Qiu Xing Qiye sighed and shook his head with a sigh of hatred.

  on purpose? (X)

  Reestablish majesty (√)

  Both? (√√)

  "I believe you are the real ghost." Kudo Yukiko kept ruffling her hair on both sides of her fear.

  Just one second later, the knife of the terrifying female ghost was about to chop her body.

  Who else can I be afraid of?

  Fortunately, she is an adult and has more experience, so she is much better than Xiaolan's two girls.

  Otherwise, she just followed the trend and slipped to the first floor to compete for a wave of 'toilet'.

  Girls also need face, okay?

  See through, don’t say through.

  There are many ways to quickly develop a relationship with a girl.


  The hero saves the beauty at the critical moment, she is by her side when she needs it, the adventure of the haunted house, etc...

  Among them, the latter requires boys to be more courageous and girls to be less courageous. Under such circumstances, go to a haunted house with an exciting point.

  I believe that within a few minutes, [-]% of the girls will obediently let you leave the haunted house in your arms or on your back.

  Of course, this also depends on the situation.

  I can't say it well. Suddenly dragging the girl to the haunted house is not enough. It will easily have the opposite effect.

  Like the opportunity just now, it doesn't matter whether this terrifying topic is intentional or unintentional by Qiu Xing Qiye, since everyone is full of curiosity.

  Pull straight into the 'real version' horror scene experience.

  The result is of course needless to say, big profit!

  During the period, it is inevitable to be taken advantage of, and Kudo (bjch) Yukiko doesn't care. After all, she has experienced a lot, and it is impossible to be shy to die like a little girl.

  Seeing Qiu Xing Qiye stretch out his hand, the particles of light quickly combined into a Clow card, this miraculous scene made Yukiko Kudo, who had been slowly recovering, light up: "Qiye, you sell this powerful magic item. Do not."

  "What do you think!"

  Unceremoniously gave her a roll of eyes, Qiu Xing Qiye said: "In our professional term for magicians, items like the Clow card are ranked third-order, super expensive, and not something that money can buy. "

  "Second-tier consumable items are okay. Even if the richest man goes bankrupt, I won't sell permanent items! In the past when there were many magicians, this item might still be available for money, but it's different now."

  "It can be said that if you sell one, you will have one less!"

  "Is that so?" Yukiko Kudo heard the professional words of a magician for the first time.

  Although Qiu Xing Qiye compiled it based on the systematic review, the results are similar.

  Just like Koizumi Koizumi, who has the inheritance of red magic, she has few powerful magic props. She is reluctant to sell this kind of thing!

  "Then what rank is this magic item on me?" Yukiko Kudo pointed to a talisman bag hanging around her neck.

  Hmm...the neck is very white, the collarbone is very tempting...bah...


  "First-order." After taking a few glances, Qiu Xing Qiye withdrew his gaze, and by the way did not forget to throw the magic card into the space ring.

  Now he only wears a short-sleeved shirt and beach pants, and there is a small pocket on the pants, but it is inconvenient to put so many cards.

  "Sure enough." Kudo Yukiko was not surprised.

  She had this feeling just after hearing Qiu Xing Qiye's words.

  Qiu Xing Qiye added: "Among the first-order magic props, it is also relatively rubbish. It is a consumable item, and its function may be good in your opinion, but I can make a lot of this in minutes. , the cost.. you know."

  "This thing sells for 'technical fees'."

  Kudo Yukiko: "..."

  Understanding is understanding. Everyone understands these things, but don't say it.

  It's as if you know you've been tricked, and you have to give you money obediently.

  Buyers need face too!

  Reluctantly, she stretched out her slender fingers and rubbed her forehead. Yukiko Kudo glanced at the entrance of the stairs: "It happens that Xiaolan and the others are not here."

  "Qiye, you already know about my situation."

  "Since you don't sell second-order magic items, the abilities of first-order magic items are also limited. Do you have any better way to deal with this situation?"

  "Today, those few people were dealt with directly by you. Yingri's side should not be implicated for the time being, but there are dangers."

  "You don't have to worry about Aunt Yingri. Since she is Xiaolan's mother, I naturally have arrangements."

  Qiu Xing Qiye replied: "As for the solution to your current situation, didn't I say it before?".

  第 247

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"If Xinyi were a girl..."

  Weird thoughts flashed in her mind, different from joking with Fei Yingli before, at this moment, she was really envious of her best friend.

  gave birth to a good daughter.

  Quickly shaking his head and throwing away this unrealistic idea, Yukiko Kudo asked intently, "You mean the bodyguard business you mentioned when you were swimming at that time~?"

  Qiu Xing Qiye nodded: "Yes, I thought about it later, you can choose the 'pay by day' or 'pay by rescue-number of times' model."

  "Is there any difference between the two?" Yukiko Kudo asked with interest.

  "As the name suggests, if you choose the former, you only need to give me a protection fee of 100 million R yuan per day, or the method of monthly settlement."

  "In the latter case, the magic bodyguard I sent will protect you once. Depending on the danger, the minimum range is between 500 million R yuan and 1000 million R yuan." Qiu Xing Qiye explained.


  The child's sister-in-law is indefinite.

  "Talent!!" Kudo Yukiko looked at him with a strange expression.

  If I remember correctly, this business was thought of by Qiu Xing Qiye when they were swimming at noon. As a result, it has been perfected so...humanized!

  Both modes have their own advantages.

  But neither is cheap.

  In addition to the six-piece set of essential items in daily life, Yukiko Kudo feels that she will be planted in the hands of this young man in her whole life.

  Even if she was out of danger later, no one was watching her.

  This daily six-piece product also takes a lifetime of rhythm, especially the more you go on, the more you can't do without them.

  Simply poisonous!

  Considering the price/performance ratio, the monthly subscription is undoubtedly the most suitable, and if the 'bodyguards' on Qiu Xing Qiye's side are strong enough, she doesn't have to hide all day.

  "I choose the monthly fee model. If you have a check, how about I send it to you after I go back. Before that, after I go back, I have to make a time to go to the bank." Yukiko Kudo said sternly.

  "No problem." Qiu Xing Qiye made a move.

  Behind him, the sun was shining brightly, but black shadows quickly gathered on the deck.

  Under Kudo Yukiko's astonished gaze, Dao Dao, dressed in a black ninja uniform, with the same dress and height, was quietly half-kneeling on the deck.

  A pair of scarlet eyes stared at her like that.

  "My reputation, you can rest assured that you get what you pay for. These 'magic soldiers' of mine usually hide in the shadows. As long as there is a dark place, they can appear."

  "There is no dark place, they can still use the shadow to move, but there is a possibility of being seen..."

  Qiu Xing Qiye explained to her in an easy-to-understand manner, the abilities of the Sombra Ninja soldiers, and how to summon them.

  He was going to arrange the three shadow soldiers by Yukiko Kudo's side to ensure that they could deal with any situation.

  Even if some people jumped the wall and dispatched a large-scale hot weapon attack, they would have enough reaction time to protect Yukiko Kudo.

  With the physique of an ordinary person, as long as you stay in the shadows for no more than 3 minutes, there is basically no danger to life. During this time, it is definitely more than enough to transfer!

  It is said that it is worth every penny, but Yukiko Kudo knows very well that she is definitely the one who makes the money.

  The only poor ones are the shadow soldiers.

  He was sent by Qiu Xing Qiye, the unscrupulous master, to squeeze labor and earn money.

  How to say that old saying...

  You may make a small profit, but I will never lose!

  Moreover, the orders given by the three shadow soldiers Qiu Xing Qiye were also more elaborate. Their responsibilities were bodyguards.

  Can accept Kudo Yukiko's call, but will not help her with anything other than bodyguards.

  It is impossible to call the shadow soldiers at will like a little loli!

  Even so, Kudo Yukiko was already satisfied.


  Without letting Qiu Xing Qiye wait too long, the two girls who had just said that they should ignore him returned here one after another.

  Yukiko Kudo, who had endured for a while, happened to go to the bathroom as well.

  "Look at how generous this is, I have to play routines, alas... I don't love it anymore."

  Qiu Xing Qiye shook his head meaningfully.

  "Why, you have an opinion!" Yuan Shan and Ye angrily pulled the thin-skinned Xiao Lan behind them.

  Like a parent who protects a calf.

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