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Hearing the words of Shen Qiang, not only the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Daimeimu was blooming, but also just looked good. When she said to Shen Qiang that she did not agree with his request, Yu Xinghuo was incomparable. .

Because until then, looking at Shen Qiang with a contemptuous sneer in the corner of his mouth, and holding the shoulder at the door of the auditorium, leaning against the door, Zuo Lianghao with a cold eyes, he instantly realized that Shen Qiang was angry, and this is Shen Qiang’s territory!

not only.

What made him even more desperate was that at this time, the pure and beautifully born 1000 Dai, not only smiled sweetly, but also looked at Shen Qiang, full of longing.

“Thank you Shen Qiang, I knew that you would never use it as a bet to bet against others without coming to see me.” Purely and beautifully Weisheng 1000 Dai said happily.

Shen Qiang smiled calmly and said indifferently: “Although I am hindered by my identity, I can’t be as rough as this street gangster, but this does not mean that I will let him dominate.”

Weisheng 1000 Dai smiled sweetly and didn’t say anything on her lips, but inexplicably she felt a sense of happiness because she felt that the feeling of being cared by Shen Qiang was really good.

And while she was smiling sweetly, in the webcast room, all kinds of news had exploded.

“Shen Qiang is on fire! ah ha ha ha, this spark is really interesting. The other person is Shen Qiang, he is the big brother of Hesheng, and he has already given face to you in a one-on-one fight with you. I see that I am going to lose. If you want to raise the game, you should raise it! Shen Qiang is angered and you can’t eat it.”

“Domineering! This is the king of 10000 demon. This Yu Xinghuo is countless in his heart. In the territory of others, the fair war has already given you face, and dare to be so arrogant, don’t let people see Weisheng 1000 Dai?”

“Sure enough, Shen Qiang is not a good man or a woman. Now Yu Xinghuo doesn’t want to fight Dan? Late!”

At this time the live room was lively.

But in the auditorium, there was silence.

No one is talking indiscriminately. After all, everyone knows that what they say will be broadcast live. Especially at this time Shen Qiang’s attitude is obviously a bit hot, so the 5 people on the jury are just seriously watching Yu Xinghuo’s burning sun. Yangdan.

“High grade!” Fatty from 4 Xiao Danqing said sharply: “Yu Xinghuo’s strength has always been unquestionable. This flaming sun Chiyang Dan is definitely a fine product.”

Hearing this, not only the thin face among the 4 Xiao Danqings was nodded with a smile on his face, but even Fu Jialiang and several Appraisal Masters from Integrity, Wanxin Hesheng, could not help but nodded and said.

“There is no illustrious man under the prestigious name, Yu Xinghuo’s burning sun Chiyang Dan, the appearance is perfect, there is no doubt Magic Pill high grade.”

“Well, although not at all have seen this hot sun Chiyang Dan before, but in terms of appearance, there is absolutely no doubt about high grade medicine pill.”

The comments made by the judges were clear and consistent, which made everyone in the live broadcast room unsettled. Experts came out naturally in crowded places.

“Cultivation medicine pill is divided into Dao Pill, Spirit Pill, Magic Pill, Immortal Pill in addition to its own characteristics and rarity. In addition to these 4 levels, according to the purity of the phase, it is further divided into low grade and middle grade. high grade, Yu Xinghuo this medicine pill, since it is Magic Pill high grade, it means that he has won.”

“Fart, Shen Qiang can refine Divine Grade Cultivating Yuan Pill, how could he lose!”

“嘁, Divine Grade Cultivating Yuan Pill is just a short-lived legend. The medicine pill of Yu Xinghuo is already a Magic Pill high grade. Shen Qiang has so much refinement at a time. The quality is definitely not good. Impossible is better than Yu Xinghuo.”

“Well, as the saying goes, people who work slowly and work hard, and those who pursue quality, how can it be so careless to engage that many medicine pill out.”

“It makes sense that if you add more, it will definitely not be fine. This is something that a 3-year-old child knows.”

“Haha, Shen Qiang pretends to make so many medicine pills at a time. It’s messed up now. It’s quality, not quantity!”

“That’s it, it’s strange to be able to produce high-quality products all at once so quickly.”

There is a lot of news in the live room, but Shen Qiang is too lazy to look at all.

At the moment, I heard that 5 reviewers gave him a high opinion of medicine pill. Yu Xinghuo rekindled hope in his heart and could not help but coldly said: “Shen Qiang, even if you do not agree to my terms, it is useless because you lose By the way, you refine the medicine pill just like me, and the quality of my medicine pill is high grade, which means that unless your medicine pill is Divine Grade, you will lose.”

Hearing this, the expression of Weisheng 1000 Dai was inevitably tense, holding a slender jade hand with ice cream, and also trembling lightly, beautiful eyes filled with tension.

And at this time, Shen Qiang smiled: “The so-called Divine Grade, in my opinion, is only Dan Cheng, so Yu Xinghuo, you don’t have to be illusory anymore, my medicine pill, each one is at least you Divine Grade in my mouth.”

“Impossible!” Yu Xinghuo said angrily: “It is Divine Grade to make a medicine pill at random, do you think you are a god?”

Shen Qiang smiled, raised his eyebrows slightly, and slept intently to the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu. He immediately refined Shen Qiang into a medicine pill, and brought it to the five judges present.

Just look at it.

Fatty from 4 Xiao Danqing screamed in horror: “Divine Grade is actually Divine Grade!”

In an instant, Yu Xing was stunned, and then he was furious: “Impossible! Fatty Wang, you want to pit me!”

The fatty holding the medicine pill suddenly said angrily: “Yu Xinghuo, look at yourself!”

Hearing this, Yu Xinghuo rushed to the stage in 3 steps and 2 steps. Then he glanced at the medicine pill in front of him, and he also froze.

“Divine Grade! It’s really Divine Grade!”

The microphone clearly captured his voice, and the news exploded in the live broadcast room.

“Divine Grade!”

“The legend is true! The Divine Grade Cultivating Yuan Pill actually came from Shen Qiang!”

“Kneeled for Brother Qiang, so much refining at one time, so fast, it was all Divine Grade! ah ha ha ha, I asked, who else!”

And at the time when the crowd in the live broadcast issued many barrage shocked.

In the auditorium, his face was completely white with sparks, and he dumbly lifted the head.

4 Fatty among Xiao Danqing, shook his head and looked at him with sighs and said: “You have lost, the others are no match.”

Hearing this, he turned his head and he saw at one glance the Weisheng 1000 Dai beside Shen Qiang smiling brightly.

“A real man, said to do it.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile sitting in a chair: “Now is the time for you to honor your promise.”

He took a deep breath, looked at the entrance of the auditorium, sneered at Zuo Lianghao who had taken out the sword array, and comforted himself with a real man, Yu Xinghuo, who could bend and stretch, and walked to Shen Qiang’s body, plopped on his knees, Then he wanted to use his sleeves to wipe Shen Qiang’s shoes.

At this moment, Shen Qiang’s toes were slightly picked, and she said with a smile: “Use your mouth.”

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