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Looking at the happy Mother, Shen Qiang laughed while talking with Lu Shuyao while preparing the dumpling filling with a smile, the voice said very coldly: “No, I will solve this matter. You just pay attention to the situation around my house. “

Say that’s all, hang up the phone.

Shen Qiang walked to Bai Jiao’s side with a smile, and whispered in her ear: “Someone seems to be looking for trouble outside. You and Chu Qing, Xiu Ju, Kang Luoying, Jiang Hanyang, Ke Bizhu, Jing Xiangwei, stay at home, I took Xu Nan and Ye Guyun to go outside and see what they were going to do.”

Bai Jiao smiled and said, “No problem.”

The received Shen Qiang walked out smilingly, passing Xiu Ju’s side, and said softly: “I have something to go out, you stay at home, pay attention to the evidence.”

Xiu Ju’s eyes became very cold.

At the same time, Shen Qiang, who turned around to explain Ke Bizhu, forcibly dragged Ye Guyun, Xu Nan calmly followed, took three of them, and came out of the house. At this time, it was Wan Family lights.

The lantern swings gently in the wind.

The round aperture shook on the ground.

The wind was blowing, the snow flakes shattered, and the cold wind was shocking.

A glance at the 2 people in the shop opposite, closely watching the situation of Shen Family.

Shen Qiang released his True Yuan without any care.

Immediately, in Divine Consciousness, Shen Qiang clearly noticed that there were several figures and was approaching quickly.

Sporadic sounds of firecrackers came from the night breeze.

Breathing the coldness like a sword, Shen Qiang smiled with a bit of evil charm in the corner of his mouth.

“It seems that the lesson given to them is not enough. Since it is so, let them thoroughly understand the power of the 10000 demon king.”

With a chuckle, Shen Qiang turned around and walked slowly towards the wilderness outside the village with 2 women.

Seeing all this clearly, the two glanced at each other, and then their eyes flashed with shock.

The shop Boss shocked: “It’s our Boss! You only have Ye Guyun and Xu Nan, and you feel you can face those cultivators? Leave the early Qing adults, Kobe Lord Zhu, to protect his parents? What a domineering way to look at strong enemies, but treat them as if they are just like a mustard!”

The distribution station Boss is equally shocked and nodded, saying: “The cultivators in the cultivation field always think that the rise of Boss is only because of his good luck, that is because they do not understand the real Boss at all, regardless of the cultivation base, this is the only one. Split spirit, Boss is enough to be called a hero, is it their frog in well that can compare with it?”

At the same time, it is about 1000 meters away from Shen Qiang’s home.

Two men standing proudly on top of a roadside building, wearing windbreakers and wearing gas masks on their faces, are staring in the direction of Shen Qiang.

“What does the boss mean, he said that he took the task of hunting Shen Qiang, but he didn’t let us do it, just let us observe and see? Does he really think that Shen Qiang is that guy?”

Another person looked calmly said: “The figure is not the same, that guy is shorter than Shen Qiang, even though Shen Qiang’s height has indeed skyrocketed in the last year, but his age is not consistent. After the mission ten years ago, that The guy never appeared again.”

“If Shen Qiang is indeed the nightmare of the cultivator in the legend, then it may indeed be the heir of that guy. After all, from the current situation, he has a lot of similarities with that guy. Good medical skills will poison, this It looks like of common origins.”

The burly figure who spoke before said: “He had better be the nightmare, otherwise I would not be polite to him.”

At this time the other person suddenly disappeared.

“Go, we can get closer.”


The cold wind is biting, and the cold is like a knife.

The lights of every family, accompanied by the scattered sound of firecrackers, made this New Year’s Eve inexplicably hide Xiao Xiao’s intention in the celebration.

But whether it was Ye Guyun or Xu Nan, they all followed Shen Qiang very calmly.

This is not only because they are powerful, but also because Shen Qiang is not the waste that was ridiculed by the cultivation industry, but the real…powerhouse!

Standing by the river, covered in snow covered vines.

Shen Qiang was waiting quietly, and the 2 women did not speak.

After a full 20 minutes, the silent Shen Qiang suddenly raised her eyebrows and said in the dark night: “Come out, I know you have arrived.”

With Shen Qiang speaking quietly.

Around Shen Qiang and the 2 girls, 20-30 cultivators appeared silently. Seeing the fluctuations of True Yuan, each cultivation base is powerful.

The sky on New Year’s Eve, there is no bright moon, all around is amazingly dark.

But even so, Ye Guyun, who looked all around, smiled at once.

“Oh, they all wear gas masks, they look so ugly.”

Hearing Ye Guyun’s words, Xu Nan said solemnly: “It looks like they are all prepared, Shen Qiang, they are watching for you to be poisoned.”

Shen Qiang hearing this smile.

Almost at the same time, in the dark night, I remembered a low male voice that was revealed through the gas mask.

“Shen Qiang, since you lead us here, you should come to your destination, surrender your storage ring and those magic weapons, and we will let go of your family and leave you with a whole body.”

Shen Qiang smiled, and the tone was rather helpless in the wind: “Why do you never understand that it is not my luck, but my strength that can convince the monsters.”

Hearing this, the man smiled: “Shen Qiang, don’t be arrogant, okay, your cultivation base is nothing but Yang Shen realm, even if you use demon power, the cultivation base probably can barely fight with Primordial Chaos Realm powerhouse , So what makes you truly powerful is that you are poisoned and have a magic weapon that is very difficult to deal with.”

“But these don’t scare us. In the battle of the 100 Flower Palace, your weakness of the poison has been exposed. With only a few hundred gas masks, your poison has been abolished, and here is not Heshenghe, You have to leave the powerful Banshee to protect your parents, so now, you are alone, it is impossible to beat us.”

In the forest by the river not far away, two men wearing gas masks watched all this calmly.

The burly man slightly frowned: “These all are good hands, except for a cultivation base with the same Yang god realm, it looks like the guy who wants to fish in troubled water, the cultivation base of everyone else is above Primordial Chaos Realm, And a guy in the Daogu period actually mixed in with them.”

“Everyone used a gas mask. It looks like they have done their homework before they come here. Now their many people are playing one out of ten, and they can spare two to watch the excitement, so you don’t have to guess at all. I can think of it, it must be Shen Qiang’s loss. I really don’t understand. This big New Year’s Boss lets us see here.”

“Hush!” The other person suddenly raised his eyebrows and sound transmission said: “This feels not right, let’s go…” As he said, his body flickered suddenly, and he already appeared outside of several hundred meters, following him The tall and sturdy man arrived almost at the same time as him, standing firm and immediately surprised: “What’s wrong?”

Hush! The other man motioned for him to mute.

At the same time, Shen Qiang laughed indifferently in the wind: “If you think that the gas mask can make me helpless, then tonight, you are destined to pay the price of blood.”

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