can’t get.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “Then I will give you 30 seconds to let you talk.”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng smiled and said: “It seems that Mr. Shen is a simple and direct person, then I don’t have a circle. After joining thirty two, I can not only send you to the top 100 of Medicine Refining Master, but also Let you have some unexpected harvest, such as…medicine pill championship, runner-up, or judging round.”

Shen Qiang frowned, then said with a smile: “You mean, can you decide the ranking of the medicine pill conference?”

“Basically!” Pan Zheng said with a slight smile.

Shen Qiang was surprised and looked a little disgusted. “Oh? This is really disappointing. You can control the results of the medicine pill conference? Isn’t it more powerful than the medicine king valley?”

“There is no dark box, it is not called operation.” Pan Zheng smiled and said: “It’s called to let it go! You Shen Qiang, as the hegemon of Hesheng, 10000 demon kings, don’t you understand this? “

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Okay, okay, powerful, I understand what you mean, the conversation is over, and you can go now.”

In an instant, the purple eyes shined.

Pan Zheng froze: “Shen Qiang, what do you mean?”

“I don’t have the habit of teaming with Caiju.” Shen Qiang calmly said: “Whether it’s Believe Believe Oneself infallible, or one who thinks you are in control of everything, of course, you can also be understood as saying you.”

Pan Zheng frowned and said, “Shen Qiang, do you really want to make it clear? You should understand that if you refuse me, you will participate in the medicine pill tomorrow, and you won’t even be able to enter the top 8.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows said with a sneer: “I am as competitive as you are, but as a doctor, I know more clearly that the patient is far more important than the award, so I don’t need to talk about it. , You are not welcome here, you can go.”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng was silent for 5 seconds and stood up with a smile: “It is a pity that this conversation seems a bit unpleasant, but I still hope that you will seriously consider my suggestion and it will be effective before the official start of the review tomorrow. .”

“No need.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows calmly.

Pan Zheng laughed and said: “youngster is hard-working and aggressive. It is a good thing, but at the same time, it is more important to know the practice. After losing money, it will be too late to cry.”

Shen Qiang smiled and raised his eyebrows at Pan Zhengyi who stood up and said with a smile: “You may be a man who is good at conspiracy, but it is just that you see the wrong person, because I am not your kind, because compared to being threatened , Usually, I prefer to threaten others.”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng smiled: “Oh, it seems that the negotiations have broken down, which is really disappointing.”

Shen Qiang didn’t say a word, but just indifferently compared with her fingers, purple immediately got up, coldly said: “Mr. Pan, you should go.”

Pan Zheng laughed, nodded, and then suddenly looked at purple and said: “What is your name? I have a feeling of being close to you.”

“You are not qualified to know.” Purple Liumei picked up and said, “Please!”

Pan Zheng’s eyes were a little disappointed, but after slightly smiled, he turned and left.

He had just walked away from his forefoot, and her curvy figure sexyly turned around and saw Shen Qiang who was still sitting there drinking tea. She was inexplicably blushing, and then said: “Shen Qiang, did you see me? I told you long ago But he is a jerk. Think about it. Even the medicine pill conference wants to control it. Even you threaten him. What else can he do?”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun on the side exploded: “What? The guy with glasses just threatened Shen Qiang?”

Hush i!

Shen Qiang held up a finger, instructing Ye Guyun not to shout.

But she was not happy and came over and pressed Shen Qiang’s shoulder and said: “Shen Qiang, you are too polite to them, these bastards are killed, see who dares to provoke us.”

“And then?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “It’s not difficult to kill people. If necessary, I can kill everyone who came here, but then? I and Hesheng will become the endorsement of the devil. The cultivator will Come to fight with us in groups, and then the endless beat, beat, beat, Kill Kill Kill, that is fun?”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun said nothing.

At this time, the guests left, there was no who in the afternoon, and the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu walked over and said: “True smart people, there is a way to get everything they want within the rules, I think this Pan Zheng should belong to this kind.”

“It means cunning, and it touches the world frequently, but it makes people helpless.” Shen Qiang said: “This guy looks deeper than Bian Yi, has a city, but does not have the very ruthless kind of Bian Yi.”

After Ke Bizhu hesitated in surprise, he said: “I think Bian Yi is quite good.”

Shen Qiang smiled, and at this time, the sexy purple came to Shen Qiang’s side and said seriously: “Shen Qiang, you have seen who he is now, help me kill him!”

Ye Guyun immediately raised his hand: “I agree!”

But Shen Qiang, who was sitting on the chair, shook his head with a smile: “Not in his position, he does not seek his own politics, Pan Zheng is the leader of thirty two wonderful hands, if he does not profit for thirty two wonderful hands, then he is a Real scum, so I don’t think it’s okay. He is a very good person. You must understand that true kind people can never be leaders.”

“So, unless there is his real criminal material in front of me, otherwise, I will not kill him!” Shen Qiang said seriously.

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