This means that it has already regarded Haiyuan Ai as a family member. If it is replaced by Conan, it is estimated that there is no need to wait for Qiu Xing Qiye to return. This little brat will enjoy a wave of the signature stunt from the yellow-skinned electric mouse: 'Electric torture'.

  Pikachu seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but after all, it is a life strengthened by the third-order, and its ability is not much worse, especially the '[-] volts' big move, normal human, who can withstand it?

  "Anyway, I spent a lot of magic power to force its genes to complete the leap-forward evolution. It's normal for Pikachu to have some special abilities. The two red dots on both sides of his cheeks are not just decorations."

  Qiu Xing Qiye said: "You can understand it as a power bag. When needed, this little guy can protect himself by discharging it."

  "There is an upper limit on the storage of the power bag, so every once in a while, it will use the tail to safely exclude the excess power, or consume it directly, otherwise it will be life-threatening."

  "Then why did it call me?" Hai Yuanai slowly put down the magnifying glass, stretched out a small hand and tugged at its cheek.

  In the past, Qiu Xing Qiye often bullied her like this, but now there is someone younger than her.

  Don't say, this feel is really not bad!


  第 176

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

According to the information of Pikachu in the head, generally speaking, after they are tamed, very few will actively shock their owners.

  Unless they are very fond of their owners, it is normal to have occasional erratic current control when they are emotional.


  Get electrocuted by Pikachu, that's proof they like you.

  If Pikachu doesn't like you or hates you, then the current will certainly not be so low.

  After Qiu Xing Qi Ye's constant explanation.

  After the misunderstanding was resolved, Haibara Ai also silently put down the 'dangerous' idea of ​​sending this cute little mouse to the research station (laughs~).


  The little guy was pitifully nestled in her arms.

  "Okay, I don't blame you, but, next time you want to discharge, can you stop powering me? Wouldn't it be good to put all the power in the air?"

  Holding the little guy in his arms, Haibara Ai reached out and took an apple and stuffed it into its arms.

  Little Pikachu responded decisively with a sweet and greasy smile, and the cute little appearance made people want to directly lick it for 24 hours without stopping!


  More than 3 pm.

  Mouri Kogoro, who was still in Su Fanghongzi's mansion, also drove back to the office with Xiaolan and Conan, who had a sullen face.

  have to say.

  His reasoning was really brilliant at the time.

  Basically, all of Lanchuan Fuyuya's movements are very beautifully reproduced, but unfortunately, some of the following techniques have nothing to do with him.

  No matter how big Ren Conan's brain hole is, even if he thinks about multiple people committing crimes, there are still places that can't be explained.

  after they leave.

  On the other hand, Mu Mu Shisan dismissed Aan Chuan Fuyuya and his secretary Kazuyo Inaba, and sealed off the entire mansion. Among them, the 200 Xiaobull masks dyed red continued to follow the instructions of their superiors.

  Separate them for storage and wait for further processing by superiors!

  This case, so far, is equivalent to drawing a full stop, although it is said that there is no way to close the case with a normal case.

  Mouri Kogoro's reasoning ended in failure because he failed to find the trace of the backup key.

  Although he said that, with his sixth sense as a criminal policeman for so many years, he could feel that there was an incredible element in it.

  But Lan Chuan Touya might also be involved in something.

  It's just that since no evidence was found, Mu Mu Shisan didn't want to continue to do more meaningless things.

  In general, it is a blessing in disguise that this incident did not continue to lead to greater trouble.


  More than 7 o'clock in the evening.

  Qiu Xing Qiye's house held a small-scale welcome party for the first time, but Xiao Lan and Yuanzi did not participate.

  Among them, Xiao Lan didn't rest much after returning to the office, and spent the afternoon thinking about finding a suitable cram school for Conan.

  Although it is not clear what Conan, who is the party concerned, has in mind, from the results, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he is finally suppressed by Xiaolan's violence!

  When calling Xiaolan before the small party, Qiu Xing Qiye remembered clearly that Xiaolan on the other side had the last serious words.

  "Conan, in order to find a good cram school for you, I ran all afternoon, and all the money I spent was paid by me, and you still looked reluctant~〃."

  "If you continue to let you be like this all day, how can I explain it to Aunt Wendai?"

  Also very poor baby.

  Because of these two sentences, Qiu Xing Qiye ate two more bowls of rice with tears in his eyes during dinner.

  And the girl Suzuki Sonoko.


  how to say!

  It is said that it will take about a month for her old sister to finish her knowledge.

  By the time.

  She can then return to the Suzuki consortium and take over a cosmetics company and a clothing company that her parents bought for her in advance.

  Besides, as the eldest lady of the Suzuki family.

  Without some ideas of marriage because of interests, she can continue to accompany her father to frequent dinner parties as before.

  By the time...

  Suzuki Sonoko can be truly relieved.

  before that……

  Suzuki Sonoko attended the party held by their house tonight.

  Although it is on TV!

  Qiuxing Nanye and Akemi and the others were sitting at the rectangular wooden table that was partially enlarged because of the arrival of the Shimokasaho Nami sisters, and had a delicious dinner.

  A table full of dishes.

  Among them, seafood accounts for half, home cooking accounts for half, red wine, drinks, and many more.

  After eating, I watch TV from time to time. At present, this channel is conducting a live broadcast of the collection of the Suzuki Foundation.

  In the shot, Suzuki Sonoko's temperament is no different from that of a real lady. From time to time, she takes the microphone and introduces her to the camera with her sweet and greasy voice.

  In this scene, the main character shown this time, her uncle, Jiroji Suzuki, was stunned for a moment, completely ignorant.

  Only people such as Suzuki Sonoko and Qiu Xing Qiye in front of the TV would know that while introducing products, Suzuki Sonoko often greets him, and who is he doing it for.


  In order for everyone to be able to 'fuck' little Pikachu better, Qiu Xing Qiye specially made a cozy nest for him in the lobby on the first floor with a tree sign.

  In this way, no matter who, as long as they come to the first floor, they can play with it.

  Qiu Xing Qiye is of course impossible to say. In fact, the real reason is that if Pikachu has been following Little Loli and stayed in the same room at night.

  After all, there are some inconveniences.

  such as……

  Occasionally, Qiu Xing Qiye would be a little more troublesome if she wanted to give Little Lolita directly to steal her home by transferring cards.

  Fortunately, this little cutie doesn't care about that.

  As a 'gatekeeper' mound, the first floor is enough for it to play, and when you can't sleep at night, you don't have to worry about making noise.

  There are many magic powers of Clow cards surrounding the villa, and if its current does not cause a fire (Zhao Lihao), there is no need to worry about it.

  It is estimated that as soon as the flames rise a little, they will be directly and ruthlessly suppressed!

  On the first night of moving to the 'new home', even though I was a little drunk, sisters Shimokasaho Nami couldn't help but put on a satisfied smile on her red faces.

  This kind of feeling that there are not too many 'rules' at ordinary times, just like the feeling of one's own home, simply don't be too perfect.

  at home evening.

  Qiu Xing Qiye also drank a little wine, not much, so when he returned to the room, his consciousness was extremely clear.

  Today's active reinforcement and the second random reinforcement brushed out unusable items, which made him a little depressed.

  Luck is sometimes really mysterious.

  Fortunately, he is not bad for this time word.

  "." The Black Shadow Corps is a good thing. With my current magic power, the number that can be summoned is in the thousands. In this case, how boring is it to let them sleep in the shadow world all the time? "


  第 177

Chapter 54--339: I have a random reinforcement system

"With the mother-child protection bracelet, Xiaolan and Suzuki Sonoko don't have to worry about the safety issues, but they still need to have the ability to fight back."

  "Even from the original book, Conan and Sonoko encountered few dangerous situations, but the reality is not the original book after all."

  "Judging from the fact that the two of them are closer to me now, there is no guarantee that someone will pay attention to them. In contrast, Uncle Maori doesn't have to worry about me..."

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