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At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang was slightly surprised, and at the same time, the eyes of Aunt Xiulian, the village head, and the joint defense and prevention of Captain lighted up instantly, while Secretary Ma was a bit dumbfounded.

“Quickly, old Shen, really Zhang County is here! What are you still doing, go and greet!” The head of the village stood up and looked out, immediately surprised joyfully said.

Shen honestly came back to his senses at that time, turned and ran out, and opened the door while saying: “At home, please come in!”

Aunt Xiulian’s eyes were not ordinary.

“Oh, the magistrate came to visit, this is not ordinary.”

At almost the same time, Shen Qiang also looked at the village secretary very surprisedly, accompanied by a breezy middle age person, and was walking towards the house.

Shen Qiang is calm.

But Secretary Ma, Ma Jiyong, and 3 Uncles standing by the sofa all changed their faces.

“Come here, Shen Qiang, let me introduce you.” The village party secretary who entered the house said with a spring breeze: “This is the county magistrate of our county.”

The seemingly capable county magistrate smiled and shook hands with Shen Qiang, saying: “It is the executive deputy magistrate, one of our three deputy magistrates.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “Too polite, is the first deputy magistrate.”

County magistrate smiled.

At this time, the village party secretary introduced another man in his 50s to Shen Qiang: “Shen Qiang, this is Director Li of our county finance bureau, the leader.”

Shen Qiang nodded with a smile shaking hands.

Later, the village branch secretary introduced the middle age person standing behind the two to Shen Qiang: “This is Director Wang of our county investment promotion office.”

Shen Qiang heard the three words of China Merchants Office and instantly understood what they came to see.

But he smiled and shook hands with the director of the China Merchants Office.

“Shen Dong, it’s really difficult to see you.” The director of the China Merchants Office took Shen Qiang’s hand and said nothing. “Before the Spring Festival, I waited for a month in the provincial capital and went to your company 7 or 8 times. , I haven’t seen you all the time, I can’t help it, just choose at this time and take the liberty to come to your home with County Zhang and Director Li.”

Upon hearing this, the head of the village and the combined defense and protection of Captain’s eyes instantly shone like a light bulb,

Aunt Xiulian shot her thigh in surprise.

“Hurry, please sit down.” Hearing this, although she didn’t understand what was going on, Shen Qiang Mother, who was not stupid, hurriedly greeted her.

At this moment, County Magistrate Zhang saw Ma Secretary, who was stunned and stunned, and had footprints on his face, and Ma Jiyong, who was still stuffed with paper in his nose, said with surprise: “Hey, you are not Liu Deputy Secretary of the County Pony? Why are you here, you and Shen Qiang are classmates?”

Upon hearing this, the plain-faced Secretary Ma said: “No, no, County Chief Zhang, don’t get me wrong, I just happened to be here by accident.”

County magistrate smiled and sat on the sofa under the greeting of Shen Qiang Mother, saying: “Oh, it turned out to be an old Liu service. He knew that I came here today, and he didn’t say hello, let you It’s so out of the way.”

In an instant, Secretary Ma looked pale like a blank piece of paper.

Because he is very clear in his heart.

The county magistrate is Yizheng, 3 deputies, the deputy magistrate Zhang in front of him is the first deputy magistrate who is not just in name only, but also in reality. In the absence of the magistrate, he has the right to take full responsibility for anything , And Vice Mayor Liu is helping the county governor and is responsible for education system related work.

In itself, County Zhang is more powerful than County Liu.

From the perspective of work, Vice Mayor Liu and Vice Mayor Zhang are themselves rivals in competition, although they are polite to say that Governor Liu is too rare.

But Secretary Ma heard it instantly. County Chief Zhang was obviously picking things up. You County Chief Liu knew that I was here and asked your secretary to run here. What attention should you pay?

The thought of Mayor Zhang was likely to have a phone call with Mayor Liu at any time, and Secretary Ma’s legs were soft.

“Country Zhang, don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t County Governor Liu who asked me to come, it was my uncle younger brother who had something to do with Shen Qiang. I happened to be free today, so I accompanied him.”

Secretary Ma brow beaded with sweat.

County magistrate nodded: “Oh, help you younger brother to support the show, understand, sit down, sit down.”

Secretary Ma hearing this can only sit, but it’s like sitting on a needle felt, half of the fart. On the sofa, half of the fart. The dangling, then said very nervously: “Zhang County, I don’t know you come, since you come , There must be something important to talk with Shen Qiang, then I will not disturb, I will leave now.”

Upon hearing this, Deputy County Chief Zhang certainly had no opinion, but polite words still have to be said.

“Secretary Ma is not an outsider. There is nothing to listen to. Secretary Wu of the county party committee will be here in a moment. If you are in no hurry, don’t leave.”

Upon hearing this, Khan shua shua’s forehead dripped down.

Secretary Wu is the deputy secretary of the party branch of the county party committee. He came. If he knew that he came here, he forced Shen Qiang to lend 30,000,000 to his younger brother. In a word, he went home.

“No, no, County Chief Zhang, you are busy, I really have something to do, let’s go first.”

Seeing Secretary Ma stood up and wanted to go.

Shen Qiang said nothing.

But who is Aunt Xiulian?

All day long, I was so observant that everyone in Yingbei was so blameless. Just like looking at Secretary Brow beaded with sweat, I immediately knew that this was a great opportunity.

“Yo, Secretary Ma, this is about to go. Just now you said that Shen Qiang borrowed your younger brother 30,000,000 today, that’s all. If Shen Qiang doesn’t borrow your younger brother 30,000,000, it won’t take a few days, you have to let Shen Qiang kneel down and beg you?”

Upon hearing this, the director of the China Merchants Office, the director of the county finance bureau, and the county magistrate were all stunned.

“No, no, I…” Secretary Ma Khan shua shua went down, don’t know what to say.

Looking at his embarrassment, Aunt Xiulian continued, “Huh, weren’t you just talking about it? Wasn’t Shen Qiang moving, or kneeling and begging him, saying he knew it, Shen Qiang has no relatives in the county party committee. He also said that if Shen Qiang wants to do business, he will not be able to ask for him in the future.”

Secretary Ma’s face was pale, looking at the county magistrate who was cold and opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say a word.

Because Aunt Xiulian is telling the truth.

“There is such a thing?” Zhang County magistrate raised an eyebrow.

The head of the village and the combined defense and protection of Captain immediately said.

“When you enter the hospital, Secretary Ma is saying this.”

“That’s not, we all heard clearly.”

Hearing this, the county magistrate immediately sank his face and said sharply: “Secretary Ma! You are so brave! Do you dare to do anything? Do you know who Shen Qiang is? Chairman of Heshenghe Group, focus on the province Star entrepreneur, let alone your county secretary, is the provincial mayor better than you? If you want to see Mr. Shen, you must make an appointment!”

“Whether you want to see it or not, you have to see if Mr. Shen has time, so you dare to come here to blackmail Shen Qiang? I think your good life is over!”

In an instant, Secretary Ma sat paralyzed on the sofa.

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