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County Zhang’s response was cold, and the words were not polite, but his emotions were not obvious.

At this time, the director of the China Merchants Office was on fire. Because he was in the provincial capital before the Spring Festival, he waited almost a month and ran to Shen Qiang for 7 or 8 trips, but he didn’t see Shen Qiang. As a result, he had to come back and planned for a long time, hoping to be able to Have a good talk with Shen Qiang and try to bring the Heshenghe Group to the county. ,

As a result, didn’t expect, he begged grandfather to sue the grandmother, and invited Zhang County Mayor and Director Li of the county finance bureau. When I arrived at Shen Qiang, I hadn’t waited to discuss the topic, but I met Secretary Ma. Is he the director of the China Merchants Office?

He felt that he could not sleep well at night. He was afraid that Heshenghe Group would have concerns and would not like to invest in the county.

As a result, Secretary Ma, who came to Shen Qiang’s house at the beginning of the 2nd month of Zhengzheng, forced to borrow 30,000,000?

With a snap of the coffee table, the director of the China Merchants Office to get really angry said: “What a courage! You are a little secretary, dare to do anything? You wait, if I can’t get rid of you today, I will follow your last name. “

With that said, he took the phone and called.

As soon as the phone was connected, Shen Qiang heard the director of the China Merchants Office shouting: “Captain Song, hurry to Yingbei. Someone blackmailed and extorted. Yes, Director Zhang and Director Li are on the scene. Yes, the case is huge, um, Attempted, you send someone to come.”

Upon hearing this, Secretary Ma was anxious: “Director Wang, what are you doing, I just accompany my younger brother to borrow money, and I did nothing!”

China Merchants Office Director Wang to get really angry, said: “You don’t need me and say this.”

“Hello! Vice Governor Liu? Yes, it is me, Xiao Wang. Well, I have something to do with you. This is the case. County Governor Zhang and I visited the chairman of Heshenghe Group for planning of the county park. Shen Qiang, yes, county magistrate Zhang got angry with you. Well, it doesn’t need you to come forward. It was when we came and saw your secretary who was taking people to blackmail others.”

“Yes, forcing others to borrow 30,000,000.”

“You don’t know about this?”

“Never be palliative?”

“Must be severely punished?”

“Well, well, well, well, rest assured.”

Hanging up the phone, the director of the China Merchants Office said angrily: “When the county party committee was working for a few days, the secretary did not know what his surname was? Regardless of the law and of natural morality, he would dare to do anything and dare to do anything, you wait for me!”

Speaking of which, the director of the China Merchants Office suddenly remembered that the county magistrate was still there, and quickly turned his head and said: “Zhang County magistrate, look at this…”

County magistrate Zhang solemnly said: “This matter is detrimental to the image of the county party committee and must be dealt with as soon as possible!”

Hearing this, Secretary Ma, who had been stunned, came back to his senses and hurriedly said: “Zhang County Chief, I was just confused for a while and said a few words. This is just my younger brother to borrow money. Go up.”

“No need to explain to me.” Zhang county chief calmly said.

Secretary Ma froze.

The village chief looked at it like this, and smiled: “Oh, county magistrate Zhang certainly doesn’t know. Before you came, the secretary of the horse was awesome, so he didn’t point to my nose and said that my village chief was doing his job.”

The county magistrate smiled: “The village committee director is elected by the villagers. There will be no major mistakes until the new term. Who can move you, don’t listen to him talk nonsense.”

Secretary Ma is pale.

At this moment, with the sound of the siren.

A police officer is here.

The headed police officer clearly knew the county magistrate and they would then take Secretary Ma away.

Like the mirror in my heart, if you are taken away for investigation, you can’t go in and say, Secretary Ma, who must be finished with this job, begs: “Country Zhang, I just said a few angry words, I beg you to give me another chance .”

Hearing this, county magistrate Zhang said quietly: “Don’t ask me about this, I ask you to ask Shen Qiang. If he said that you are just cracking a joke, you will have nothing to do.”

Secretary Ma turned complexion pale and saw Shen Qiang of full of smiles at a glance.

His pale face puffed up, and he knelt on the ground and said, “Shen Qiang, Mr. Shen, I know it’s wrong, you let me go, I won’t dare next time!”

Hearing this, not only did Aunt Xiulian smile, but Shen Qiang also smiled.

“My person is very kind, but at the same time, I am an honest and trustworthy person, so I can’t lie for you, that’s how it is.”

In an instant, Secretary Ma sat on the ground.

At the same time, Shen Qiang’s particularly arrogant 3 uncle, seeing the situation is not good, hurriedly said: “Shen Qiang, you can’t do this!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pointed his finger at him with a smile, and said, “They are all together, forcing me to borrow 30,000,000 like me. No, no. There is a contract they brought on the table. There are many witnesses. You You can check the situation.”

“Get up.” The police officer coldly dragged Shen Qiang 3 uncle.

“Who knows the situation, let’s make a note.” said a police officer.

Upon hearing this, Aunt Xiulian said, “I heard it.”

The village head and the combined defense and protection of Captain also immediately indicated that they were informed.

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Mayor Zhang, Director Li, and Director Wang, let’s go to the second floor, there is a small living room on the second floor, which may be more convenient.”

Upon hearing this, they immediately agreed.

Subsequently, several people went upstairs.

Go to the 2rd floor.

The Director of China Merchants Office, although he was still angry, he calmed down a lot. He put a plan of the park in front of Shen Qiang and said, “Mr. Shen, I know your time is precious, So I went straight to the point. This is the plan of our county and industrial park.”

Looking into the eyes of Shen Qiang, the director of the China Merchants Office said: “You should know the situation in our county. The agricultural population is the majority and the economy is underdeveloped, so the county planned this industrial park and wanted to attract investment. The previous plan was to use This place is for frozen food, but that is just an intention.”

“As long as you Heshenghe Group are willing to come, you can discuss what you do.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “This land is not small, and the number of investments should not be small.”

Finance Minister smiled and said: “Mr. Shen can be assured that as long as you come, the county will definitely provide you with the most favorable policies.”

This moved Shen Qiang’s heart.

Because before, Shen Qiang thought about opening a branch or building a branch here, so many well-known and well-delegated people were sent to protect their parents. Now, the director of the Finance Office and the deputy magistrate of the China Merchants Office are the best. opportunity.

not only.

To use father’s words, it means that people cannot but respect.

So Shen Qiang, who broke his mind in his heart, looked towards Zhang County and said: “I’m actually very interested in investing in my hometown, but this is not a trivial matter, not 3 2 sentences. Negotiated.”

Upon hearing this, County Zhang’s eyes lighted up: “Relax, Mr. Shen, as long as Heshenghe Group invests, I guarantee that the county will give the most favorable conditions, and absolutely not allow any department to make you difficult, as specific We can study the project slowly and take it slowly.”

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