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Someone had turned on the flashlight in the painful hiss.

In an instant, the scene in front of them not only made those bounty hunters lose one’s head out of fear, but also made Ye Guyun and Xu Nan all suck in a cold breath of air.


Numerous cultivators, necks, and backs of hands were already present, and large areas of blisters had appeared. Not only that, almost at the same time as their lose one’s head out of fear, a bounty hunter had fallen to the ground. Not only did the whole person fall into a coma, but the back of the neck and hairline have grown bright blisters.

And under the light of the flashlight, the bounty hunters were horrified to see that those blisters burst quickly and gush out pale-yellow liquid infection, more blisters are being produced rapidly,

“Sure enough, it is the evolved Bacillus anthracis, and the toxins occur at least dozens of times faster than the ordinary Bacillus anthracis!”

Shen Qiang was surprised.

And while he was surprised, Ye Guyun shocked: “What’s wrong with them, they look so scary, are they sick?”

Xu Nan was also shocked: “Shen Qiang, what are you doing?”

Shen Qiang smiled indifferently: “What should be done,”

Hearing the conversation of three people, many bounty hunters suddenly came back to his senses and shouted in horror. ,

“Poison, this is poison, Shen Qiang poisoned us, we are going to die!”

“Who said that as long as you have a gas mask, you don’t have to think about poisoning!”

“It’s over, it’s all over, we are poisoned!”

In a roar of hoarseness, everyone looked at each other with a flashlight, and they were shocked to find that they were all poisoned without exception.

The horrified discovery made them howl crazy.

“Shen Qiang, you base and shameless villain, what is the ability to poison? There is a kind of you and me heads-up!” a bounty hunter yelled.

A contemptuous sneer appeared in the corner of Shen Qiang’s mouth, and I can easily kill you with a kind of Idiot, to the point of being stupid, and then glanced at him with your eyes fighting for the knife.

“Shameless, despicable, nasty! You will only poison the scum, I will fight with you!” A bounty hunter yelled at him.


On the side, Xu Nan looked like an electric man, and with a violent punch, he easily flew him out.

“We are at home for the Spring Festival. You come here to snatch things, not only to kill people, but also to threaten to kill the whole family! As a result, they are now scolding my family, Shen Qiang shameless, do you have that qualification?”

Xu Nan, with a wild breath spread all over her body, already possesses the strength of Primordial Chaos Realm. Now she has the magic gloves that Shen Qiang handed over to her in her hand. Not only is she majestic, but also in lithe and Among the graceful, the wild domineering was revealed, and the strong woman’s temperament burst.

Not only did the many bounty hunters on the scene look stunned, but she also saw Shen Qiang in full bloom.

You know, this is the true face of Wanxin Hesheng Xu Nan.

She is so domineering, so strong, but in front of Shen Qiang, she is always charming, dignified, tender and considerate, never showing the slightest female temperament, which means that she is willing to let go of everything beside Shen Qiang and only do a good-natured Little woman.

“Brothers started, killing Shen Qiang, he must have an antidote!” the lead bounty hunter shouted.

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, took out a chair lightly from the storage ring, and then sat in the field, saying, “Welcome to try.”

In a flash, dozens of bounty hunters broke up.

The dark night sky was instantly illuminated by the glory of various magic weapons.


Those magical treasures that should have been shining like stars, became like fireworks, but after a short time, they belonged to nothingness.

Because they have been deeply infected by Bacillus anthracis, simply did not qualify to fight other cultivators.

Although it was just over ten seconds, they had already had obvious symptoms of purulent Poison Blood disease at this time, and several people even had fainting and convulsions, which was obviously anthrax meningitis.

At this time, if they do not run True Qi, they may continue to fight for a while without fighting with others.

Once True Yuan is running and the blood runs faster, no one can escape Poison Blood disease.

Because the cultivator is too powerful, especially the powerhouse on top of these Primordial Chaos Realm, their True Yuan can complete a small circulation operation in an instant, and the blood circulation speed is dozens of times more than ordinary person, that means, Ordinary person may take half an hour, an hour, or even 3 to 4 hours before the symptoms of Poison Blood appear on them. It will only take a few seconds for them to appear.

And what comes after Poison Blood is sepsis.

Myocarditis, kidney failure, pneumonia, meningitis… This is simply not something they can resist.

Peng peng peng!

The dozen people who rushed over there were no surprise under Xu Nan’s Iron Fist, breathe one’s last.

Looking at the dead bodies in shock, Xu Nan surprisedly said: “Am I so strong?”

As the head of the ancient Four Great Vicious Beasts, the poor Qi Guyun curled his lips: “Two of them were dizzy before you hit it, don’t you know?”

Xu Nan was surprised. ,

At the same time, many bounty hunters saw this scene in shock, and more clearly perceive Xu Nan’s unreal Realm, which was not outstanding in their eyes, and instantly panicked,

“What a terrible poison, very powerful Shen Qiang, this poison is colorless and invisible, and even a mask is useless!”

“If I don’t die today, I will definitely open the letter, and bite me with a gas mask and you will be fine. The bastard will cost 1000 knives and 10000 off!”

“No, I already have a heartbeat, my head is feverish, my body is weak, and I can’t beat it anymore.”

Just when many bounty hunters were horrified.


A bounty hunter knelt on the ground and begged: “Shen Qiang, I know it is wrong, I know I should not be greedy for your magic weapon, nor should I be greedy for those rewards, now I really know that I am wrong, please beg you , Let me go, I will give you my magic weapon!”

With that said, he put his storage ring in front of him.

Seeing this scene, dozens of other bounty hunters immediately learned something, fell to their knees, and surrendered their personal magic weapons, and begged for mercy.

“Shen Qiang, I will give you all my magic weapons, and you will take my life for me.”

Xu Nan smiled lightly: “Now it’s too late to beg for mercy. You are dead. The magic weapon is Shen Qiang.”

“Shen Qiang, you let me go. After I go back, I must celebrate your kindness and strength, and others will not dare to come to you in the future.”

Smiling Xu Nan raised her lips as if listening to a joke: “You came to kill Shen Qiang, but you died yourself. This is killing the chicken to warn the monkey. Others will naturally understand the power of Shen Qiang, which is completely used. I won’t talk to you.”

Hearing Xu Nan’s words, the bounty hunter 10000 was all gray. ,

“Shen Qiang, how can you let us go!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang stood up smilingly, put the chair in the storage ring, and said calmly: “I am a very kind person and never take the initiative to provoke wrongdoing, especially today is New Year’s Eve, it is a festive day, I should not have killed, but You don’t even want me to live in peace on this day, but also kill my parents, then you all go to death.”

With a big wave of hand, the magic weapon they put into the storage ring, Shen Qiang calmly said: “God has the virtue of a good life, and I also have. I have collected your magic weapon, not in vain, I will let the monk of Doushi Temple do it for you 3 Heavenly Buddha, come over you.”

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