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Looking at the smiling sunshine in surprise, moved, and some bad Shen Qiang.

100 The master of the flower palace Wei Sheng Zhimei not only brightened her eyes instantly, but also smiled at pu chi, then she gave Shen Qiang a cute white look, and she stretched out the slender jade hand full of smiles, supported by Shen Qiang , Back in the night alone.

Then she was lithe and graceful, standing gracefully in front of Shen Qiang, not only facing away from Shen Qiang, but also lightly placing Shen Qiang’s hands on her flexible waist.

Afterwards, she quickly took off against Ye Guyun, and the powerful airflow she produced not only leaned on Shen Qiang’s arms, but also quietly whispered: “Bad guys, you are always so unexpected, then I will I’ll play Titanic with you first.”

Shen Qiang, who hugged her slim waist, laughed, and then stroked the itchy, long hair that was blown into her face by the wind, and also smelled of fresh shampoo, softly whispered in her ear: “No problem, now, I am Titanic’s trotter.”

The inexplicable and cheerful 100 Palace Master Wei Sheng Zhimei smiled her eyes and said softly, “Yudi big brother, you see this spring in the garden is beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, I am accompanying the big brother to hang around and watch, Ok?”

Shen Qiang is embarrassed, is this Titanic?

Thinking about it, the figure is lithe and graceful, the 100th master of the Palace of Flowers is slightly beautiful, and has turned back charmingly, her eyes are delicate and watery, beautiful and alluring to say with a smile: “Yidi big brother, I am Queen, enjoy the high position and great wealth. But never enjoy the joy of the world, today the big brother is here, it is a blessing. The big brother comes to the throne in the coming day, I am the queen, from rest to fly together, this is not 10000 1000 joy?”

In an instant, Shen Qiang understood that the original little beauty Zhimi was talking about simply not Titanic, but the period when the Tang monk learned the scriptures, passed the daughter country, and the daughter monarch forced marriage.

Looking at her charming eyes and beautiful and alluring face, Shen Qiang felt no pain in her heart.

Because Shen Qiang knew that Weisheng Zhimei was pretending to be crazy.

I want to come, with Wei Xin 1000 Dai’s kind of simple girl, after returning from the provincial capital, it is estimated that what happened between the 2 people, Wei Sheng Zhimei has already cleared 2 Chu.

Shen Qiang smiled and said softly: “8 ring, don’t make trouble.”

Weisheng Zhimei stopped laughing immediately, and seemed a little angry and aggrieved. There seemed to be fresh water mist in her eyes.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang lightly kissed her lips, then hugged her in her amazed gaze, and said softly, “Trust me, one day, we will be happy together, but in Until then, we each have something to do.”

Hearing this, Weisheng Zhimei pu chi smiled for a while, and then said: “You guy, so overbearing, take me away, what is it for?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Yes, I need you to advertise covering moon, shaming flowers Dan.”

“Is that the one I ate?” 100 Hua Gongzhu Weisheng Meimei raised her eyebrows charmingly.

Shen Qiang shook the head, said: “You eat peerless grace and elegance, which will make your appearance reach Peak, but covering moon, shaming flowers will not. It will only let your face stay forever at the moment you take the medicine pill.”

Weisheng Zhimei pu chi smiled at once: “Isn’t that the same?”

Shen Qiang smiled without a word, then looked at Wei Wei Zhimei in her arms, lightly said with a smile: “Then you see clearly.”

With that said, Shen Qiang took out a peerless grace and elegance entrance from the storage ring. Immediately, the 100 Flower Palace Master Wei Sheng Zhimei looked at Shen Qiang in surprise, she pu chi smiled for a long time: ” You guy, it looks like a bad guy, and eating this is like a bad guy.”

Looking at her with scorn, Shen Qiang smiled: “You mean that men are not bad, women don’t love, I’m so bad I mean talking about being handsome, right?”

Weisheng Zhimei smiled: “It’s strange, I just like your narcissism, and give me the bag, I will vomit.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows helplessly: “Well, then you say I am handsome, can’t I change it?”

Weisheng Zhimei smiled and bent her eyes, then said resolutely: “I heard that the press conference will be tomorrow morning, is the time still in a hurry?”

Shen Qiang said: “No one else can, but you can do it. You will be the spokesperson of covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, and you will also be present at the press conference tomorrow.”

Weisheng Zhimei smiled: “My appearance fee is very expensive.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I know, so I paid first.”

Hearing this, Weisheng Zhimei glared with white eyes: “mean, sting, cheapskate.”

Shen Qiang laughed, then hugged her in her arms and said softly: “If I step on Peak, I will repay it with all my strength, so believe me, we will be happy together sooner or later.”

Weisheng Zhimei smiled her eyes, and in a flash, her smile bloomed like a peach blossom.

The provincial capital is only more than 100 kilometers away from the Summer Hotel at 300 Flower Palace. It can be reached in just a few minutes when Ye Guyun goes all out.

So when Shen Qiang came with Weisheng Zhimei, the shooting location that Bai Jiao said.

The cameraman has not arrived yet.

“Palace Master!” Not only was Bai Jiao stunned when he saw Wei Sheng Zhimei, Xu Nan was also shocked.

Then 2 people were ecstatic.

“Perfect, the master of the 100 Flower Palace, in the transcendent position among all female cultivators, just at the age, beautiful and alluring unparalleled, there is the master of the palace, tomorrow’s press conference will definitely amaz the world with a single brilliant feat!”

“It’s so beautiful, identity, appearance, status, impeccable, definitely the best spokesperson of covering moon, shaming flowers Dan!”

Their performance is not beyond Shen Qiang’s expectations.

Because of the cultivation world, the female cultivator, overwhelming majority, who can still live in the family, have studied things like piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy with the 100 Flower Palace, and the most unlucky should have heard of the 100 Flower Palace.

Therefore, in terms of appeal, no one among the female cultivators of cultivator is better than her appeal.

Not only that, Weisheng Zhimei is not only lithe and graceful, beautiful and alluring, but more importantly, she is very smart.

So when Bai Jiao and Xu Nan talked to her about something.

She began to put on makeup and change clothes.

With the cooperation of the 2 women, all of this was quickly completed.

When the photographer arrived, the moment of shooting officially started.

Almost everyone was stunned.

The 100 lithe and graceful lord of the Flower Palace possesses beautiful and alluring charms, so in Shen Qiang’s heart, she is that cunning like fox, inner agitation, beautiful and alluring enchanting, like femme fatale.

But when the shooting started, in a white dress, standing in the forest among the 100 flower palace masters, it was not only sweet, but the whole person was also extremely weak, especially when she was telling delicately, she used covering moon, shaming flowers Dan’s feelings, and effects, are so beautiful and eye-catching.

Especially at the end, when she opened Zhu lips lightly and said, “covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, it’s like returning to 18 years old.” At that time, Meide made Shen Qiang hate to hold her in her arms.

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