Berserk Immortal Doctor

Berserk Immortal Doctor Chapter 1727

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While Shen Qiang was seriously thinking about what medicine pill should be used to conquer the medicine pill conference, in the villa where Song Weiyin was behind the film, Song Weiyin facing the morning sun was doing yoga on the balcony. Slim yoga clothes not only The perfect figure of her proportions set off the proud lithe and graceful, the exquisite five officers that met once in 1000, are even more beautiful and beautiful under the morning sun.

Looking at her flexible word horse, the middle-aged female assistant who was ready for breakfast, leaned aside and said seriously: “Wein, grandma said you only have one month to let Shen Qiang fall in love with you, but this is the time No, not only did he misunderstand you before, but, more importantly, everyone in the cultivation field knows that he is going to attend the Medicine Pill Conference of Yaowanggu immediately. At this juncture, he is afraid that he will have no time to treat you at all. “

Hearing this, the lovable body Song Weiyin flexibly changed his posture, and Meimu calmly said: “Yes, he really is going to attend the medicine pill conference. It is indeed very busy, but I will try my best to fight because because of my grandma I didn’t say it, but I heard Xiaohei told me that if I couldn’t make Shen Qiang fall in love with me within a month, when I was going to be incognito, I immediately guessed that it must be the Young Master Jiang who went again. Grandma.”

The middle-aged female assistant frowned and said after a long silence: “That Young Master Jiang is cunning and fierce, strong and powerful, and his powerhouse is gathered in the abyss, standing by one’s word. It is a fierce person who is personally afraid and helpless.”

“However, I think he is very kind to you. He really likes you very much. If not, he will also be impossible and will wait for you for so many years.”

Song Weiyin willow eyebrows tightly knit, calmly said: “He is just a cultivation version of Zhai Zhijie, he likes me, should I meet him? Then there are too many men who like me in this world.”

The middle-aged female assistant was silent for a moment, and said: “Wei Yin, if, I mean, if Shen Qiang really didn’t fall in love with you within a month, what are you going to do? Go to the world like grandma said, or …Considering marrying Young Master Jiang?”

Song Weiyin was silent for a long time, said.

“The world is so big, where can I escape?”

The middle-aged female assistant was silent for a moment, then said: “Do you really like Shen Qiang?”

I heard this.

Song Weiyin, who is practicing yoga, turned his head sighing after being silent for a long time, looked at the middle-aged female assistant resentfully, and said, “I don’t know.”

In the astonishment of the middle-aged female assistant, Song Weiyin faintly said softly: “Actually, you said yesterday that let Shen Qiang fall in love with me, not only let him join the abyss, when I can marry him, I’m really good Happy.”

“But then Xiaohei came, and my grandma’s words made me immediately realize that my purpose was not pure, this is not what love should be.”

The middle-aged female assistant, looking at Song Weiyin’s disgruntled eyes, smiled and said: “So what do you think love should look like?”

“I’m perfect, I want crystals to be transparent.” Song Weiyin said calmly: “I like that person very simply, that person likes me very simply, we hummed happily, the car was driving on a free and unconstrained road, all world, only 2 of us.”

The middle-aged woman smiled and said after a moment of silence: “It sounds like the freedom you desire.”

Song Weiyin took a deep breath and plucked her lovely cheeks, saying: “Maybe, but after Xiaohe came last night, everything changed, it felt like I was sitting next to Shen Qiang and driving with him Traveling, happy, excited, so happy, but when I looked back, I saw my grandma sitting in the back row, looking at us coldly, and then the inexplicable sense of joy disappeared.”

Pu Chi, a middle-aged female assistant, smiled at once and shook her head helplessly: “If you really like Shen Qiang, why care about your grandma’s ideas?”

Song Weiyin was silent for a long time, and then said: “I don’t know if I am in love with Shen Qiang, but I don’t hate him, I also admire him very much, I am willing to start a love-like journey with him, but, grandma’s words , But it was like mud on the beach, flooding my flawless crystal.”

“So when I think of Shen Qiang now, I think of grandma, when I think of grandma, I think of the purpose, and then, my mood becomes heavy, because this is not the love I want.”

The middle-aged female assistant smiled and then said: “Then try to leave grandma’s words aside, don’t think about the time, don’t think about those concerns, be yourself, when others want you, put the crystal in your hands When throwing into the quagmire, you can also consider holding tightly in the palm of your hand.”

Song Weiyin was silent, then her eyes brightened gradually: “Grandma will be very angry.”

“The worst plan is just that you go to the world, or marry Young Master Jiang, what else? Don’t you want to be a real self at this time?” The middle-aged female assistant raised her eyebrows with a smile.

“Can I really?” Song Weiyin said.

The middle-aged female assistant laughed and said, “How can you know if you don’t try it? Even more how you are so great, how could there be something you can’t do, come on, he will love you, don’t forget that famous saying, Feelings are a delicate flower, which can only bloom if you take care of it. Shen Qiang will definitely respond.

Hearing this, Song Weiyin, who had been silent for more than ten seconds, took the posture of yoga, then sit cross-legged on the yoga mat, took the phone, and sent a beautiful voice message.

“Shen Qiang, I’m Song Weiyin, my new drama promo, I’m going to start shooting next week, the time is tight, so today you have to keep your lines in mind, tonight’s trial, the advertising script will be sent to you, if you can’t remember If you live those lines, I will despise you.”

Say that’s all.

The curvaceous Song Weiyin got up and looked at the middle-aged female assistant slightly nervously. After hesitating for a long time, she said: “Sister Mei, you said, I’m going to see Shen Qiang tonight. What style of route would be better? Pure Wind? beautiful and alluring wind? Melancholy, cold and proud, or a little more passionate?”

Looking at Song Weiyin’s nervous eyes, the middle-aged female assistant smiled: “Just be yourself.”,

At the same time, Shen Qiang lying on the bed, after listening to Song Weiyin’s voice message, was looking at the dog blood restaurant advertising script.

“I shouted loudly: You get out! Song Weiyin cried grievously, saying that I will never forgive you, and then all kinds of things went wrong, realizing that Song Weiyin was my only one, begging her to forgive, but she ignored it all the time, and later , I put on my suit, took her to Datongjiang, served her, she ate happily, smiled, and then the two people stood together face-to-face with tenderness and happiness…”

Ke Bizhu smiled when he heard the script: “I feel pretty good.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows in surprise: “Are you sure you’re cracking a joke with me? Such a bad commercial, even a child can’t cheat.”

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