
  We walked for more than ten minutes under the scorching sun.

  Qiu Xing Qiye didn't mean to use magic to open it. At most, he took out a few small umbrellas. After walking for a few minutes, Xiao Lan and the others were no longer in the mood to chat.

  It was really hot.

  This state has been maintained until a yacht is successfully leased before it can be resolved.

  The boat is driven by a professional speedboat driver.

  Qiu Xing Qiye and the four of them can rest directly on the second floor of the yacht and blow the sea breeze.

  This is a yacht that can carry about ten people, with double-layer plywood, and the first floor is a very empty room for guests to rest or something.

  There is a sun visor at the top of the second floor. In addition to blowing the sea breeze, if you can choose a suitable position, it is also a good leisure way to throw the fishing rod directly.

  On the deck, the tables and chairs are all fixed, so you can put some snacks on it.

  "I don't know if there are any interesting legends on Izu's side.々."

  Qiu Xing Qiye glanced at Xiao Lan and the others from time to time. Compared with the boundless sea in front of her, the scenery around her was not bad either.

  "What kind of legends do you like in Qiye?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked curiously, who had bulging cheeks.

  Unlike He Ye, who hasn't eaten Qiu Xing's food for a long time, Xiao Lan's eating is undoubtedly very gentle.

  Although Kudo Yukiko's movements are not slow either, at least not like her, like a hamster.

  "I'm interested in any kind of legend. As long as it's a local story, it doesn't matter if it's true or not." Qiu Xing Qiye replied.

  "Legendary tales..."

  Yukiko Kudo said, "I seem to remember hearing about a terrifying legend on Izu's side before."

  Seeing her thinking for a long time, she didn't say a word.

  Qiu Xing Qiye couldn't help but say speechlessly: "Forget it if you can't remember it, such a legend is the most meaningful if you go to the origin of the story to understand it in person!"

  "Just like when I went to a dinner party at a hypocritical philanthropist's mansion a few days ago, I heard a legend called 'The Cursed Mask'. That night, some curse events that were very similar to the legend did happen."

  "Shaubel's mask?"


  It was like listening to a horror story. Even Xiao Lan, who had also experienced that night herself, couldn't help shivering. It was so hot during the day, and for no reason, she could still feel a coolness.

  And actually.

  The real purpose of Qiu Xing Qiye is to use some local legends to trigger the regional enhancement function of the system.

  The stories that can basically be related to legends are full of a certain fantasy.

  In this case, when the enhancement function is triggered, the brushed things should be good.

  for example...

  A mask that summons Sombra Soldiers.

  This thing is like a lazy artifact. With such a group of subordinates, no matter what they do, they will get twice the result with half the effort.


  The Izu Islands, near Shizuoka Prefecture, do not refer to one island, but to many islands, each of which has a different degree of development.

  For example, there are many similar hotels near the hotel where they live. The main fun here is the beach and surfing and other sports.

  Other islands also have different characteristics.

  In particular, Qiu Xing Qiye also heard that due to its proximity to the volcanic area, the hot spring resources will be very rich, and you can try it if you have time at night.

  The difference between authentic hot spring water and ordinary hot spring water is huge.

  If there is no volcano, where does the hot spring come from?

  You know, the generation of hot springs is often related to volcanoes and faults.

  "." If the hot spring is really comfortable to soak in, then try to find a way to get one on Neverland. When you have nothing to do, it is a great pleasure to have a hot spring at night (Wang Zhao)!"

  With the sea breeze blowing, Qiu Xing Qiye's thoughts drifted to nowhere.

  Xiaolan and the others were still listening to Yukiko Kudo telling horror stories with gusto.

  No one noticed at all, Qiu Xing Qiye, who was the initiator of this topic, not only did not listen carefully, but was even planning some careful thoughts in his heart.

  Quite a few minutes passed.

  It was not until the story of Yukiko Kudo was finished that everyone realized that someone was distracted.

  "Qiye, are you listening?"

  Facing the unkind gazes of the three girls, Qiu Xing Qiye nodded hurriedly.

  He wouldn't say that in the daytime, he was thinking about what activities to do at night.


  The three girls are obviously not so good at fooling around.

  Qiu Xing Qiye bit his head and said, "Of course it's true. Not only that, but I just heard about Youxizi's story, and I suddenly had some thoughts in my head. Would you like to listen to it?"

  Now, it's time to make a big move! .

  第 246

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

since they are interested.

  Qiu Xing Qiye gave them a malicious look, and with a flash in his hand, a Clow card was caught between his middle finger and index finger.

  Speaking of curiosity.

  Xiao Lan is the same as Ye Du, she is obviously scared to death by ghosts and the like, but she is also not bad in curiosity.

  "E?? Wait!"

  See the word 'Magic' in the top center of this card.

  Xiaolan's face turned pale, and she quickly reached out to stop her.


  Seal lifted!

  The magic cards dissipated in front of them little by little.

  Since it is a horror story, what can you imagine just by saying it?

  Of course, a wave of immersive feelings is the most exciting!

  With the constant change of vision.

  When Xiaolan opened her eyes again, she found that they had come to the door of an ancient house.

  Beside her, Yukiko Kudo, Toyama and Ye are also there, who were originally dressed in a large towel and swimsuit, but replaced by an old-fashioned sailor suit.

  It seems to be the uniform of some schools in the past, even the skirts are long skirts, without the calf.

  "Welcome to the neon version of the horror scene, I named the inspiration just now 'The Grudge', how about you, do you want to go in and experience it?"

  Behind him, Qiu Xing Qiye, who was wearing a men's black suit-style school uniform, said slowly.


  "Horror film?"

  "Live version?"

  Yukiko Kudo, who was experiencing the real feeling of the magic card for the first time, glanced at the surrounding environment in amazement.

  There is absolutely no sense of incongruity with the reality of 960.

  And Xiao Lan, Yuan Shan and Ye, who had experienced the magic card ability before, turned pale now.

  Just experience life before.

  It's okay to experience a horror movie! ?

  "Chongchong, I'll take you to experience an extraordinary feeling that you can't enjoy in a real amusement park." Qiu Xing Qiye pushed open the door of the ancient house next to him.

  Xiaolan and He Ye resisted.

  But in the end, Qiu Xing Qiye and Kudo Yukiko were dragged into the house with half a push.

  Just under ten minutes.

  in reality.

  Xiaolan, Kazuo, and Yukiko's eyes that had been absent-minded gradually regained their color.


  In my ears, the sound of the yacht's engine mixed with the sound of the waves sounded so pleasant at this moment.

  "Qiye, how bad are you!!"

  "That's right, this is too much, Xiaolan, let's ignore him."

  These two sisters, how could they still suspect Qiu Xing Qiye's arrogance when he was distracted?

  One by one, they got off the deck and ran into the rooms on the first floor in a fit of anger.

  I guess it was scary.

  Kudo Yukiko's expression was not much better at this time.

  The novel feeling in the illusion just now was long ago forgotten.

  "You just did it on purpose." Kudo Yukiko said bitterly after glancing at Qiu Xing Qiye.

  "Well, I can't blame it all. I also thought that your ability to bear it would be relatively poor, but it's only been less than ten minutes, and the main dish has not yet been served, so you are scared like that."

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