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Hearing this, Shen Qiang and the charming night solitary cloud around him did not react, but the village head and the joint defense and protection defense Captain were both amazed.

After all, the first level of the Guanda University killed people. In Yingbei, the village head was big enough, but the town headed the township, and the town headed the village. In front of the town head, the head of the village was not enough.

So despite some hesitation, the village chief answered the phone.

Later, Shen Qiang and the others heard the village chief’s dry laugh.

“Hmm, Mayor Hu, um, um, it鈥檚 me, yeah, oh! Oh! It turned out to be the Secretary of the County Party Committee, you see this is troublesome, isn鈥檛 this flooding the dragon king’s temple, um, rest assured, No, definitely not, um, um, okay, okay, then you are busy.”

After a few words, the village head returned the phone to the young man, and then quietly showed Shen Qiang a look that signaled Shen Qiang to be careful.

“Well, okay, Mayor Hu, there is no other time, um, okay, I鈥檒l be free sometime, um, when the time comes I will definitely go, ah ha ha ha, Mayor Hu please drink, how could I not go , Um, well, that’s it.”

hang up the phone.

The young man was smiling, confident, and smiled with pride and looked at Captain, who said: “My surname is Ma. I used to be in the town government office and now work as a secretary in the county party committee. The person you just hit was my uncle younger. brother .”

Hearing this, Captain did not get used to him, saying, “Yo, are you his associate?”

Youth complexion sank.

At this time, the village chief smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes, and handed the cigarette, while sitting on the sofa beside, said with a smile: “Secretary Ma, this is the second day of the first lunar month, what a rare rest opportunity, just when you arrive Yingbei, I will be the east at noon, let’s…”

“No.” Youth One said with a smile: “I’m here, there are other things to do, you go.”

Hearing this, the village head and the combined defense and protection Captain were a little embarrassed.

3 Uncle Bull, said superbly: “Did you hear me? Dare to hit me, do you know what other people are? The county party secretary, the red man next to the head of the county, you say you are a small village head, and wu wu twitter, Feel that you can do it, go quickly, don’t and the others, the secretary of the horse is angry, call the township leader, when the time comes your village official will be done.”

The head of the village became ugly.

In fact, in a strict sense, the village head is really not an official.

This was selected through village elections.

The village committee is also a self-governing body of the grassroots, and it is not a government organization.

“My village head was chosen by the villagers.” The village head said: “So Shen Lao 3, you don’t need to tell me that. The people in Yingbei Village trust me, then I have to do something serious, Secretary Ma. Secretary Gui Ma, you are you, anyway, in front of me, if you want to mess up, it will definitely not work.”

Hearing this, Uncle 3 laughed: “Yeah, you really took the director of the village committee as a cadre. What right do you have to say this, and where should you go?”

Aunt Xiulian was unhappy and raised her eyebrows: “Shen Lao 3, what do you say? In the summer of the river, if the village chief took people to pull sand and bag for flood control, your little house was gone. Now you say this, don鈥檛 you lose heart?”

“He is the village chief, that is what he should do.” Rolled the eyes to Aunt Xiulian, 3 uncle turned his head, looked at Shen Qiang, said superbly: “Shen Qiang, I will ask you a word now, today this Will you borrow the money or not?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “If you don’t borrow, you won’t have any money.”

Upon hearing this, Uncle 3 was anxious: “Shen Qiang, then you have to think about the consequences.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “What consequences, I will listen to you.”

“You…” 3 Uncle stared at his eyes, but before he could speak, Secretary Ma on the sofa smiled and said, “Shen Qiang, I know you are rich, and I will definitely not put me in the eye Here, but, don鈥檛 forget, sometimes, some things, money is not 10000.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang frowned, saying: “You make sense, money is indeed not 10000.”

Secretary Ma smiled: “Since you understand this truth, you should understand that your home is here, and the county party committee is the biggest here, so it is best for you to think clearly about the loan of Hongyunlai 2 handcart.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t think about it, I will not lend him a minute, nothing else, you can go.”

Hearing this, Secretary Ma鈥檚 face became ugly, and then he took a deep breath and said: 鈥淪hen Qiang, don鈥檛 talk too much, it鈥檚 not good for you. Frankly speaking, I鈥檓 not willing to tell you these words. , But since you persist in your own wrong doings, then I will remind you.”

“The county has received a lot of report letters that report your company’s wrongdoing, so it is best for you to think about it and talk to me after all. After all, this matter is nobody’s reason to check with someone. It is 2 concepts. I mean you understand ?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I understand what you mean. If I don’t lend this to Ma Jiyong 30,000,000, you will have to engage in my company. Is that what it means?”

“The reason I like to talk to smart people is because smart people know a little.” Secretary Ma said with a smile: “And your Shen Family has no relatives and no reason in the county party committee. I also know that when I do business in the future, I believe you use There are many places to get me.”

Shen Qiang was flustered, and then laughed, because the real situation is that Heshenghe Group is also a large group in the provincial capital, and one of the star enterprises in the province, although it is not dare to say how much influence in the world. Powerful, but usually in the provincial capital, the mayor and district chief of the provincial capital would not be easy to see Shen Qiang.

As a result didn’t expect, this one returned home, and the secretary of the county party committee went to the door, so they were so arrogant.

Isn’t this funny?

Shen Qiang If he said a few words, he lent out 30,000,000, not to make people laugh?

“Get out of here, you can go. Today I am in a good mood. I don’t care about you. I will interrupt you when I come next time.” Shen Qiang was all ecstatic.

Hearing this, the village head and the defense and protection defense Captain both laughed.

After all, that’s how it is. If your county party secretary is even more bullish, it’s okay for you to fight the autumn wind with other officials. People will have a flat old name of 100. Are you afraid of this?

Secretary Ma was a little bit uncomfortable in the face, and suddenly got up, and said with great anger: “Shen Qiang, don鈥檛 think you made a little business outside and made some money, you can be supercilious. In the piece of land of the county, what are you No, today you have to borrow the money. It鈥檚 easy to say, if you don鈥檛 borrow, I advise you to move, otherwise, you will have to kneel down and beg me.

Shen Qiang’s face sank, and he said indifferently: “Without a few days, you believe or not I will let you kneel down and beg me?”

Secretary Ma coldly snorted: “Do you have this ability?”

At the same time, everyone in the house heard the voice of the village secretary in the courtyard.

“Old Shen! Is your family Qian Qiang home? County Zhang is here!”

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