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This heard Shen Qiang stunned, and Ju Yang was surprised, saying: “Blisters amputated? I am afraid the arm is necrotic, Shen Qiang, go, be careful.”

Shen Qiang nodded, then went to the ground.

Sleep Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said: “I’ll go with you, it’s convenient to do something.”

Shen Qiang nodded, let others continue to eat, put on shoes, and came out with the village head, Ke Bizhu drove Shen Qiang’s car.

Shen Qiang and the village head get in.

Shen Qiang asked, “What happened to the pillar?”

The village chief frowns saying: “Last night I went back from your house, the pillar and his daughter-in-law fought and threw their daughter-in-law’s cell phone, but no, after eating this morning, the pillar took his daughter-in-law to buy a cell phone in the street Then, in the street, he received the wagon in the second uncle of the pillar and caught up with the young man. No one unloaded it, so the pillar went.”

“The skin of a truck, the pillar and his second uncle were unloaded. It may be that the fur on the skin stuck the pillar arm during the unloading process, and the gas was blistered, and no one went to the heart, and no one could do it in the afternoon. After that, they were sent to the county hospital, where they were quarantined directly. At the beginning, the doctor of Renjia County Hospital said that the transfer should be transferred to the affiliated medical university, or the second hospital of the medical university for treatment, and to the provincial city.”

“What is your auntie Xiulian? I don’t understand what you are capable of, and I’ve been pulling the doctors out of the pits, and the result is that the transfer is not allowed, and you have to amputate them directly. Your aunt Xiulian was crying at that time. Now, Zhu Zi鈥檚 wife is in a hurry, and I don鈥檛 know what to do. Then I called me. You go with me. You learn this. Check the situation there.鈥?/p>

“It’s not good, hurry up, if the hand can be kept, we won’t be able to keep it, we can keep our hands in any way we want, otherwise we will live in the future!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang frowned and said nothing, but there was a huge shock in his mind.

Because from the village chief’s words, Shen Qiang had an inexplicable feeling that the condition of the column now is probably one of the pathogens that Shen Qiang has been looking forward to, but nowhere to look for.


Because this kind of bacteria is extremely powerful, it belongs to a natural epidemic bacteria, and it is also the largest bacteria among pathogenic bacteria.

This germ can survive in the fur for several years.

Generally speaking, only in areas where the fur processing industry is developed will infections occasionally occur in slaughter, tanning or brush workers and breeders.

It is very rare in other places.

It can enter within the body through the damaged surface and begin to form water boils, blisters, pustules, black necrosis in the central part, and infiltration and edema around it. If not treated in time, bacteria can further invade local lymph nodes or invade Blood, causing death from sepsis.

This means that if this fungus is used for fighting, then the cultivator wants to wear a gas mask, and finds it in front of Shen Qiang, which is bringing about one’s own destruction.

apart from this, this germ has attracted the attention of many scientists in recent years, because they found that this germ has a certain effect on cancer cells, so many scientists around the world are doing related use Research on anthrax to treat cancer.

The content of the research, overwhelming majority is to recombine anthrax toxin through genetic engineering technology, thereby changing the composition of anthrax toxin, making it harmless to human health, and used to deal with certain cancer cells.

However, the progress does not seem to be very smooth, and it needs to be verified on animals for many years to ensure safety and effectiveness before they can be used, so up to now, there is still no clinical application.

According to the current research results, the most susceptible to anthrax toxins are cancer cells such as melanoma, colon tumor and breast cancer.

So if it is really Bacillus anthracis, then it is in the hands of Shen Qiang, but not only can it be used for battle, but more importantly, if it also evolves smoothly, it can be used to cure diseases.

And the object of treatment is cancer.

“Don’t be too anxious, let’s look at the situation and talk about it.” Shen Qiang said: “Relax, I grew up with him. Although I usually have to fight and make trouble, it’s really something, I won’t watch the lively sidelines. .”

The village chief said: “I know what your temper is, otherwise I can’t come to you, I know the two doctors, they are not a department, and I have asked for inquiries, and I haven’t written back to you yet. Although I always talk to you, when I was a kid, I didn鈥檛 beat the pillars. Didn鈥檛 they not poke you with your fingers?”

Shen Qiang laughed: “I know, rest assured, my Shen Qiang will not be kind anymore, and will not speak conscientiously about such things.”

The village chief is nodded.

The county hospital is in the south of the city.

Within a few years of the new construction, the environmental facilities and medical capabilities are second to none in the county. When it was built, the investment was more than 7000 and 10000, and the window was clear. It was still very good.

But it is incomparable with the provincial capital.

The large and good county hospital is a Level 2 B hospital, equivalent to Shen Qiang.

Compared with the provincial hospital that many 3A hospital, it is of course very simple.

But there are also advantages. The advantage is that you don’t have to queue up and register, just go directly to the doctor in the department.

Shen Qiang took Ke Bizhu and the village headman to the hospital door. At first glance, she saw the anxious pillar daughter-in-law. When she saw the village head and Shen Qiang, she shed tears anxiously and said, “The village head, Brother Qiang, please go and see Look, the doctor said, if the pillar鈥檚 鈥嬧€媓and is not amputated, his life will not be saved, that is, the hair is tied up, so so serious.”

“Don’t panic, it’s okay.” Shen Qiang comforted, and then went to the hospital with Zhu Zi’s wife and took a look at the list from Zhu Zi’s wife.

Shen Qiang’s mood was instantly excited.

Septic anthrax!

The patient has high fever, headache, bleeding, vomiting, septic shock, DIC (disseminated blood vessels coagulation).

Shen Qiang can get it easily by writing an application to the Dragon Group, but after all, it is too troublesome to go through the process, 1000 mountains and snow are not there, I don鈥檛 know who to find, but now I have it, it鈥檚 in the pillar Body!

Upstairs, Aunt Xiulian and her mother’s big brother, the second uncle of the pillar, his aunt was there. ,

Aunt Xiulian was crying, she couldn’t speak.

Shen Qiang took the documents and looked at them, and found that the hospital had used penicillin for the columns.

Because the Bacillus anthracis can actually be stained into purple by Gram staining, it is Gram-positive bacteria, so the best antibiotic against it is penicillin.

At the same time, the doctor also gave him streptomycin and furazolidone. From the perspective of using the medicine recipe, it can be said that it is impeccable. Even when it comes to the medical university, it is estimated that these are the medicines used, so the medical standard of the county hospital is still good. , Very formal, very responsive.

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