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Shen Qiang Mother smiled and glared at Shen Qiang, said with a smile: “How old are you, the man of Ben 3, how can it be so unreliable to speak, unless it is Immortal Pill, otherwise how can you look after eating Divine Immortal?”

Shen Qiang laughed: “That’s Immortal Pill.”

The girls also laughed.

Shen Qiang father was happy: “I can really be happy, I have to try your Immortal Pill first.”

With that said, Shen Qiang father, who took the peerless grace and elegance dan from Shen Qiang, threw it into his mouth, and then, the Mother who was sitting on the side immediately stared wide-eyed in surprise.

Because everyone can see clearly.

After eating peerless grace and elegance Dan, the fluorescence of Shen Qiang’s father circulated. Not only that, but also a strange medicinal fragrance.

What’s more amazing is that the appearance of Shen Qiang’s father has changed quietly,

However, compared to Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang’s father’s appearance has not changed a lot.

First of all, the skin has improved a lot, and there is less around, but the appearance is not at all. As expected, it has become a 20-year-old youngster, but has become a look dignified, which looks quite aura. About 40 years old middle age person.

It has 8 points like Shen Qiang.

If you don’t care about the details, it is simply Shen Qiang’s 40 years old version.

See Shen Qiang Mother on the side: “Aiya, Aiya, this old bastard, it looks better.”

The girls smiled and bent their eyes.

At the same time, Shen Qiang frowned secretly.

“Sure enough, this evolved botulinum can’t really replace Ninghua Yulu. The peerless grace and elegance tan made with Ninghua Yulu has the effect that the appearance of the user reaches the pinnacle that has just stopped developing. That’s about 2 16-17 years old.”

“But the peerless grace and elegance dan made from the evolved Botox cannot achieve that effect. It is much younger and more handsome, but it still looks like a middle age person.”

“This is still different from the real peerless grace and elegance Dan, so I will go to Immortal World in the future, but 10000000 can’t say that this is peerless grace and elegance Dan, you will be laughed.”

Shen Qiang thought about it, but suddenly smiled.

“That’s fine, if father really looked like me in an instant, it wouldn’t be bad.”

Seeing father become younger and better looking, Shen Qiang Mother handed Shen Qiang to her peerless grace and elegance Dan took it and said, “Is this Immortal Pill?”

See Shen Qiang nodded.

Shen Qiang Mother swallowed in a single bite.

Immediately in the eyes of all the girls happy, the fluorescence flowed, the smell was fragrant, and the appearance of Shen Qiang Mother immediately changed.

Not only that, but what surprised Shen Qiang was that the same medicine pill reacted completely differently on father Mother.

After taking it, my father seems to be a 40-year-old middle age person who is quite aura.

But the same medicine pill has made Mother’s appearance, at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, restored to a period of about 3 15 years old.

The whole person can’t talk about how beautiful it is, but it seems that it gives a sense of dignity and grace. It looks obviously younger than father.

Such changes saw Shen Qiang’s father’s eyes shine.

“Yeah, yeah! Are you a facelift?”

Mother, who took the mirror from Bai Jiao, looked at her and immediately stunned. Then she turned around in surprise and looked at Shen Qiang father proudly, saying: “Shen honestly, if I saw it, I ate it from my son. Immortal Pill, I am young and rich now. If you dare to yell at me again, I will replace you and let you be laid off!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, as did the women.

Shen Qiang father looked at himself in the mirror and said, “You are willing to give up my handsome middle-aged beautiful man?”

Everyone laughed.

Shen Qiang Mother pouted, but smiled and bent her eyes.

After all, Immortal Pill is good, as are the latest high-tech products, although Shen Qiang has never talked to his parents about his cultivation.

But 2 is not a fool, there are many strange things around, they will inevitably have some guesses, but Shen Qiang does not say, they do not mention it.

As long as life is happy, what the truth is, it becomes less important.

After eating, the younger Mother felt that her clothes were not suitable. The girls wanted to accompany her to the street to buy. She said that she would buy mahjong by the way. Shen Qiang told Bai Jiao to buy 2 mahjong machines directly. Tired, and then waited for them to drive out.

Shen Qiang took the father and went to the east side of the county where there were several 4s stores.

I bought Father a domestic pickup.

This kind of model itself is not much, and it is a county town, and it is really not too good.

The father wanted diesel oil, which was durable and strong, and the procedures were all completed, totaling 130,000 5.

Waiting for the car to come back.

Father and 3 uncles were all in trouble, Mother and all the girls who went to the street to buy clothes came back.

This makes Shen Qiang have to admire that this woman is absolutely capable of shopping, and how long it takes to shop is not tiresome.

All the women’s families are good.

The vision is very tasteful.

Mother who became much younger, changed her new clothes, could not bear the encouragement of all the women, and changed her makeup with the help of the women. As a result, she was younger and looked like she was in her early 30s, and she was dumbfounded.

This made Shen Qiang, who was following the laugh, want to find a few pieces from his clothes for father.

But the problem is that after getting through Ren and Du Meridians, Shen Qiang sprang up, but father didn’t, so Shen Qiang’s clothes were too big for father to wear.

While scratching his head, he slept the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu and quietly stuffed several sets of clothes to Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang has a look, the size, style, all aspects are a perfect fit for father.

This makes Shen Qiang have to admit that Bai Jiao is still young, and Ke Bizhu is not thoughtful in his work.

Replace the father with a new shirt.

The old 2s all look new.

Then, at the strong request of Mother, the women, Shen Qiang father Mother and Shen Qiang together, took a photo of Zhang Family at the door of the house.

When taking pictures, Shen Qiang felt somewhat regretful.

Because after 1000 Mountain Snow was promoted to major general, she got a chance to study that made 1000 Mountain Snow very exciting, but the cell phone where she went did not have a signal, and the 100 Flower Palace master Wei Sheng Zhimei was to host the Spring Festival celebration of 100 Flower Palace. No, so this will inevitably be a bit regretful, but fortunately in the future, Shen Qiang will definitely call them next time.

After the family portrait was taken, the sparse firecrackers sounded in the village.

Father took Shen Qiang to set off firecrackers, and Mother took the girls to make meals.

Everyone happily ate the New Year’s reunion dinner, but it was just when they had almost eaten and drank.

The village chief gasping for breath rushed in, and once you entered the house, you were welcome, frowns saying: “Hadron, are you a medical graduate, right?”

Shen Qiang froze, saying, “I’m reading.”

The village chief grabbed Shen Qiang and said: “Follow me quickly, there are a few bubbles on the pillar. The doctor of the county hospital wants to amputate him. You follow me quickly. Your aunt Xiulian is crying and silly.”

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