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Shen Qiang sitting in the car frowned. In fact, since the cultivation of Blood Spirit Mushroom was successful, Shen Qiang has not been troubled by money since the beginning of the refining medicine. Because Shen Qiang does not lack money, He Shenghe is over there. The group’s operations are stable.

Tianyou Medicine is also very profitable.

Datongjiang Restaurant, Xi Duobao, is also very good.

Therefore, since the appearance of Jiazi Dan and Half Pride Spiritual Pill, Shen Qiang has always regarded money as dung.

After all, a medicine pill is more than 200000000 million.

Spend 1000 8 million, it really does not frown.

However, the crux of the problem is here. Wanxin Hesheng and Chengyi both sell a medicine pill every week, that is to say, even if it is calculated throughout the year, the sales volume is only 52 at most.

Two kinds of medicine pill are added together, 2 pieces.

Even if each one can be sold for 200 million, the 20 billion need to be eaten or not, and it takes a whole year.

In addition to Jiazidan and Half Pride Spiritual Pill.

It has been a long time since Shen Qiang’s Qiqisan was released. Saiyu cream has not been sold. Bone Replenishing Cream, the price of a bottle, is now stable at around 2 1000 7 8 million.

It is also a bottle a week.

Moreover, it has been less than 2 months since the release of Jiazidan and Half Pride Spiritual Pill.

So there is so much money, and inside, it also includes the dividends of the Heshenghe Group, the profit of the pharmaceutical factory, and the profit of Xiduobao, etc.

So if you don’t consider opening a new factory.

With this 5,000,000,000, Shen Qiang squandered arbitrarily, absolutely arrogant, wherever he goes, he can go to heaven.

But the point is.

Heshenghe Group currently looks very huge, but its annual profit is probably not as good as Shen Qiang’s own practice medicine pill.

Because of the large number of personnel, the overhead is large.

The investment of the pharmaceutical factory is difficult to see profit in a short time.

But the problem is, if Shen Qiang really wants to become stronger.

It would certainly not work without the backing of a huge industry.

After all, there are many monsters and cultivators to raise.

Shen Qiang must not be exhausted by pill concocting alone. Not only that, there are already many germs in the source of Shen Qiang’s plague, and many of them can be made into medicines, especially Shen Qiang is currently the most promising is anthrax Bacillus.

The Bacillus anthracis, according to the papers currently published by those scientists, should have special effects on melanoma, rectal tumor, and breast tumor.

Once successfully applied clinically, these cancers are not a problem.

By that time, is it still too late to build a factory?

Anyway, I will get it sooner or later.

In the car, looking at the balance, and then frowning Shen Qiang, Ke Bizhu hesitated and said: “Why not, increase the price of the thermophilic oral solution? According to the current production and sales, the price is even from 4 to 8 Mentioned 48, it will still not affect sales.”

Shen Qiang frowned and shook his head: “When money is needed, I will go to pill concocting. The only purpose of the medicament I produce is to save people. As for money, I will never make money, so I won’t be in this place. , Move the tactics of doing so.”

Ke Bizhu frowned: “Then…”

“This matter let Chu Qing take the responsibility to talk about it, let her meet the person who wrote the plan book, the money problem will be solved slowly, the matter of this pharmaceutical factory must be settled as soon as possible, because after all this is done, I want to go home At that time, I can go back. There is a legitimate reason, and no one will find it strange.”

“And now, Tianyou’s two factories in the provincial capital do have a lot of problems, so they built a new factory directly and all the problems were solved.”

“The sinking side…” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu raised his eyebrows.

Shen Qiang laughed: “He just waited for me to agree with Heshenghe Group’s shareholding in Tianyou, but this is absolutely impossible, because once there are other shareholders, the pricing of medicines is not my own deal, they want It’s about making money.”

“For me, if I want to make money, I just pill concocting, so I don’t have to worry about it.”

Ke Bizhu smiled, and then sighed softly: “Who can think of you as seemingly bohemian, even doing such a kind act.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “The great hero, for the country and the people, if I stay in the operating room, I can only save a few people a day, and I saw the pharmaceutical factory, I can treat many people every day, but they I can’t thank me like a patient in a hospital bed. I may not even know who made this medicine, and why the price is high or low.”

“But at least I know.” The sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled and bent his eyes.

Shen Qiang laughed: “In the eyes of the cultivator, 80% of me is an arrogant and domineering bastard, has several points of talented Medicine Refining Master, I won’t be polite to them, they want me medicine pill, they must pay enough Cash, but even the ordinary person is fine, life is not easy, I don’t need to make their money.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled, and then whispered: “I suddenly felt that, compared with those who are decent and honest, you are a flowery, lustful guy, but more just.”

“It may also be a jerk.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows with a smile: “Because the angle is different, I see differently.”

Sleep Fire Lotus, laugh, start the car and go back to the mountain.

In the next 2 days, at the advice of Shen Qiang, the beautiful demon fox Chuqing, on behalf of Shen Qiang, talked with the director of the China Merchants Office, and then signed an agreement in the name of Tianyou Pharmaceuticals, and won the original preparation for the food industry park. Industrial land, ready to build a pharmaceutical factory.

Everything is going smoothly, but the money is still not there.

What the county means is that the land price is already very low, so I hope Shen Qiang can pay it as soon as possible.

This money is not much, Shen Qiang doesn’t take seriously at all, and transfers the money once and pays it off.

But then, with a 20 billion investment, and from Shen Qiang’s heart, I hope Tianyou Pharmaceutical is an angel in the pharmaceutical industry. If a loan is to be constructed, then the huge interest must be added to the follow-up medicine, so think of it go with.

Shen Qiang is keenly aware that covering moon, shaming flowers Dan is a good thing.

If Chengxinyi and Wanxin Hesheng are both sold, it will be 2 per year.

According to the current two companies, almost the same valuation, this covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, should be able to sell about 2 Million.

If there are 52 tablets a year, it is twenty six 100000000, and if two companies are 2 52, then 100000000 years is just right, 3 billion.

In this case, if you give each family three years directly and let them pay in one lump sum, then the money to invest in the new factory is enough.

No loans, no interest.

It is just right to invest in a new factory.

So Shen Qiang deliberately asked Bai Jiao and Xu Nan to let them discuss with their family. As a result, after they had passed through with their family, they almost had the same reply. That is, it was just seventy-eighty 100000000. It was not a trivial matter, so this No hurry, it’s not too late to talk after the covering moon, shaming flowers Dan conference.

The moment she heard this reply, Shen Qiang immediately realized.

“Bai Family and Xu Family depend on market response. The response is good, and they are willing to talk about it. If the response is not good, 80% of this matter is ruined. Sure enough, the mall is like a battlefield. If there is no profit, they will not do it.”

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