Just don't be too cute!

  Without the slightest hesitation, Qiu Xing Qiye hugged it in his arms, rubbing against that soft and cute little face.

  When I watched anime again as a child, no one could resist Pikachu's cute appearance. I never thought that when I grew up, I could get a live Pikachu in another world.

  Don't be too cool!

  Since living creatures can also be among the enhancement options, maybe he can raise a batch of various 'Pokémon' on Neverland in the future.

  "Pickup, pickup..."

  Being rubbed his cheeks, little Pikachu was not angry at all, but his voice was full of joy.

  Wild Pikachus don't have the ability to speak, but they are equally intelligent.

  "Let's go, come home with me, and I'll show you the other 'family members' later." After staying there for a while, Qiu Xing Qiye, who felt that the time was about the same, hugged this cute little guy and returned to the car Inside.

  "what is this???"

  The girls who were chatting and talking at first saw Qiu Xing Qiye came back with a cute little yellow mouse of unknown breed.

  One by one, their eyes widened, and they watched in amazement as it leaned on the joystick and waved its small claws.

  "Pickup pickup."

  "A species I've never heard of before, is it a mouse?" Haibara Ai carefully stretched out her finger and tapped it on its soft cheek.

  The little guy is not angry at all. Although it is timid, it has Qiu Xing Qiye, the 'master' behind it, and knows that these three will be its family in the future.

  Therefore, it naturally does not discharge randomly.

  In this regard, compared to the arrogant Pikachu, the protagonist of Pokémon, his personality is easier to get along with!

  "This is an experiment with a 'vole' I just caught, and now its life has completed its evolution and become a new creature."

  "And don't look at this little guy, but its intelligence is not low. Because of its pronunciation problem, I am going to name it 'Pikachu'. If it is a race, it will be named 'Electric Mouse'."

  Qiu Xing Qiye explained proudly.


  Hearing the three words Electric Rat, Pikachu seemed to be proud of his race and raised his small paws high.

  It is said that art comes from life.

  After experiencing some plots, the Conan timeline will advance rapidly, and smartphones and various new technologies will match the previous life or so 20 years.

  Except that Conan itself and the people in the world haven't changed much...

  Conan is still in elementary school.

  Unless he chooses to drop out of school, he is still in Didan High School, living boring class time every day.

  Maybe.. when the time comes, he can take the opportunity to launch Pokémon anime, manga and even movies.

  When everyone in the world is familiar with Pokemon.

  The sensation of a live Pikachu appearing in reality is absolutely interesting!

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

  And dragon ball anime..

  At that time, there will be a wave of live summoning dragons in the neon capital square, which will shock the world.

  Just thinking about it is exciting!


  To do that, the vest must not be less, unless he does not want to continue to live a stable and stable daily life.

  Don't you see that Kuaidou still has the phantom thief Kidd's vest, no matter where he goes, as long as his true identity is not revealed, the rest is not important.

  A few days ago, Qiu Xing Qiye also used Kuroba Kuidou's vest to collect people in 'Silent Hill', which is convenient.

  But it's not appropriate to always wear other people's vests.

  "Pika... Chuu."



  "Pickup pickup"

  Qiu Xing was driving the car for seven nights, and from the corner of his eye, he looked at the passenger seat, the smiling little Loli was constantly teasing little Pikachu, and he was relieved.

  With little Pikachu, a cute beast, in the future, I believe that the jealous little loli at home will solve a lot of problems.


  Drop Pikachu and you're done!

  Even the two sisters, Shimokasaho Nami, who were sitting behind, kept poking at Little Pikachu's soft yellow belly with their fingers.

  After each success, a happy look appeared on his face.

  "Qiye, what does Pikachu eat? Whole grains?" Haibara Ai asked with great interest.

  "Rats like to eat those! For Pikachu, according to my use of magic to strengthen their genes, it's best for them to be fed fruits now, and meals made with magic iron pots can also be fed to them, but it's best to keep eating fruits."

  Qiu Xing Qiye's heart moved: "Just what you said reminded me, we will walk around later, buy a few fruit trees such as apple and peach trees, and then transplant them to Neverland, not only can they be used to feed Pikachu, we You can also eat it."

  "There is a tree sign, don't worry about the taste of the fruit will be bad!"

  The tree card is not omnipotent. Although it has the magic of life, it can also create trees in essence, and cannot directly create fruit trees and cherry trees.

  As its lower-level card, the flower card can only sell cuteness. Apart from making all kinds of flowers, she doesn't even have the magic power of life.


  第 174

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

Temporarily think of the problem of small Pikachu rations.

  Fortunately, I have just entered the urban area of ​​Rice Flower City, and at this time, all the shops have already opened their doors.

  before buying fruit trees.

  Qiu Xing Nanye first went to the large shopping mall where she often buys things to buy work uniforms for Sister Shimokasaho Nami.

  Short skirt-style maid outfit, black and white calf socks, bare leg artifact necessary for winter, etc.

  JK uniforms just picked a few good ones and didn't buy that many.

  Mainly the custom of the neon side.

  In addition to the standard JK school uniforms printed with school badges in various schools, most of the ordinary JK uniforms are worn by girls in the aid circle.

  Misunderstandings can easily arise.

  Therefore, it's okay to wear it at home, but if you wear it out and get noticed by some caring people, Qiu Xing Qiye can't guarantee that he will be able to hold it back.

  Even if it's a misunderstanding.

  Silent Hill's minimum one-week package can directly slap "[-]" in the face of the other party.

  Prostitution is prohibited in order.

  Aid dating is not the same, as long as you come to the door and you don't get caught, it's not a big problem.


  In addition to purchasing uniforms, there are also many new styles of daily clothes.

  I just don't know because the weather has suddenly turned cold in the past two days, so... dungeon refresh product?

  Or stocking up in warehouses.

  Anyway, there are not so many new models for daily use a few days ago.

  Turtleneck sweater, winter warm suit essentials, buy!

  Warm long johns, this thing, Qiu Xing Qiye doesn't need it, there is magic in his body, and his physique is very cold. Even if he is cold, he doesn't like to wear so much.

  A sweater and a slightly thicker coat are enough.

  Girls don't need long pants either, it's enough to have a bare leg artifact!

  That thin layer, the warmth is far beyond imagination.

  After shopping in the supermarket, Qiu Xing went to an orchard in the southern suburbs of Mihua City for seven nights, and purchased several fruit trees.

  After returning home, let the magic power of the tree card give some life force, and then rubbing against it will bear great fruit.

  If it is too small, you can also focus on fruit trees, remove a few branches of them, replant them, and grow more fruit trees.

  After doing all this.

  When Qiu Xing Qiye returned home, it was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

  Time flies really fast!

  Fortunately, there are a lot of snacks in the space ring, so you can use it to cushion it first.

  Pikachu isn't a picky eater either.

  Especially spicy strips, it is the favorite of the little guy. If I remember correctly, in the original setting, these electric yellow mice are almost all wild in groups.

  Their staple food is to strike the fruit of the tree with lightning.

  Among them, their favorite fruit is called 'spicy eggplant fruit'. What kind of fruit is this? Since it is a fictitious product, it is only judged from the name.

  There is definitely a spicy ingredient in it.

  It may be that eating spicy food will cause the body to heat up, and then make its own 'power' more sufficient?

  Of course, all of this is Qiu Xing Qiye's speculation.

  But judging from the fact that Pikachu's mouth is full of red oil, it seems to be so real!

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