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Everyone on the scene watched with shocking eyes, which had been divided into 2 piles of dozens of medicine pills. One of them seemed to be indistinguishable from the hot sun Chiyang Dan refined by Yu Xinghuo, while the other pile of medicine Pill, just looking at the appearance, it made everyone present feel chilly.

The pale-gold’s pill, wrapped with energy like substance, expands and contracts as if breathing, and if it is seen with the naked eye, the medicine pill seems to be alive.

“Really successful! Someone can really refine 2 kinds of medicine pill at the same time, and refine dozens at a time!”

Everyone present looked at Shen Qiang’s medicine pill with shocking eyes.

The mood is more than shock!

“Shen Ji! This Shen Qiang is definitely the king of unique and unmatched in Medicine Refining Master!”

“It was shocking. I thought that Shen Qiang was just a pretentious arrogant maniac. He thought he was just boasting. Unexpectedly, he actually did it!”

“I must be a fake Medicine Refining Master. From ancient times to the present, the Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field has been a pill, a pill of refined medicine. Even so, there will always be failures, but now, Shen Qiang There are 2 kinds at a time, dozens of each! How powerful and amazing!”

Everyone absolute silence, looked at Shen Qiang shocked.

At this time, the Appraisal Master, who had already came back to his senses, looked at the medicine pill with horror and asked shockedly, “What is this?”

“The hot sun Chiyang Dan.” Shen Qiang slightly smiled, while placing the medicine pill in the tray held by Ke Bizhu, smiling.

The chief appraisal master of Xinyiyi was slightly stunned, and then looked at the day after day of the red sun pill with Yu Xinghuo. There seemed no difference between medicine pill and asked, “What about that?”

“Oh, Yu Xinghuo called the hot sun Chiyang Dan.” Shen Qiang’s answer was calm.

In an instant, everyone present was amazed.

“The two kinds of dan, both are the red sun yang? How is this possible?”

“The medicine pill is so miraculous, it looks like it’s breathing. It looks very different from Yu Xinghuo’s burning sun Chiyang Dan. How could this be the burning sun Chiyang Dan?”

“Very weird feeling.”

Among the five judges present, the eyes were stunned. Although they were already aware in their hearts, they did not dare to say so.

But the crowd in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

“Kneeled, did you see it? There are really 2 kinds of medicine pill, and dozens of them!”

“How could it be all the hot sun Chiyang Pill, even if I am stupid, I can see that the one who breathes medicine pill is obviously more cattle!”

“Of course, that kind of Dan is obviously out of phase, obviously at least one grade higher than the hot sun Chiyang Shan!”,

At the same time as everyone was shocked, Yu Xinghuo of complexion pale looked at the medicine pill that Shen Qiang had put in 2 trays.

“Impossible! How can the cultivation world have such a powerful Medicine Refining Master! I am already a first-class Medicine Refining Master!”

He shook his head in shock, and then saw the pure and beautiful Weisheng 1000 Dai at a glance, looking at Shen Qiang with surprise, that beautiful face, and a smile like a hibiscus in the water, which shocked his heart for no reason.

At the same time, Bai Jiao, who had long seen Yu Xinghuo upset, coldly said: “Yu Xinghuo, you have lost.”

After hearing this, Yu Xinghuo actually had a vague idea in his heart. Not only did he lose, compared with Shen Qiang, he also had a difference between the world and the world.

But at this time, looking at Shen Qiang’s Weisheng 1000 Dai with eyes full of admiration, he thought of the previous bet and the many onlookers in the live room, he immediately angered: “Well, I admit, Shen Qiang’s Fire control is better than mine, and he admits that his furnace cauldron is better than mine, but he may not be better than me for practicing medicine pill.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pu chi smiled: “Then check it out.”

While talking, Shen Qiang took a box of ice cream from the shelf and handed it to the Weisheng 1000 Dai, who was amazed by the beautiful eyes. Then he took an ice cream and handed it to Ye Guyun, who had just come together, and said serenely: ” If you compare the quality of medicine pill as your last life-saving straw, trust me, you will be disappointed.”

He Xinghuo heard this and looked at Shen Qiang, who was indifferent. His eyes were full of horror, because he had realized that such a powerful Shen Qiang, in the quality of medicine pill, absolutely lost to himself.

But if you fail even if you don’t have a test, what if 10000 is deceived? 10000 Is there a silver lining?

Thinking about this, he gritted his teeth and raised his eyebrows sharply: “Shen Qiang, you are not very proud, if the quality of your medicine pill is not equal to me, not only do you just kneel down to the teacher!”

“How could Shen Qiang lose to you!” the charming Weisheng 1000 Dai Xiu frowned, said delicately: “He has won!”

When I heard this, Yu Xinghuo immediately looked at Shen Qiang angrily with anger: “Shen Qiang, now you and me medicine pill are completed, the outcome will be immediately visible, so now I am going to bet a bet, if it is your medicine pill The quality is not equal to me, I want you Shen Qiang This life can’t see Weisheng 1000 Dai again!”

Everyone present was shocked at this.

Immediately, she looked towards Shen Qiang who was sitting next to Weisheng 1000 Dai and was smiling at her eating ice cream.

Just when everyone thought that winning the game, Shen Qiang would definitely agree to this condition.

Shen Qiang looked quietly towards Yu Xinghuo, faintly smiled and said: “I refuse, and I warn you, Yu Xinghuo, not to mention that you plant garbage, even if the emperor comes, I can’t control who I want to see.”

“Then Dan is incomparable!” Yu Xinghuo shouted angrily.

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, and then not only his face sank, but also said in a solemn tone: “Yu Xinghuo, this is the first time I fight with people, everything is based on respecting the rules of Medicine Refining Master, but Don’t think that I’m the kind of honest person who can’t fight back or scold.”

Shen Qiang’s eyes suddenly flashed, and there was a cold and severe smile on the corner of his mouth: “Dou Dan is yours, the day is yours, here show off one’s military strength, open your mouth and shut your mouth, I am an apprentice level, Still want me to kneel to the teacher, do you think you can act wilfully after installing it here?”

“Joke!” Shen Qiang coldly said: “This world is not what Yu Xinghuo wants. You say Doudan just Doudan, you say you lose and you kneel, you say I will never see Weisheng 1000 Dai again, I won’t see you? You’re a fart! Listen to me, you will die if you don’t admit it! If you add other conditions, you will die! You will die if you fail to honor your promise!

Yu Xinghuo instantly complexion pale.

The five judges present also shivered in an instant.

Because it was only then that they suddenly realized that Shen Qiang is not a general Medicine Refining Master. He is the big brother of Heshenghe, 10000 demon king!

At the same time they were shocked, Shen Qiang, who was discouraged to pay attention to Yu Xinghuo, looked at his Weisheng 1000 Dai with a smile, then turned his head and said to the five people on the jury seat: “Yan Dan!”

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