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Such a reply obviously made Shen Qiang a little dissatisfied, and couldn’t help but half-cracking a joke, saying: “Bai Jiao, about 1 billion things, you Bai Family need to be so careful?”

Bai Jiao smiled and hugged Shen Qiang’s arm and said, “Shen Qiang, you think everyone is like you. Refining some medicine pill can sell a lot of money? In fact, whether it is our integrity or Wanxin Hesheng, All the money I make is hard work. There are a few hundred people in my family waiting to eat. If you touch your upper lip and lower lip, I will give you 100 8 billion? Don’t crack a joke. Okay.”

Shen Qiang helpless.

Xu Nan also said: “Shen Qiang, this is not a big deal, not a stingy issue, Wanxin Hesheng is also a family business, not a certain person, 8 1 billion, if relying solely on the provincial store itself, the money, the You can earn it if you don’t eat or drink for at least 1 years.”

“Under such circumstances, unless tomorrow’s press conference, your medicine pill is unanimously praised, has a good reputation, and a large number of customers show their willingness to buy, Elder in the family will consider your proposal.”

Bai Jiao also raised his eyebrows: “Although my dad is Patriarch, he is also impossible, and when you say that, you will be given 8 1 billion over there. If you change this to you, what are you doing? People buy more than just lose money.”

Shen Qiang sighed helplessly.

I originally thought that Bai Jiao and Xu Nan were settled. This Wanxin Hesheng and honesty should be responsive, and now it seems that it is still whimsical.

They are businessmen and they are not motivated by sufficient interests. They will never easily pull money out of their pockets.

So after thinking about it again, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “No problem, I am the strongest Medicine Refining Master. Tomorrow my covering moon, shaming flowers will be released as soon as Dan is released. Maybe I won’t need your 3 agents, so I’ll get 2 billion.”

As soon as I heard this, Bai Jiao pu chi said with a smile: “you guy, it’s really arrogant, it’s 105 billion, not 150 yuan, it really means you are fat, you kick, if you mess up tomorrow Well, you can’t sell money, covering moon, shaming flowers, simply.”

Shen Qiang sternly said: “Your attitude is too negative, I pill concocting so hang, there must be someone rushing to ask.

Xu Nan laughed: “You don’t know if you are really confident or arrogant, but at the moment everything is okay, the only thing is that there is a problem with the spokesperson.”

“What’s the problem?” Shen Qiang was surprised.

Xu Nan hesitated a little and said: “We are covering moon, shaming flowers Dan’s spokesperson, originally scheduled to be Xiao Xia of Miao, that little girl is beautiful enough, young and charming, the film made is perfect, but today , We suddenly realized a problem.”

“That is first, Miao Xiao Xia is a person of Heshenghe, and secondly, she is not a cultivator, and the most critical issue is that she is too young, and in the cultivation field, she really attaches the most importance to appearance and has the most consumption power. In fact, it is generally around 3 15 years old.”

“That is to say, Miao Xiao Xia’s commercials, although excellent, may not be able to make them buy, because they don’t have any knowledge of Miao Xiao Xia. It is completely unclear whether her beauty is medicine pill. Gong, she was born with beautiful quality.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang said: “Remake, change to personal.”

“It’s too late,” Bai Jiao said: “Xu Nan and I can’t do it. We are too young, and he is a person of He Shenghe. After reading, they just think we are bragging.”

Shen Qiang looked at the watch, it was more than 4pm, but after a little hesitation, Shen Qiang said: “spokesperson I will find it, you will immediately inform the person who made the film, ready to enter the scene, I will be about half an hour later Just come back.”

Bai Jiao and Xu Nan were shocked.

At almost the same time, Shen Qiang got up, True Yuan pushed open the window, and then swooped out.

“Ye Guyun!”

Along with Shen Qiang’s summon, True Yuan, and the night solitary cloud of as fast as lightning, Shen Qiang was instantly supported, and then, in Bai Jiao and Xu Nan’s startled eyes, the two disappeared instantly.

Seeing Ye Guyun and Shen Qiang, it is not surprising that this kind of 2 females who cooperate as if they have spirits and spirits.

Just a little curious.

“Who will he pick?”

But when the 2 women were surprised, Shen Qiang, who was sitting on the back of Di Ye Gu Yun, took out the phone.

The phone will be dialed soon.

A charming voice came from the other end of the phone.

“I knew that you bad guy is definitely not the kind of person who silently pays for nothing, so okay, I have to admit that your medicine pill is really great. For so many years, you have only eaten your medicine pill After that, I realized that I was really so beautiful.”

These words made Shen Qiang sitting on Ye Guyun’s back smile and bend his eyes.

“Oh, my dear housekeeper, you are too humble. In fact, only peerless grace and elegance Dan can deserve a beauty like you.”

Hearing the 100 flowers Princess Weisheng Zhimei smiled proudly, and then said with a smile charmingly: “Aiya, became so talkative, 80% is asking me something, if you plan to bring 1000 Dai to Go with Hesheng, then wait a few years and wait until she finishes her studies. I don’t care, but now, even if you say smallpox, I won’t agree.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “There is something for you to help, but it has nothing to do with 1000 Dai. I want you to help me medicine pill to make an advertisement and shoot a short film.”

100 Hua Gongzhu Weisheng Zhimei pu chi smiled: “I know, you bad guy, you have to pay for everything you do, and trying to get your benefit is as difficult as heavenly ascension.” Then her tone was very charming Said, “Then you come, this Miss’s acting is absolutely first-rate, haven’t you also said that? Oscar owes me a shadow.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Haikou boasted, but he wanted to honor it.”

100 The master of the flower palace, Wei Shengzhi, smiled and provoked: “Then you come, sit on the phone signal, if you can appear in front of me within 5 seconds, don’t say to help you shoot a small advertisement , Even if you shoot a passionate art film on the bed with you.

“Really?” Shen Qiang said.

100 Hua Gongzhu smiled proudly: “There are 3 seconds left.”

I knew from the moment I heard that the master of the 100 flower palace was Zhimei, which was obviously playing with him as a fool, so I couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Then look up and see the sky.”

Hearing this, at the 5th floor office of the Summer Hotel, the 100 Flower Palace Master Weisheng Zhimei, with a figure of lithe and graceful, opened the window with a chuckle, looked at the darkened sky, and smiled When I was about to blame myself for being so stupid in my heart.


The airflow brought by the violent True Yuan lifted her full hair.

She looked at the big demon Qiongqi with wings and tiger wings that appeared in the window in amazement. Shen Qiang, who was sitting on her back at the moment, was extending the hand to her with a smile, and said, “Come on, my artist, maybe you Will love the big bed of the studio.”

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