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Upon hearing this, Shen Qiang sighed and said, “Fourth Uncle, at that family’s Spring Festival this year, you and my aunt chanted?”

The trumpeted marijuana was nodded, sitting and smoking, and said, “Lianshi’s girlfriend is very good, and her parents are also very rare. I just think the two are too far away from each other. I will say that as long as the two are suitable, where will they live? No, so Lian Shi went to her house for the Spring Festival this year.”

3 Uncle said: “Will you come back to see you after the Spring Festival?”

The trumpeted marijuana said: “What are you doing? I’m going to work even on the fifth day, and I’m far away from home. I won’t let him come back. It’s true to make money quickly. My mother and I are in good health. “

“This youngster, there is less and less in the village.” The old man of the old Wu family sitting on the stone bench sighed while smoking: “Before the village was full of people, a group of children Hehe haha, now I can’t see myself.”

“Yeah, except for those who are going to school, they leave after the Chinese New Year, and they come back under the roots of the year. In recent years, there have been more people who have not returned during the Spring Festival.”

“What’s the trick, my child, earning 5,000-6,000 a month in the south, what can I do when I go home? If I don’t go outside, I will rely on those acres of land, and I can’t drink porridge or go out. Can young Chuang Chuang work?”

“Ai, I could still see some people at the end of the year. Now I am a child who is away from home, studying at home, and running in winter and summer vacations. There are fewer people coming.”

“Yeah, like Hadron, there are fewer people who can return on time at the root of the year. I take a few days off a year, go home and go to the teachers, and there are costs everywhere. I tell them not to come back and be outside. It’s not easy to make money, but the child doesn’t do it. Last year my family was younger 2 and the twelfth lunar month 29. It was dark when I got home. I left early in the morning and ate a meal and slept for a few hours. , Can you do it without going back to work?”

“Ai, it’s not easy. My family now wants to stay in the city. I can’t afford a house. I can’t afford a house. I want to come back. If I don’t have a job yet, I’m stuck there. I can’t get up or down.”

Listening to their words, Shen Qiang was in a mixed mood.

In fact, if it weren’t for the fairy tale, how would Shen Qiang’s life be different from them?

I can’t stay in the big city, I can’t finish my dream, I can’t go back to my hometown, the Spring Festival is like a migratory bird.

Just thinking, father carrying a large thermos, and a bundle of plastic cups, a pair of chess, to the door, put it on the stone table, said: “Hadron, go back to the house.”

Shen Qiang complied, said: “Then you stay, I entered the house.”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang walked into the house.

Just listen to those people at the door whispering to father.

“Shen honestly, really stupid and stupid, look at you, usually in the village, 3 feet can’t kick a fart, look at your son, it’s not a little stronger than you, our entire village, now one Look, it’s just that your strongman really has a career.”

“Well, there are a lot of people going out in the village, but it’s not difficult to get to rich outside, it’s difficult. When the child comes home, you’ll be less nagging. When I come back, I will abandon me. It’s still impossible to bear.

“It’s good to come back, it’s good to come back, and never try to make as much money as the children can earn, as long as they live well.”

They were chatting, drinking tea and playing chess in the open space outside the gate.

Shen Qiang returned to the house and looked at the full of smiles. She was in a very good mental state, and her mood was very complicated.

“Mom, if I move back to live next year, I will accompany you and my dad.” Shen Qiang said.

Shen Qiang Mother was anxious as soon as she heard it: “You are less foolish, you are in the provincial capital, now you have a career, a house, a job, how many people are envious but you can’t come, what are you doing at home, you can compare the farming A tractor?”

Shen Qiang said nothing.

Hesitated for a while and said, “Will you and my dad go with me after the New Year.”

“Don’t go.” Shen Qiang Mother said: “I and you father, get up every morning at 5 o’clock, and go to bed at 8 o’clock in the evening. Can you bear it? Besides, what are we going to do? Go to you as a fool?”

Seeing Shen Qiang sitting there in disappointment, Mother lowered her voice and said: “You stupid boy, don’t listen to what others say. Me and your dad, it’s good at home. I’m used to it. Now I live in a big house. I am so happy all day long, I want to cross the door and lift my feet, and go to the provincial capital with you, there is no one who even fights, we will not go.”

“Unless my dad and I are 7 and 80 in the future, and the food can’t be cooked, by that time, where are you, where are we going, when the time comes, you have to serve us well.”


Seeing Mother and father, the words are particularly dead, and Shen Qiang has no choice.

Seeing that Shen Qiang’s interest seemed not too high, Mother smiled: “After a while, you go to the street and buy 2 sets of mahjong. The girls are stupid and boring. I will take them to play mahjong.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “You don’t take them to the door, playing mahjong at home?”

Shen Qiang Mother white-eyed: “If you really bring an ordinary girl back, I really took them to come to the door, but they and everyone are beautiful like little fairy daughter Does it add congestion to others?”

“Furthermore, you brought so many at once, how can I introduce, how can I tell others? So forget it, me, or take them to play mahjong at home.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed.

The time is not big, the beautiful and beautiful demon Fox Chuqing, Lu Shuyao, the two chefs, and the girls have been rectified, and Shen Qiang called father to eat, specifically called the people at the door, but they did not come, basically all After eating, they didn’t come if they didn’t eat. After all, they were used to it. It’s okay to talk to each other at the doorway, basking in the sun, and catching a cold.

Shen Qiang father entered the house.

The family is divided into 2 tables.

All on the kang, warm under the butt, comfortable.

Shen Qiang father was happy. He had a glass of liquor one morning.

Shen Qiang doesn’t drink it. Now Shen Qiang’s cultivation base has reached Yang-Shenjing Middle-Stage. Even if it’s a two-degree burning knife, True Yuan will be sober after running it, so it might be better to quench your thirst with a glass of orange juice.

Eat full of smiles. ,

Mother father kept boasting.

“This dish is really good. I have made it all my life and I can’t make it taste.”

“Hahaha, much better than Shen Qiang’s mother did.”

Everyone was having a good time, and when the food was almost ready, Shen Qiang took out two peerless grace and elegance dans from his arms and placed them in front of their parents, said with a smile: “Dad, Mom, this is what I specially gave The two of you prepared the latest high-tech beauty products and eat a beautiful face, Divine Immortal.”

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