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Click! Closing the laptop, in the boudoir, a white dress with a beautiful face, Wang Gu Young Master, has a graceful and elegant look like a dusty Qin Yurou, and her beautiful eyes are excited and high-five with the pretty girl Abi.

“Won! I know Shen Qiang is the best!” Qin Yu’s soft eyes are delighted, like white jade’s sculpted tusks in the light, setting her beautiful cherry lips as pink as cherry blossoms.

Pretty girl Abi, smiled and bent her eyes, said: “The Young Master is at ease, this is the first day, I received 700 100000000 million orders, if every day can receive so many orders, then 3 In the coming days, there will be more than 2 1000 100000000 million! According to the customary rules of the medicine pill conference, as long as the delivery is completed within 3 years, my God, if the 2 1000 more than 100000000 million, if they are all exchanged for cash, then…”

Qin Yurou smiled and bent her eyes when she looked at the pretty fan of Abi, and said, “silly girl, where is as simple as you think, medicine pill conference, under normal circumstances, once every three years, 3 days at a time .”

“The first day is the exhibition, the focus is to pull orders, but the orders and orders are different. Before the ranking of participating medicine pill did not come out, these orders were all given to the products that I wanted to buy before.”

“That is to say, those orders are doomed, basically they are all various sects cultivator. Before they came here, they had already been decided, such as Shen Qiang’s Qiqisan and Yamato Rokana, these two kinds of us Yao Wanggu also placed an order.”

“Because the cost of refining Qiqi San by collecting materials ourselves is twice the selling price of Shen Qiang Qiqi San, and the quality is not as good as it is, as long as it is not a brain disease, this Qi Qi San is estimated to be Heshenghe. The monopoly position is hard to break.”

“The same is true of Daiwa Rogaan incense. This is an area that has been ignored by the Medicine Refining Masters. Now if you want to go to research and development, copy Shen Qiang’s Daiwa Rogaan incense. From the process point of view, it is not a problem, but the formula is big. The problem is almost 1000 miles, so no one can surpass Shen Qiang in this field in a short time.”

“So Shen Qiang’s order is fierce today, although some unexpected, but it will not be too unexpected.”

Hearing Qin Yurou’s words, the pretty girl Abi smiled and bent her eyes: “Anyway, it’s all the same, Shen Qiang is the most powerful. I must put the thirty two wonderful hands under my feet, when the time comes, see if they dare Dare to bully people together!”

Qin Yurou laughed and said, “Things are not so simple. Today’s orders are all set by various sects. But tomorrow, the situation will be difficult to say, generally speaking, a slightly larger sect, which is really powerful. sect, once an award winning medicine pill appears, they will set aside some spares.”

“So tomorrow, it will depend on whether Shen Qiang medicine pill can overwhelm the crowd. If not, the order of Heshenghe tomorrow may encounter Waterloo. If it is not possible, it is possible that no order can be received at all. “

Abi pouted: “Young Master grows ambition and destroys his prestige. Shen Qiang is so powerful that he will definitely win.”

Speaking of her crafty smile, said: “Sect master can say, as long as Shen Qiang can enter the top 8, there is no objection to the two of you together, na na, so as long as you enter the top 8, you and Shen Qiang won, As for the rest, ghosts only care.”

The elegant temperament and the beautiful face of Qin language turned red with a soft face, and he said: “Abi, you talk again.”

“Shy?” Abi rolled his eyes with a smile.

At this moment, the voice of a medicine king valley recipe came from outside the door, and he said loudly: “Tell the Young Master, the sect master will let you refresh and dress up, and attend the dinner party of the medicine pill conference tonight.”

In an instant, Qin Yurou’s eyes widened, her eyes filled with consternation.

Abi said in surprise: “Young Master understood!”

The disciple retired with congratulations.

Then, Abi looked at Qin Yu Judo in surprise: “The sect master let you attend the dinner, which is great, then you can see Shen Qiang, quickly, I will help you dress up beautifully.”

Qin Yu’s face turned red to the root of her neck with a soft face, and he was nervous. “Are you sure we heard correctly? For so many years, my dad never let me attend the dinner party of the medicine pill.”

“Yes! It’s time for Yurou this girl to come out and meet the world.” In the study on the back of the Yaowang Hall, the Lord of the Medicine Wanggu sitting in a chair confronted the Great Elder said with a smile: “You know, there is A beautiful daughter, this father, always has a complicated mood.”

“Always worry, she will be robbed. She is always worried that she will be scammed by bad guys, but now is the time.” Full of smiles Chinese medicine Wang Gu said: “Shen Qiang performed very well, but there was Dang, a courageous man, so now, I feel that I don’t seem to worry too much about Qin Yurou.”

Great Elder smiled and said: “Yes, Shen Qiang is very strong and very eye-catching. Otherwise, the people of Kunlun Sword Sect will not come to the valley owner just now to work for them.”

“Lost such a big person, I think 80% of Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master Ma Sect Master should also be the first.” Master Wang Gu laughed: “People in the cultivation field are hypocritical, and people who are not used to Ma Sect Master Many, but they are either silent or acting silly, and no one wants to provoke him.”

“But Shen Qiang never looked down at him. This made Ma Sect Master’s mentality a bit exploded, but it is clear that Shen Qiang is much stronger than the Shen Qiang envisioned in Ma Sect Master’s mind!”

Great Elder laughed, said: “The arrangement of seats tonight, you think…”

“The chief is, of course, the 5 super-first First-Class Sect, the 5 super-first Aristocratic Family, plus Shen Qiang, and Pan Zheng, um… plus my daughter, Qin Yurou.” Master Yaogu raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Great Elder hesitated and said: “The owner of the valley, Eldest Young Lady is with you and is still between courtesy, but Shen Qiang’s words, I am afraid that the prestige is not enough, it is difficult to convince the crowd, it is better, please be big sea ​​monster Wang Yujiang…”

“Big sea monster Wang Yujiang, just ignore him, he will not give any face to us.” Master Wanggu Gu raised his eyebrows.

Great Elder pondered for a while and said, “There are a lot of people coming this year over the abyss, and there are some super powerhouses, you see…”

“These people in the abyss don’t care about these things at all, they never sway in the cultivation world, and they don’t bother to interact with these sects. We have specially arranged seats for them. Instead, they will be unhappy and let them feel free.”

Yaowanggu said: “After all, in their view, the intrigue and the false cultivation of various sects are all jokes. They are just for them to watch the joke entertainment circle when they are bored. Well, it is probably equivalent to ordinary person. Look at those stars. 8 Gossip and gossip, except for fun and fun, they simply disinclined to pay attention to.”

Great Elder nodded, said: “Alright, so be it, I will send someone to inform Shen Qiang, but, you see this Kunlun horse Sect Master and Shen Qiang are in full swing, is it really appropriate to arrange together?”

Master Yaowang Gu smiled and said: “You just need to inform Shen Qiang, Kunlun Sword Sect over there I will go and say, after that many blood was sprayed, what other dinner did Sect Master attend?”

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