Chapter 121 Restaurant (please customize)

Kim Jae-sung was thrown into the stinking ditch.

“This Han Chinese.

“It’s time for a lesson.”

“Let him look down on us.

Xie Qingrong said coldly, he just noticed the contemptuous eyes of the Han Chinese.

He also had fire in his heart. Han, a country that bullied the soft and feared the hard, dared to look down on his own country.

“This guy will definitely take revenge.”

“He will definitely make things difficult for our OEM Sheng Enxi’s shoes, maybe Sheng Enxi will cancel our OEM cooperation.”

“We have to prepare.”

Zhu Dongwen still reminded.

Don’t blame me if this goes wrong, I just follow the instructions.

Of course Xie Qingrong can think of it, but if you really want to cancel it, then cancel it.

Do not serve yourself.

Hetai Group is not only a OEM company, the big deal, find a few more OEMs later to offset the loss.

What he valued most was Wu Chen’s attitude.

Wu Chen obviously doesn’t like this kind of thing, so he has to stand firmly on Wu Chen’s side.

“This generation of Chinese people can’t do it, there is too much garbage” and they need to be cleaned up. ”

“But the national dish of Han is still good, and the kimchi of the Han country is also quite famous.

“Are you interested, let’s try it together tonight?”

Wu Chen laughed at this moment, changing the subject, he didn’t care about Jin Zaicheng making things difficult.

Wu Chen also wanted to change his taste. He ate a lot of various dishes in China, and the national dish han occasionally tasted very refreshing.


“Since Mr. Wu invited.”

“Let’s all try it, I haven’t eaten Han’s national dish for a long time.

Seeing that Wu Chen didn’t lose interest, Xie Qingrong also laughed.

“You did a good job today.”

“Let’s go too!”

“It should be tough in the future, but still be tough.”

Wu Chen then said to Zhu Dongwen.

He could see that Zhu Dongwen, the ghostly ghost, had recognized himself long ago, and he probably had been pretending not to know.


“I’ll go as well.

“Thank you Mr Wu!

Zhu Dongwen was instantly happy.

This is the big boss’s active invitation, which also shows that what he did today made the big boss take a fancy to him, and the big boss is very satisfied.

This is even happier than when he threw gold into the stinky ditch just now.

He can be regarded as a name in the big boss here.

If the big boss thought of himself that day and promoted himself, it would be even more beautiful.

“Mr. Wu acquired the Thai Group.”

“Today is my first visit.

In general, “Your management here is good, but there are still some small problems here, which must be improved later.”

Xie Qingrong introduced Wu Chen’s identity.

He knew that Wu Chen invited Zhu Dongwen, so he didn’t mean to hide his identity.

“Mr. Wu!”

“Thank you sir!”

“I will definitely improve. Next time you come again, you will see a different factory.”

Zhu Dongwen immediately assured.

Everyone stayed in the factory for a while, and at about six o’clock, everyone set off together.

When he came out, the Kim Jae-sung who had been thrown into the stinky ditch had long since disappeared.

It is estimated that he has no face to stay in the factory. As for his revenge, he can only wait until he is clean.

He couldn’t stand the dirty smell.

There is a Han Guo restaurant nearby, which Zhu Dongwen has arranged.

Due to the late reservation time, the private room is no longer available.

Zhu Dongwen came and planned to change to another house, but Wu Chen didn’t mind being in the lobby, it was more lively outside.

Everyone went to the restaurant together and sat at a table in the lobby by the window.

This han country restaurant is elegantly decorated, with dark floors and glassware with candles on the table.

There are lights coming, it is quite sentimental.

Most of the people who come to this restaurant are young people.

The table next to Wu Chen was a young man and a woman.

The couple wore Korean clothes, Korean makeup, and Korean accessories, typical of the Kazakh ethnic group.

Wu Chen is not unpleasant. Now all kinds of cultures are popular, and there are not a few young people who like Han.

Then everyone ordered some authentic Korean food.

Bulgogi is the main dish of this restaurant.

The BBQ has pork belly and beef, the beef here is thicker and chewier than the usual thin and juicy beef.

The portion of yakiniku is not large, but the amount of vegetables provided is generous.

The most popular of the set of vegetables is the chestnut leaf, which is slightly bitter and goes well with savory grilled meat.

Chihu Ginseng Chicken Soup!

The chicken soup is rich, the chicken is fresh and tender, and the glutinous rice absorbs the chicken soup and is very soft and glutinous.

Korean Fried Chicken!

The most authentic Korean frying method, using its own exclusive recipe sauce.

The freshly made fried chicken is crispy on the outside, fragrant and tender on the inside, and the meat is particularly tender and soft. After biting it, the juice seeps into the mouth, and the sauce is particularly fragrant.

Spicy fried rice cakes!

Mashed potatoes!

vegetable salad!

Kimchi Pie!

Pumpkin Soup

The same thing filled the entire table!

Wu Chen was very satisfied with his meal, and ordered Han Guo soju, so everyone could taste it together.

Shochu can be said to be the most common alcohol in Han, and it is often seen in Han dramas.

The main ingredient of shochu is rice, usually with wheat, barley or sweet potato.

The color of han country shochu is transparent, and the alcohol content generally ranges from 18 to 22 degrees.

Women also like to drink this kind of wine, the entrance is fresh, refreshing and less irritating.

However, if you drink too much, this kind of wine is easy to get drunk and easy to get drunk.

Shen child drank a lot.

“How do you like this wine?”

Wu Chen sat with her and asked with a smile.

“not bad.

Shen Ye took another sip, leaving behind a red star.

Naturally their words, other people are interested, will not disturb

As the meal draws to a close.

A half-baked, yet familiar voice came.

“Jun Minhe, you want to avenge me!”

“You don’t know, the people here are rude, uncultured, uneducated.”

“I was just thrown into the stinky ditch, you don’t know how deep the stinky ditch is, and I almost drowned.

The voice was a little loud, obviously drunk.

As soon as the voice sounded, Wu Chen heard it at the table. Wasn’t this Jin Zaicheng just now?

Is he even here?

Everyone looked back, and Jin Zaicheng came out of a private room drunk.

“Mr Wu!

“I didn’t know he was here.

Zhu Dongwen was a little uneasy, the big boss would definitely be unhappy when he heard these words.

“It does not matter.

Wu Chen shook his head, Zhu Dongwen was not him, how could he know this situation.

After Jin Jae-sung came out, a man in his thirties, neatly dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked out.

The man’s face was a bit gloomy, typical of a man from the Han country.

He listened to what Kim Jae-sung said, but didn’t say anything.

Immediately behind him, several tall, black-clad bodyguards appeared, who also looked like Han people.

When Kim Jae-sung came out, he didn’t pay attention, just talking to himself.

However, he glanced around and found Wu Chen’s table by the window.

He immediately recognized Wu Chen, who was the young man, and said that he couldn’t let a mouse feces ruin a pot of soup, and then he was thrown into the stinky ditch.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Kim Jae-sung came over immediately.

The man behind him glanced at it, seemed to have thought of something, and followed.

“You idiots… how dare you come to our han country restaurant…

Before he finished speaking, Lu Hei, who was sitting next to him, had already grabbed the teacup on the table at 3.9.

In the cup is barley tea that is not too low.

He threw it directly at Kim Jae-sung and made him sober up.


A loud slap.

Xu Jingwu slapped Jin Zaicheng in the face, pointed at his face and said coldly, “Go away!”

The two stop Jin Zaicheng from bothering Wu Chen.

The man who was walking behind Jin Jae-sung jumped his eyes when he saw this scene.

His face seemed more gloomy.

He walked to Jin Zaicheng’s side and searched Jin Zaicheng directly behind him, acting rudely.

Kim Jae-sung surpassed and almost fell.

The man didn’t turn his head, just looked at him with cold eyes.

at the same time!

His voice rang out, and it was also half-baked, and it was also a Han country accent, and his voice was icy cold.

“He’s mine.

“You beat people like that.”

“is not it?

“A little too much?

ps: ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization

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