Chapter 120 Scratching for customization]

Zhu Dongwen guessed Wu Chen’s identity, but President Xie didn’t introduce it, and he didn’t dare to greet him rashly.

He could guess that the big boss was coming to investigate secretly.

If he exposes it himself, the big boss might get angry at himself.

The first time Zhu Dongwen saw Wu Chen, he still couldn’t understand the big boss’s temper. Even if he guessed it, he didn’t dare to say a word.

At this moment, everyone walked into the last production workshop. After the end of this place, the inspection will end.

Zhu Dongwen breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that he should pass this time.

Who knows, as soon as I walked into this workshop, I heard a woman’s scolding voice.

“I won’t promise you to go to the bar.”

“Please go out.”

“This is not the place you should be.”

Hearing the voice, everyone’s eyes suddenly looked over.

A young girl, looking rather pretty, wearing overalls, probably a female worker in this workshop.

In front of her, stood a somewhat frivolous man in his thirties, and she was scolding him angrily.

And the man didn’t care about the girl’s reprimand, but continued to entangle.

A discerning person sees that this man is harassing the other party.

“How is this going?”

“Who is this man?”

“Is he an employee of the company?”

Xie Qingrong’s face sank.

The company absolutely cannot want such employees.

He originally thought that there was nothing wrong with today’s inspection, but now this scene makes him a little irrelevant.

In a workshop, someone harassed the female worker for such a long time, and no one took care of it.

The most important thing is that this scene was seen by Wu Chen.

What will the big boss think?

“Thank you sir!”

“He is not an employee of the company.

When Zhu Dongwen saw this man, his face was a little bitter, but he seemed helpless.

“Not an employee?!

“Then how can he get into the workshop?”

“How did you become the head of the factory?”

Xie Qingrong asked sternly, and he had to be stern.

The big boss is standing beside him, his face doesn’t seem to be good-looking.

“This person is from the Han country.

“His name is Kim Jae-sung.”

“It’s our big customer Sheng Enxi, the OEM quality inspection specialist.”

Zhu Dongwen wiped the sweat from his forehead and could only explain.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he can’t. He can’t offend the big customer, Sheng Enxi.

Saint Enhee?

Xie Qingrong paused.

Wu Chen was silent all the time. He noticed the expressions of Xie Qingrong and Zhu Dongwen, and guessed that there might be some problems here.

He didn’t know much about the brand, but he didn’t speak.



Wu Chen immediately ordered in his mind.


“The game begins…”

Soon, information about Sheng Enxi kept pouring into his mind.

Shengenxi originated from han and is a leading brand of Korean fashion women’s shoes in the domestic market.

This brand is famous for its fashionable color matching, humanized design for Asian feet, fine leather fabrics, and exquisite craftsmanship.

The fashion products covered by the brand include women’s shoes, handbags, men’s shoes, accessories and so on.

Since Shengenxi women’s shoes entered the domestic market, there are currently more than 600 terminal stores, and it has become a Korean-style women’s shoe brand with an annual sales of over 400,000 pairs in China.

For such a brand, if Zhu Dongwen offends the other party, he may lose the opportunity for OEM cooperation.

Because of this, he can only turn a blind eye to Kim Jae-sung’s harassment of female workers, as long as things don’t get too big.

At this time, that Kim Jae-sung also saw Zhu Dongwen and a group of people come in.

He smiled indifferently and walked over.

“Master Dongwen!

“Why did you come to the workshop?”

“Are these your friends?”

Kim Jae-sung said in a somewhat unfamiliar Mandarin, and it sounded like a han tone.

As he spoke, he looked around.

Then, his eyes lit up and saw Shen Jun who accompanied Wu Chen.

Obviously Shen Xiao is much prettier than the female worker just now.

This “Miss!”

“I’m Kim Jae-sung?

“Don’t know your name?

Jin Zaicheng walked towards Shen Xiao carelessly, a fat pig’s hand stretched out, and he was about to grab Shen Xiao’s hand rudely.

Shen took a step back, avoiding Kim Jae-sung.

“Master Dongwen!

“How is this going?”

“Your friend is not polite?”

Kim Jae-sung is a han person, and he is the quality inspection specialist of Sheng-en-hee, so he doesn’t care about the group of people in front of him at all.

In the depths of his eyes, there is still a trace of contempt for the domestic people.

Such a beautiful woman.

he likes.

Zhu Dongwen had to send the woman into his hands and let him enjoy it.

Zhu Dongwen didn’t dare to speak, and secretly looked at Xie Qingrong.

Anyway, the company president was there, and he listened to Xie Qingrong’s orders.

Xie Qingrong turned his head and looked at Wu Chen again.

In fact, this matter is not easy to solve. If you offend Jin Zaicheng rashly, there is a high possibility of losing Sheng Enxi as a big customer.

But it is possible for him to sacrifice Shen Ye. One is that he can’t do it, and the other is the relationship between the big boss and Shen Jun. He only understands the superficial relationship.

If Shen Ye secretly is the boss’s woman, doing this by himself would be courting death.

He wanted to see Wu Chen’s attitude before making a decision.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Wu Chen knew that he couldn’t stop talking.

“You can’t let a mouse feces ruin a pot of soup.”

He said lightly.

Next, he had to see if Cha could understand his words.

“Who are you?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Who is rat shit?”

Jin Zaicheng didn’t speak when he saw others, but a young man did.

ask for flowers

Although he is still not proficient in Mandarin, he can still hear the meaning of this sentence, and it seems that it is not a good word.

Wu Chen’s expression was indifferent, completely ignoring Kim Jae-sung.

When Xie Qingrong heard this, he already understood what Wu Chen meant.

“Call some security guards in.

He instructed Zhu Dongwen.

Zhu Dongwen nodded without asking why.

Anyway, Mr. Xie lets himself do what he wants, just listen to him.

Now he is more certain, that young man is the big boss!

Without seeing Mr. Xie by his side, he could only be obedient.

Zhu Dongwen took out his mobile phone and said a few words, and soon three security guards walked in.

“Does the factory have drains?”

Xie Qingrong asked when the security guard came in.


“But the drains are dirty and smelly. We call them stinky drains.”

“We don’t usually go there.

Zhu Dongwen nodded quickly.


“You guys.

“Throw him in the stinky gutter.”

“Such a person should take a bath there and wake up.”

Xie Qingrong ordered several security guards.

He could see that Wu Chen didn’t care to offend Sheng Enxi at all.

He is also a wolf, and if he offends him anyway, then he offends him to the end, so that the big boss can be relieved, and the female workers can be relieved.

Several security guards looked at Zhu Dongwen.

“Look at what I do?”

“Do it.”

“Drop him.

Zhu Dongwen immediately said that he actually felt relieved in his heart.

I couldn’t get used to this grandson for a long time.

What you dare not do, you can do for yourself.

Of course!

This is the attitude of the big boss!

In the future, there will be quality inspections sent by the foundry company, and he will know how to do it if he dares to be presumptuous in the factory.

“You dare!

“I am the quality inspection specialist of Shengenxi.”

“I’m from the country of Han, you guys are crazy, you dare to offend me.”

Jin Jae-sung’s face changed, he felt that these people were telling the truth.

Several security guards came over and dragged him away without a word.

Han people?

What about the Han people?

Not good!

“let me go.”

“I’m going to tell St. Grace Company.

“I want you to regret it.”

Jin Zaicheng shouted, and finally was dragged away from the workshop.


Suddenly there were cheers from some female workers outside.

“Throw it down.

“That Kim Jae-seung was thrown into the stinky ditch.”

“Deserved, this bastard, should have done this long ago.”

Voices from outside came in.

At this moment, the female workers in the workshop were working with a smile on their faces.


Seems to be more serious!

Do the work in hand!

ps: ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a share, ask for a custom port,

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