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In an instant, everyone in the auditorium was stunned, looking at Shen Qiang with a chuckle in his mouth and a tone of voice that could not be questioned, but felt a chill in his heart.

“Shen Qiang, don’t go too far, I’m already fulfilling my promise!” Yu Xinghuo angrily roared.

Hearing this, the two 2 members of Xiao Danqing, who were judges, glanced at each other, and could not help but say.

“Shen Qiang, you need to know that killing is not overkill. Now that Yu Xinghuo has already conceded defeat and is already kneeling in front of you, why should you bother him?”

“Mr. Shen is the king of 10000 demon, he is the hegemon of Hesheng, and is the only security consultant of the Dragon Group. He is also regarded as one of the most prominent figures in the cultivation field. “

Listening to the words of the two of them, the barrage in the broadcast room also exploded instantly.

“Longevity! This Shen Qiang, as a powerhouse, has no powerhouse demeanor. If you win, you win, why bother to humiliate Yu Xinghuo.”

“It’s just spreading, others Yu Xinghuo is also a pill concocting fame of the cultivator. Now he has kneeled and has conceded defeat. How can Shen Qiang continue to bully him.”

“Tsk tsk, Shen Qiang, this character is really scum!”

In the live room, all kinds of news flew in the sky.

Everyone present showed great sympathy for Yu Xinghuo.

Even Weisheng 1000 Dai, who was sitting next to Shen Qiang, showed a trace of intolerance in her beautiful eyes.

After all, in their view, when Yu Xinghuo knelt down to admit defeat, everything should have ended, and no matter how big the contradiction, it should be gone.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang smiled, not only the smile on the corner of his mouth was more contemptuous, his eyes became cold and proud.

“Do you think that Shen Qiang is deliberately making things difficult for Xinghuo?” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “But in my opinion, this is kindness, because the whole thing is very simple, Yao Wanggu invited me to attend the medicine pill conference, The Medicine Refining Masters were dissatisfied and were talking about 3 and 4 on the Internet. My friend said something for me and was under siege, so I would speak for any Medicine Refining Master and any medicine pill challenge.”

He turned his head and calmly looked at Yu Xinghuo, who was red and kneeling in front of himself.

Shen Qiang smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth,

“Yu Xinghuo is not going to fight me against Dan, and it is also advertised in 4 places, saying that I only have the ability of an apprentice. Not only that, when I arrived at Heshenghe, I also rely on age to show of age, show his broken furnace cauldron, show him The crappy fire control technique, showing his rubbish scorching sun Chiyang Dan, also said that if I lose, I will kneel to the teacher.”

Shen Qiang’s smile was suddenly bright: “Do you think about it? If my Shen Qiang cultivation base is unsuccessful and loses to this spark, will he let me go?”

Everyone in the auditorium was stunned for a moment, and the entire live broadcast room was also absolute silence.

Needless to say, Shen Qiang, everyone who watched the whole process knows it well.

“Impossible, the man Yu Xinghuo, normally arrogant and domineering, has always been an unreasonable master. If he won, Shen Qiang wouldn’t kneel and bow, he would never allow it, and, In terms of his character, he will definitely ask Shen Qiang not to be in pill concocting in this life.”

“Yu Xinghuo is not a good bird. He went to the Southwest three years ago to fight against the genius of the little Aristocratic Family. After winning, he did not lose his hands.”

“Hehe, this Yu Xinghuo can be considered an uncle this time, deserve it!”

And just when everyone sneered in the corner of his mouth.

Shen Qiang lightly said with a smile: “And I, the person I hate the most is that others control my freedom, and what will you say about Yu Xinghuo? If I don’t see Weisheng 1000 in my life, I’m so courageous, I like it Your powerhouse, domineering, awesome, arrogant.”

“So now.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows lightly said with a smile: “Cleaning my shoes with your mouth is the only way you can leave here alive.”

Hearing this, the people who followed Yu Xinghuo seemed to want to take action.

But in an instant.

Not only Zuo Lianghao’s dozens of Flying Swords have appeared in front of them. Not only that, Ji Wei in a black suit, Ke Bizhu in lithe and graceful figure, and the charming and charming Ye Guyun all appeared with sneer. In front of them.

“I advise you not to mess up, my person is weak and timid, but my family Qian Qiang is ruthless, if you want to play the play of the faithful Savior, believe me, you will die like trivial ant.” White Sweet smile.

In an instant, the few people who followed Yu Xinghuo couldn’t move.

Glancing coldly, the 2 4 members of the Dan Danqing team on the jury, Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said: “I have more medicine pill than him, faster, better, I have won him, is there no dispute?”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, the two people who came back to his senses immediately said.

“There is no controversy, whether it is the appearance, time, purity, it is definitely higher than Yu Xinghuo.”

“Divine Grade medicine pill, win naturally.”

After hearing the words of both of them, Shen Qiang turned his head and said with a smile: “Yu Xinghuo, you come to Dou Dan, I treat you with courtesy, and you rely on age to show of age, then you must do it, since you tried Shame on me, and I will never be polite to you. There are a lot of people in this cultivation industry. My Shen Qiang may not be the strongest, but anyone who tries to humiliate me will have to pay a price.”

Complexion looked pale, Shen Qiang with a chuckle in his mouth, and Yu Xinghuo 10000 was gray.

Because it is clear, he now has only two ways, one is to admit gambling to lose, the other way is to fight renege on a debt!


My Yu Xinghuo is not an unknown person. Even if I get up and leave now, this Shen Qiang will never dare to move me! Even if he moves me, I will fight with him to become a hero in the mind of the cultivator. The human is inherently dead, and the battle is not embarrassing in the battle!

Yu Xinghuo’s eyes gradually became ruthless.

Surging forward with great momentum in my heart. ‘

Looking at his very dissatisfied, seemingly war-like look, Shen Qiang smiled: “Sure enough it is 4 Xiao Danqing, this full of fighting intent’s look, like a real man, come on, my knife is already Be hungry and thirsty, stand up and get started! I promise to let you die very simply.”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s arrogant eyes, he chuckled softly at the corner of his mouth.

Yu Xinghuo felt a tremor in his heart, surging forward with great momentum in his heart, thinking that Lao Tzu is a hero! Laozi is 4 Xiao Danqing. Isn’t Laozi scared of people like you? Isn’t it the 10000 demon king? Isn’t there just a Heshenghe? What’s so great!

You think you are afraid of having these Lao Tzu!


Real man, a real man, can bend and stretch!

Keeping the green hills in place, I’m not afraid that there is no firewood!

Shen Qiang, you wait for me, this is not the end!

Indignantly thinking in his heart, Yu Xinghuo silently lifted Shen Qiang’s feet in the shock and gaze of everyone.

Shen Qiang smiled: “tsk tsk, really a hero!”

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