"In the end, it's not that you just went too far."

  "Obviously know we are afraid of ghosts, but also take us to experience horror scenes!"

  "and also……"

  He Ye's weird Osaka accent, paired with that crisp voice, sounds really good.

  Don't look at how fierce this girl is saying right now.

  But it didn't last long, after Qiu Xing Qiye took out a tray of snacks.

  Just wilted.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  This foodie, Xiaolan looked speechless.

  What did you just say downstairs to start for me?

  Qiu Xing Qiye gave you such a good opportunity to counterattack, so this is the result?

  Have some food, drink and enjoy the sea breeze.

  Another ten minutes later.

  The yacht slowly docked on the shore of a small island. Some tourists can also be seen on the beach here, but not many.

  Mainly because there are not many hotels on this small island, most of the hotels are concentrated on the island just now.

  The rest of the islands are suitable for viewing and playing. There are various special snacks, special ornaments and some unique high-rise buildings. You can go up and enjoy the scenery on the island.

  After landing.

  Qiu Xing Qiye paid enough money before, so the yacht club has been waiting here for them to return.

  With Xiaolan and the others, they stepped on the beach to the back of a remote rock where few people could be seen, and asked about the exact location of their room.

  ...... 0

  Take out the transfer card.

  In a few seconds, their luggage was transferred.

  I didn't think about it that much at the time.

  The first choice is to take a yacht for an hour or two to go for a ride in the sea. Later, I thought that it would be better to go to the nearby islands for a walk.

  Fortunately, there was a card transfer, otherwise Qiu Xing Qiye would not have considered the latter.

  After all, Xiaolan and the others are wearing swimsuits, which are very common on the beach, but it is still a bit inappropriate to enter the island.

  "The magic of space? It's really convenient to be able to accurately bring luggage over such a long distance." Yuan Shan and Ye are somewhat used to it.

  Yukiko Kudo sighed a little strangely: "If it is used to steal, is there anything in the world that cannot be obtained?"

  Rough words are not rude.

  With the power of card shifting, this is really easy to do.

  "Can't you just say something good?"

  Qiu Xing Qiye's face darkened: "Besides, do you think I am someone who lacks that little money?"

  Although a lot of his early funds came from wrong sources.

  But as long as he doesn't say it, it's impossible for others to know.

  Kudo Yukiko also knows how to stop.

  Pi Guipi, she is also very clear, she seems to know a bit more.

  Go on, be careful, everyone will be finished!


  You don't have to take off the swimsuit on your body at all. You can take out your clothes and put them on your body directly from your luggage.

  Like Kudo Yukiko, the easiest way is to put a white long dress on your body and you're done!Knife.

  第 248

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

On Yuan Shan and Ye's side, she seemed to have forgotten that she had a ribbon in Qiu Xing Qiye's hands. She didn't even want it. She took out a black ribbon from her bag and tied her long-dry hair. rise.

  After changing clothes.

  The three of them walked along the stone road to the island.

  Izu Hotel Beach here.

  It is not because of the lack of Qiu Xing Qiye and a few people, Maori Kogoro three people can comfortably lie on the beach chair and watch the ball.

  Several layers of death aura deepened.

  Want to spend an afternoon in peace?


  "Hey, those two little devils still have such a good relationship."

  "And the famous detective in Kansai, pestering a child all day long to discuss the skills of solving cases. This shows that I don't take the famous detective Mouri Kogoro in my eyes!"

  A certain uncle who is very self-aware, while watching the ball, his eyes occasionally glance at the nearby black and white group who are talking in a low voice.

  The two beach chairs were only one meter apart, "eight seven three", and he, who was also not far away, could hear the voice clearly.

  "Also, Yingri is also true, just go to sleep and go back to the hotel room to have a good rest, wouldn't it be good?" The woman who was not far away, covered with a big pink towel, was sleeping in the sun.

  Maori Kogoro didn't say anything.

  But anyway, it is a husband and wife, to say that there is no relationship at all, it must be false.


  Because of personality and some ideological differences.

  Even though Fei Yingli has not dissolved the engagement over the years, both of them are very clear in their hearts that there is basically no possibility for them to get back together!

  It was a few years apart, and there was basically no contact.

  Not days.

  Not months either.

  They have already adapted to their current life, and even if the two live under the same roof, they will be in different ways.

  Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

  At this point, in fact, the relationship between Mouri Kogoro and Concubine Yingri is very good.

  Unlike some couples with brain problems, when divorce, there are still various calculations of property and various complex situations.

  If it wasn't for Xiaolan's sake.

  The two of them can sign a divorce agreement very amicably.

  Maori Kogoro will not be greedy for a little more money, this thing, he will earn it!

  In terms of relationships, he can also handle it very well, and it is not without some women who have been in contact with him in the early years until now.

  "Unconsciously, we have been separated for ten years..."

  "Although I can feel that we still have a certain emotional foundation for each other, these things depend on fate."

  Unconsciously, Maori Kogoro's expression gradually became complicated.

  How many 10 years can there be in life?

  This is not seventy or eighty. When I get older and my mind becomes more stable, even if my wife is gone, I will live alone for ten or eight years and enjoy my last time.

  In a young state, who can have such a mentality and be willing to wait for a person for 10 years?

  After 10 years?

  You can still remember what the other person looks like, which is good.

  Not to mention, while you are changing, the other party is also changing!

  After a long while of melancholy, Kogoro Maori, who felt a little dry, sat up slowly, preparing to go back to the hotel to get a few bottles of cold beer to refresh.

  It just so happened that Xiaolan was not here, so no one would care about him.

  Thinking of this, a very wretched smile appeared on Kogoro Mouri's face, who had adjusted his mentality very quickly.

  "Hey! Did something happen over there?"

  As soon as they got up, Maori Kogoro helped the sunglasses on his face, and a group of people gathered around the coast far away from here.

  Due to the distance, he couldn't hear anything at all.

  But the detective's feeling reminded him that something might have happened over there.

  Thinking of this, he directly dismissed the idea of ​​returning to the hotel, and ran over with his slippers.

  Notice his move.

  The black-and-white combination, who had been chatting very much, was stunned for a few seconds.

  Then, when they noticed what seemed to be happening in the distance, the two of them didn't think much about it and rushed over quickly.

  The hasty movements of these three people made other tourists who were enjoying a comfortable beach bath and nearby points also noticed the situation in the distance.

  So soon.

  There gradually gathered a lot of people.

  And here, there are many people looking at Fei Yingri, who is still sleeping on the sofa, with malicious eyes.

  That fair skin, even though most of it was covered by a big pink towel, could still be seen.

  Not to mention, someone noticed this beautiful woman at noon.

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