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On the way back, the lovely and cute Ye Guyun sat in the co-pilot’s seat, and Golden Cicada ate her snacks with her, while in the back row, she slept with a full-bodied lithe and graceful Fire Lotus monster Ke Bizhu. Shen Qiang, looking at the face sank like water, said: “Do you think the promise of the big sea monster is reliable?”

Shen Qiang was silent for a long time and said: “It’s a matter of conspiracy, success in the sky, everything has to be done. Show the strength to the big sea monster, intimidate and lure. Probably all the methods I can use are used. The next thing is to see the medicine. Whether the pill conference was successful.”

Sleeping on the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu laughed, Meimu looked at Shen Qiang seriously and sighed: “You are still too kind, in fact, Bian Yi’s suggestion is that you tie the koi carp 1000 first, and then come to the big sea Monster king talks, in that case, we don’t need to worry, after the big sea monster really agrees, it will harm you in the sea.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “Bian Yi’s suggestion is not unreasonable. He tied the Koi 1000 Ning, he controlled the hostages, I went to the sea with the big sea monster, and there was a problem, and there is a Koi 1000 Ning to compensate for his life, no loss If Monster King cares about her, he will behave well.”

“But I’m not a real gangster.” Looking at Ke Bizhu, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “So it’s needless to say, I have my principles, my bottom line, and I will not care about everything for the benefit.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu laughed and said: “But I think that although you don’t want to do that, you can indeed use 1000 Ning as a reason to threaten the sea monster king.”

“What you don’t want done to you don’t do to others.” Shen Qiang shook his head: “Why don’t blame the family, this is moral, I think he is unhappy, kick him, hit him, annoyed Lao Tzu, cut with a knife He, but he makes mistakes, does not mean that his family has all the mistakes, so I will come to similar suggestions in the future, do not mention them to me.”

Looking seriously at Ke Bizhu, Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said: “I, Shen Qiang, to protect my family and lovers, can be base and shameless, by fair means or foul, and my hands can be covered with blood, but I will not harm it out of thin air. Anyone, even if it can bring me the benefits of heaven.”

Ke Bizhu smiled, his eyes were beautiful, and his eyes were full of appreciation: “Observe my king.”

Then she said slightly slightly red: “Also, the wardrobe in my room will always make a noise at night, it sounds scared.”

Shen Qiang laughed immediately.

“Don’t be afraid, I will help you catch the demon tonight.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu blushed blushingly, but his eyes were elated.

At this time, Ye Guyun, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, suddenly interrupted: “Bizhu elder sister is so hypocritical, you just say you want Shen Qiang to go, just go and catch any demon in your room? monster?”

In an instant, Ke Bizhu blushed: “Ye Guyun, what are you talking about, believing or not, I won’t take you to the supermarket anymore, I won’t buy you food anymore.”

Hearing Ke Bizhu’s threat, Ye Guyun laughed: “Well, if you don’t buy me delicious food, I will be entangled with Shen Qiang, then he can’t go to your room to catch the demon.”

“Ye Guyun!” Ke Bizhu, who was blushing, said anxiously: “Why are you so open-mouthed?”

“No matter, anyway, if you don’t buy me snacks, I won’t let him go to your room. If the snacks are less and unsatisfactory, I will follow up to see how he catches the demon.” The charming and cute Ye Guyun smiled and bent her eyes. : “So Bizhu elder sister, you’d better think carefully before talking.”

In an instant, Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu no longer pitted, ashamed and unable to show one’s face, where could she think that Ye Guyun, a guy in the Desert oasis who had been silly for 300 years, listened all at once Out of her meaning.

“Buy, buy, buy.” Shen Qiang smiled and helped Fire Lotus, the demon Ke Bizhu, said with a smile: “I will build a snack fund for you, anyway, you all love to eat.”

Ye Guyun’s eyes brightened instantly: “Okay, I want dried beef, I want spicy rabbits, I also have chicken stew in the jars, and phoenix claw, huh, crispy crucian carp.

Shen Qiang laughed, and felt that if Ye Guyun was with Wen Ren Mei Qiao, it would be a perfect match.

Back in Beijing, it was already early in the morning.

Ye Guyun and Golden Cicada went to her room. She gave Golden Cicada all the vegetarian snacks she didn’t like, and Golden Cicada gave Ye Guyun a big greasy snack that she didn’t like very much. And then 2 people watch the video online in the room.

Shen Qiang, of course, went to the room where she slept with Fire Lotus, Ke Bizhu, and accompanied her on the bed to catch the demon.

In this battle, all kinds of mysterious ways and means were done.

So that on the 2nd day when it was morning for a long time, he was full of happiness and slept lazily on the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, still not charmingly opening his eyes, but lightly curling his pink lips, his face was nestled in Shen Qiang’s In my arms, like a little sun, warm, soft, and fragrant.

This made Shen Qiang feel a little funny, especially when she showed a look like a lazy cat, and when Lai said nothing in Shen Qiang’s arms, she snorted coquettishly, sounding Inexplicably heart-wrenching.

“It’s time to get up, little lazy, otherwise Ye Guyun will laugh at you.” Shen Qiang caressed the long hair beside her ear and whispered.

Ke Bizhu still didn’t open his eyes and said lazily: “No, she laughs whenever she likes to laugh. She doesn’t leave me a face, so I don’t want to get up and cook for her.”

“I am hungry too.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow to remind.

Ke Bizhu smiled, still keeping his eyes open, saying: “I’m so tired, I don’t have the energy to go to breakfast, call takeaway, my king.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes: “Are you changing my mind, and say I am strong?”

She blushed inexplicably, and then eyes opened shamefully, and she said coquettishly: “Bad guys, everyone is so tired.”

Shen Qiang laughed, helplessly said: “Well, then I’ll do it.”

But at this moment, Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu shook the head, and Meimu looked at Shen Qiang seriously, saying: “I wanted to sleep for a while, but this little thing, I still do it, you still serious Think about the matter of the Medicine Pill Conference. There is no time left. If you can’t bring those cultivators to shock the Medicine Pill, you won’t be able to win the wonderful two. The big sea monster will never compromise.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang couldn’t help but breathe out, and then nodded seriously, saying: “I understand, please rest assured.”

Hearing this, Ke Bizhu lightly kissed on Shen Qiang’s cheek, then stood up charmingly.

Looking at her abundance of lithe and graceful back, Shen Qiang could not help frowning, calling Nalan Tianyu who said she would visit, the future development of Heshenghe, the expectation of the school flowers Qin Yurou, the promise of the big sea monster, Qing Xuan’s resurrection was all pressed at the medicine pill conference of Yaowanggu.

This means that in this matter, absolutely nothing should be left out.

This caused Shen Qiang to immediately fall into a choice disorder.

“Ma De, there are a few thousand of them that can win their medicine pill recipe Medicine Sage Inheritance. Which one do you use?”

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