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Looking at the surprised Shen Qiang, she slept in Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu in abundance lithe and graceful, and smiled and bent her eyes, said: “The script given to you after the shadow of the family, how could it not work, let’s say, Song Weiyin is so big, you look online Everyone has more than 10000000 million followers on a social account. What is it important to say? What is important? What other people are going to say that Datong Jiang鈥檚 food is delicious, how many fans have to support it?”

Shen Qiang was helpless and silent for a moment: “The script was read to you just now, she is a big name, but I think this kind of dog-blood commercial is really a bit outdated, you know? Because it can be used everywhere with the commercial script, especially It鈥檚 the last ad word, what is it, if you love her, take her to Datongjiang Restaurant.”

“Is this super familiar?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows. “If you sell a house, you can give her a home if you love her. If you sell a washing machine, you can give her a washing machine if you love her. “

pu chi laughed and curled his eyes to sleep Fire Lotus Yao Ke Bizhu, said while playfully pouting: “My king, you are all good, you are so unreliable to say, you still have to memorize this script Well, Song Weiyin was so busy after the movie at night, and came to you for the script, but if you can鈥檛 remember it, you will be embarrassed.”

Hearing this, she smiled and took the phone and said, “Then you think too much. In fact, I’m Boss. Which script I use is the best choice. Oh, she spoke to me, she can act wilfully ? My house is decorated, she has the final say? What a joke.”

Saying that’s all, completely disregarding the sleepy Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, Shen Qiang directly replies to Song Weiyin: “The script is too bad, you think, if you eat Datong River’s food, Goddess can be afraid of it? If you If you don鈥檛 think this idea works and you don鈥檛 have enough respect for you, then go ahead and revise it, even if it鈥檚 a commercial, you can鈥檛 pervert me like that.鈥?/p>

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu hearing this smiled and bent his eyes, said: “Why are you so vulgar?”

Shen Qiang laughed: “I’m too tired of being too serious.”

At the same time, Shen Qiang’s phone rang, and then Shen Qiang was surprised to see that the caller’s note was actually a street of antiques, Sun Kaiping, which specializes in selling fake treasure jars, which made Shen Qiang slightly surprised.

A little bit happy

After all, this Old Brother and Boss Ma are two good people. Shen Qiang started Early-Stage, and they both helped a lot.

But since there was Heshenghe and Tianyou Medicine.

Shen Qiang doesn’t go to the antique street very much. After all, the 30% relying on eyesight and 70% relying on luck to hit the Universiade fortune model is far less reliable than pharmaceutical companies and enterprises. So it is natural that Shen Qiang and They wouldn’t have much contact.

“Sun Brother.” Shen Qiang answered the phone with a smile, saying hello.

But Sun Kaiping’s reaction was a bit strange, saying: “Hadron, where are you?”

Shen Qiang was keenly aware that 80% of Sun Kaiping was in trouble and couldn鈥檛 help but say very seriously: 鈥淚鈥檓 in Beijing, but if something needs to happen to me, I can go back to the provincial capital immediately.鈥?/p>

“There is no need to go back to the provincial capital. This is the case. The old horse is not very comfortable. He was hospitalized in the Beijing City Hospital and had rectal cancer. The doctor’s recommendation was to perform surgery and then radiotherapy and chemotherapy, saying that the 5-year survival rate could reach about 50%. , But the old horse refused to listen to anyone, so I wondered, or you should persuade him, his man, and his temper is not much, others do not speak well.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang sat up in a snap, frowns saying: “Which hospital is there? Wait for me, and I will arrive immediately.”

Figured out the address.

Shen Qiang immediately got up, put on clothes, and simply cleaned up and left.

“Shen Qiang, you have to eat before you go.” Ke Bizhu said urgently.

Shen Qiang frowned. While carrying his watch, he said, “You and Ye Guyun will eat. I can’t eat before seeing him.”

Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu helpless.

Golden Cicada flew to Shen Qiang’s shoulders, accompanied Shen Qiang down the stairs, and when he got on the bus and rushed to the hospital all the way, the charming Golden Cicada said slightly, hesitantly and hesitantly: “Master, this man The guy who has cancer, is that wretched big golden tooth?”

Shen Qiang smiled, and I didn鈥檛 know how, so I thought of the thing that helped him cheat those monks and sell Buddha treasures, and then said with a smile while driving: 鈥淲ell, it鈥檚 him.鈥?/p>

“That guy is good or bad,” Golden Cicada said seriously. “It’s not pit this, it’s that pit, buy fakes, sell fakes, hum, he himself said, but anyone who does business in the antique street, Then he grabbed one, without asking, he was shot directly, there was no wrong, false or wrong case, then he had cancer now, isn’t it retribution?”

Hearing this, the smiling Shen Qiang surprisedly said: “Don鈥檛 talk nonsense, Boss Ma is a good person, understand? No matter what he did, it鈥檚 his private affair, but during the time he was with me, he I haven鈥檛 pitted me, I haven鈥檛 hurt me, on the contrary, I have been given a lot of help. I can鈥檛 forget my life. In this world, everyone has shortcomings. If you are serious enough, you will find that no one will be flawless, so he is my friend.”

Golden Cicada snorted, and then said with a smile proudly: “In that case, the master wants to save him with no difficulty, a Jiazi Dan, let him live for another 60 years, it is too simple.”

Shen Qiang hearing this frowned, then said solemnly: “How can you think it is as simple as Jiazidan is to prolong life, if the old horse is normal aging, I will give a medicine pill, but he is cancer, this disease cannot be cured completely Jiazidan is useless.”

Golden Cicada froze.

Soon, to the hospital.

Just outside the ward, Shen Qiang saw Sun Kaiping who was accompanying a crying middle-aged beautiful woman.

The middle-aged beautiful woman Shen Qiang recognized that she was Boss Ma’s wife.

“Sister-in-law.” Shen Qiang greeted.

Boss Ma’s wife nodded gestured, but it seemed that she could not say anything, but still pulled aside a boy of 16-17 years old, and a girl who looked about 20 years old, said, “Call Shen Uncle.”

“Shen Uncle is good.”

Looking at this comparison, the young boy and girl named Uncle, Shen Qiang laughed, who said that he was a few years old, simply said hello and said, “What is the situation.”

“In the middle and late stages of rectal cancer, the doctor’s recommendation is to operate as soon as possible, but the old horse does not listen to it and shouts to be discharged. The doctor said that if he is treated conservatively, he may not survive for half a year.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang sighed helplessly, and then said: “Then I will talk to him.”

Sun Kaiping nodded, the tearful Boss Ma wife, also looked forward to Shen Qiang nodded.

As a result, Shen Qiang entered the ward, sitting by the bed, and wearing shoes Boss Ma, when he looked at Shen Qiang, he laughed, revealing his golden teeth: “Hadron, don’t you persuade me to do anything. You know me about the operation, if you say that people will eventually die in their lifetime, I will choose to die on the belly of a beautiful girl instead of the ward.”

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