Following the path of the dancing cherry blossoms, they drove the car into the garage, and when they heard the noise, Mingmei and Junhui hurried out of the villa.

  "Welcome home X2."

  "I am back."

  Curiously, he looked at the two girls who were almost identical in length behind Qiu Xing Qiye.

  Soon, Mingmei and Junhui were first attracted by the cute yellow-skinned mouse in Haibara Ai's arms.

  Cute creatures are always liked by people with good hearts.

  "Let's briefly introduce them first. These two girls are twin sisters, Shimokasa Minaho and Shimokasaho Nami. If you can't tell the difference, you can call them whatever you want."

  "And this cute little guy, who will also be a member of our family in the future. If you have a name, just call it little Pikachu first. Its intelligence is very high..."

  "In terms of accommodation, although there are three separate large bedrooms in the vacant room on the second floor, considering the situation of your sisters, I suggest that it is more convenient to live together."

  "The bedroom has a lot of space, and the bed is specially made. The width is more than 3 meters. It is definitely more than enough to sleep the two of you."

  Qiu Xing Qi Ye made a reasonable arrangement.

  "Please take care of me in the future."

  Shimokasaho Nami and Shimokasa Minaho hurriedly bowed to show their respect.

  "Don't be like this, I'm sorry, we will be a family in the future, and our family's rules are not so old-fashioned."

  "Usually, when there are no guests, I can be casual at home."

  "When there are guests, you only need to pay attention to the rules."

  "Come on, let me help you with your luggage."

  There are good girls all around the house, so Qiu Xing Qiye can naturally rest assured about their handling of the problem.

  Junhui has just opened for the past two days, are you not used to it?

  It's only been a few days now, I just played with Mingmei, almost got up together in the morning, helped organize my emails, and learned to make breakfast...

  In the case that Xiaolan does not come to work as a part-time worker, the work at home is really not much...  

  The most important job is to serve Qiu Xing when he is at home.

  It's enough to serve tea, pour water or something!


  With the kindness of Ming Mei and Jun Hui, several people came to the second floor together.

  "There are two living rooms on the second floor that can welcome guests, but in many cases, they are not used. After seven nights, we are considering redecorating the living room and turning it into a small entertainment room."

  "Two large suites on the left, two on the right, the first on the left is the living room, the second is my bedroom, the third or the second on the right, the third, the layout of the bedroom is the same, you can choose whatever you want. " Shimabukuro Jun Keisuke introduced carefully.

  Miyano Akemi echoed: "Of course, if you want to live separately, there is no problem. Maybe Qiye just took into account the special circumstances of the two of you. I am living in the first bedroom on the left side of the third floor, and I also live with my sister. together."

  With their kindness, Nami Shimokasaho and Minako Shimokasa chose the third bedroom on the left, which is next to Shimabukuro Junhui, without much thought.

  They didn't have much luggage.

  But after Qiu Xing Qiye went shopping at the mall, there was a lot..

  "There is a wardrobe in the house. You can get used to it first. We will go down and get you bedding, toothbrushes, toothpaste and towels."

  After helping to bring the luggage into the room, 4.2 Mingmei and Junhui, who knew that they wanted to give the sister some time to get used to it, did not stay in the room for a long time.

  "Honami, this place is like paradise. It really is the place where Mr. Nanya lives."

  "Yeah, the room is really spacious, the wardrobe is very large, it is definitely more than enough to put down our clothes, there is a separate bathroom, and the balcony is very bright."


  It was no different from Junhui's reaction at the time. The sisters, Nami Shimokasaho, who came to Qiu Xing Qiye's house for the first time, were deeply shocked.

  The room was also immaculately clean.

  The garden in the yard is also very beautiful, especially the fragrance of flowers, which has a special magic.

  The rest of the family is also the type to get along well.

  If you can work here for the rest of your life, you will definitely have no regrets.

  Everything here is like a paradise in a dream, and they can't see the slightest flaw. .

  第 175

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

After a long time, after packing up the luggage and changing into the newly bought work uniform, Sister Shimokasaho Nami came downstairs a little awkwardly.

  For them who are used to wearing ancient and old uniforms, this new uniform is really a little shy.

  Short skirts are not a problem.

  The headgear is also ok.

  The main ones are leg rings, bracelets, and neck rings.

  Make them a little uncomfortable.

  Don't look at just a few small accessories, but under the processing of modern people, it is particularly important, not only beautiful, but also can greatly increase the charm.

  Why do most women have a soft spot for beautiful necklaces?

  Is the necklace big?They are generally not big, but they are beautiful and that's the main reason!

  "Pickup, pickup~"

  When they went downstairs, they saw that Qiu Xing Qiye's family was sitting on the sofa curiously watching the little guy standing on the table in front of them.

  Pikachu is really very smart, and that cute and small body keeps swinging back and forth. Although it has not undergone professional training, it is really doing its best, being cute and working hard.

  Then you can get delicious apples and grapes as a reward.

  This little guy doesn't look like he's not big, but in a certain way, what he has to do with Huskies is that he is very energetic.

  It's own character is no different from that of a child now.

  If you don't let it move around, it will be very difficult to calm down in the villa at night!

  After seeing the two sisters come down, Ming Mei and Jun Hui enthusiastically took them to the storage room, where the supplies had been sorted.

  The quilts, beds, daily necessities specially made by Little Lolita, etc. are all in bits and pieces, and there are not too many things. The four of them can just bring everything in one breath.

  "Miss Junhui, could it be that you are really a 'witch'?" Under the curious eyes of the two sisters.

  Shimabukuro-kunhui said as a matter of course: "It's just like what you think, I am now the 'Miko' exclusive to Seven Nights, and I have a lot of magical magic."

  "I don't know any magic." Miyano Akemi skillfully controlled the things in the house and floated back and forth: "This kind of power is called 'psychic power', and it belongs to a kind of super power."

  "Don't be envious of us. After you stay at home for a long time, Qiye will definitely not favor one over the other."

  "It's amazing!" Shimokasaho Nami couldn't help but look forward to it.

  "I'm so looking forward to it, can we really get these powers?" Shimokasa Minaho also raised expectations in her heart.

  Originally, they were curious to see the different red and white shrine maiden uniform on Shimabukuro Junhui, so they asked this question, but they did not expect to get such an answer.

  Looking forward to looking forward, in a short period of time, they dare not ask for anything.

  Seeing their completely synchronized reactions, I have to say that Miyano Akemi and Shimabukuro Junhui also felt a different kind of fun.

  "It seems that the house will be more and more lively in the future."

  Thinking like this, the four of them are not slow in their hands-on ability. After finishing the house in minutes, this time it was Shimabukuro Junhui who started to show them the details of the rooms on the second and third floors.

  The purpose of each room and the identification of the 'owner', as well as the situation of the outside garden and the presence of the 'mirror space' etc.

  Especially in the scope of the 'mirror space', if the two of them receive visiting guests in the future, there should be some precautions.

  It is not good to save the guests into the space all of a sudden.

  Qiu Xing Qiye was fine when he was at home. If he was not at home, once the guests were swallowed by the mirror space, it would be really troublesome.

  The next step is to go through the uninhabited large bedroom on the right side of the third floor to the attic on the fourth floor, shrink tunnels, holiday villas, water parks, and any door leading to the dream island..

  All these new things made the two sisters dizzy.

  Just this extraordinary villa and the beautiful garden outside made them feel like they were in paradise, but now it seems...

  Is this just the beginning?


  Two new members have been added to the family, and since it's the weekend again, Miyano Akimi, who can't wait to show off her craftsmanship, changed into casual clothes and drove out of the villa to go to the convenience store to buy ingredients.

  Although the space ring is convenient, it is better to buy the ingredients right now. In the space inside, Qiu Xing Qiye stuffed a bunch of snacks and clothes.

  Not long after Hui Yuanai got it, the space inside was still very empty.

  Let this little girl play with Pikachu first, Qiu Xing Qiye came to the yard, freed up some space in the left corner of the wall, and planted one of the purchased fruit trees.

  For the rest, get ready to transplant on Neverland.

  With the tree sign there, Qiu Xing Qiye completed these tasks with ease, but when he returned to the villa, he saw something unexpected.

  The little girl is holding a magnifying glass and keeps spinning around Pikachu.

  If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that her brown short hair, which was soft and smooth, has become a little messy at this time.

  "Um... Xiao Ai, are you...?"

  Thinking of that possibility, Qiu Xing Qiye's expression couldn't help but change.

  "I just found out that little Pikachu can actually generate electricity. I felt a little weird when you named its race [Electric Mouse]."

  Hai Yuanai looked extremely serious, and her eyes seemed to be discovering some new continent.


  The little guy froze and looked at Qiu Xing Qiye pitifully.

  Although 560 was very scared in his heart, it did not make more aggressive attacks on Haibara Ai.

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