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Shen Qiang’s tone is calm, but it implicitly contains a surprising amount of confidence. At this time, the tall and sturdy man, who was already behind several hundred meters, was stunned, and then he was shocked: “You said that the situation is not right, do you mean this? But how is it possible, in the cultivation field, the common way of poisoning is nothing more than 3 types,”

“First, the poisoning of the diet, the lowest 3 abuse, the most bottomless method of poisoning, and the easiest way to do it. The common poisoning method of second is the hidden weapon quenching poison. Whether it is strong enough depends on the use. These poisoners themselves, and the third, is to poison through the wind and through breathing. This is the most high-end poisoning method.”

“The strongest poisoning method of Shen Qiang, the legendary cultivation in the dark, is this, but now the gas masks are very easy to buy. Those who arrive here tonight are fully prepared. Is this, in this case, Shen Qiang still has a way to poison?”

The cultivator, which reminded before and stepped back, said: “The situation is not right. I don’t know what he is going to do, but I feel an unprecedented sense of danger. Believe my intuition. This Shen Qiang may be true. Is far more powerful than our imagination.”

His tone barely fell,

At this time in the wild on the riverside.

The man who had spoken before laughed.

“Shen Qiang, you don’t need to bluff anymore. We all know very well that your poisoning method is useless in front of the gas mask. This point was spread throughout Qingyun Sword Pavilion and Xiaoyao Valley. Cultivation industry, so you said that if we thought that the gas mask would make you helpless, you would pay the price of blood, obviously, just to delay time.”

“But that didn’t work, because we knew that the monsters of Heshenghe rushed on the road quickly, but it took about 40 minutes at the fastest from gathering people and then from the provincial capital to find you The home has been gathered up to now, but the maximum is 20 minutes, so we still have a lot of time to kill you.”

“So be smart, don’t waste time, hand over the black blade and your storage ring, we will let go of your parents, if you dare to say a word, we will kill you, and then go to your house, put They killed them all.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled.

In fact, this person is right.

When I participated in the Sunburn Convention and returned home, when the Young Master of Qingyun Sword Pavilion Great Elder Xiaoyaogu jointly set up an ambush, their gas masks did bring trouble to Shen Qiang.

At that time, Shen Qiang did not have a way to allow bacteria controlled by the plague source to pass through the layers of anti-virus masks that were filtered and protected, so Shen Qiang at that time did indeed rely on military force to win, not poison.

But now it is not the original.

These cultivators dare to find Shen Qiang so boldly, probably because they feel that, with the gas mask, they no longer need to fear Shen Qiang’s poisoning, and they are not beside Hesheng Hezhong demon, Shen Qiang is also weak and can be bullied.

It’s just a pity.

When saving the pillar, Shen Qiang had already obtained Bacillus anthracis.

And, they have also completed the final evolution of seventy hours.

So for the current Shen Qiang, if you want to rely on a gas mask to stay at the source of the plague, it is a joke.

Because of the time between virus outbreak and death, Bacillus anthracis is obviously better than Botox.

But when it comes to the power of infection, anthrax feels more powerful than botulinum.

Because Bacillus anthracis can not be spread through food or breathing, what is more powerful is that it can be spread through skin contact.

Depending on the mode of transmission, Bacillus anthracis will produce the three most obvious symptoms of clinical response.

If the nose and mouth are infected with Bacillus anthracis, the clinical manifestations are usually chills, high fever, shortness of breath, dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis, bloody sputum, chest pain, etc. Sometimes subcutaneous edema will occur on the neck and chest, often with sepsis and infectivity After shock, severe symptoms will usually die within 24 to 48 hours due to respiratory and circulatory failure.

It is also known as pulmonary anthrax in medicine.

If you are infected with Bacillus anthracis through diet, the onset will be different.

Severe vomiting, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea may occur. Severe symptoms will have severe Poison Blood symptoms, persistent vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, bloating, abdominal pain, etc., abdominal tenderness or signs of peritonitis, often complicated by sepsis and septic shock after the onset 3 ~ Die within 4 days.

This is intestinal anthrax.

In addition to the above two different clinical responses.

Anthrax infected through the skin, also known as skin anthrax.

It is characterized by papules or macules at first, followed by blisters, containing pale-yellow fluid, and surrounding tissues are hard and swollen, and they randomly become hemorrhagic necrosis, slightly sagged, surrounded by small blisters, the edema area continues to expand, blisters The necrosis ruptures into shallow ulcers, and the blood-like secretions form a black scab like charcoal, and the granulation tissue under the scab forms anthrax scabs.

The systemic Poison Blood disease is obvious and the condition is critical. If the treatment is delayed, it may die due to circulatory failure. If the pathogen enters the bloodstream, it can produce sepsis, and secondary to pneumonia and meningitis.

Now, Shen Qiang not only possesses Bacillus anthracis, but more importantly, they have completed the final two hours of evolution in the source of the plague.

Not only that, Shen Qiang released it, enveloping a cultivator surrounded by glare like a tiger watching his prey, but also an evolutionary version recommended by the source of the plague.

So almost instantly.

Shen Qiang clearly noticed that those Bacillus anthracis had infected the bounty hunters around them through their bare skin.

Not only that, Shen Qiang was even more surprised that Divine Consciousness noticed that the skin contaminated with Bacillus anthracis was rapidly producing blisters. Not only that, those blisters broke up clearly and clearly after only 2 breaths. Large areas of necrosis.


Amidst the unrest turmoil of many bounty hunters, the seemingly leading bounty hunter patted his neck and then continued: “Shen Qiang, you don’t have to procrastinate, useless, I will give you the last ten now Thinking in seconds.”

“Hand over the black blade, the armor of Evil Spirit and your storage ring. We will not only keep your whole body, but also guarantee that it will not harm your parents. If you refuse, not only will you die, your parents will die.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled: “I am alive, you are still so vicious, if I die, how could you still leave them alive, so you all have to die.”

The headed man laughed loudly: “Shen Qiang, you are dead to the point of death, and you dare to say such a thing, really overestimate one’s capabilities.”

His voice has not yet fallen.

Numerous bounty hunters who have been scratching their skin in pain around them, someone has uncontrollably lifted their gas mask and howled: “Itchy, itchy, it hurts!”

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